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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy


    With Ming defrosting on the bed.
  2. Shame there isn’t an Ulster Grand Prix. I know a few guys who’d love to ‘take the knee’ for Lewis. Both fucking knees.
  3. Best thing he ever did...leaving Coronation St.
  4. Neil’s been wearing a mask for years when he’s out in the Rascal late at night working. Keeps him safe apparently. He even masks up his number plates too.
  5. In a suite at the Dorchester, found hanging from the door handle with his own silk cravat, the world’s largest truffle from Fortnum and Masons in his mouth, a 2 litre bottle of poppers on the sideboard and Boy George hiding under the bed naked singing ‘Do you really want to hurt me?’
  6. King Billy


    I really would love to see you make a comeback Frank. I just can’t see it happening. If you think it would make you stronger please hurt me more. I can take it. In fact I insist on it.
  7. King Billy


    His parents were obviously thinking the same when they chose the name Winston, just in case he popped out with a suntan and Mrs Churchill’s previous explanations concerning the fridge being full of watermelon for months and the constant smell of ganja in the bedroom weren’t plausible anymore.
  8. King Billy


    When my son was around ten I came home one day and my then missus called me aside and showed me some literature she had found in his school bag. S and M bondage stuff. She asked me what I thought we should do.Without hesitation I replied. ‘I don’t think we should spank him.’
  9. King Billy


    Fuck off Frank. You’re already despised. Hang your head in shame.
  10. King Billy


    Rivers of blood anyone?
  11. I’d like to launch you through the window of whichever charity shop you happened to be living in the doorway of.
  12. King Billy

    My Daddies

    Synchronised bumming.
  13. It’s not a tinfoil hat It’s a crown. Should have gone to Specsavers Mr. McGoo.
  14. Do you still stand by your put down of a post I made about a year ago concerning my belief that the Wuhan Flu virus was very likely to have been an unnatural strain of Corona virus which had been fucked about with and escaped or been deliberately released from the Wuhan Institute laboratory? Perhaps Dr Fauci and the WHO may not have been the best sources of information you seemed to have blind trust in at the time. A conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory until it’s proved to be true. Fuck off.
  15. King Billy


    Catholicism... the gift that keeps on takin. (usually up the bum but sometimes in the gob) ’Thank you Father’
  16. King Billy


    Facebook, Twitter and Google have admitted that they’ve paid her millions of dollars of ‘consultancy fees’ in the last 12 months. Another BLM bigwig who sits on the education board of some shithole Dem run state has stepped down from his position while the Feds are investigating sexual abuse allegations by 62 children. Fucking lowlife disingenuous race baiting scumbags every one of the pondlife cunts. George Floyd was a cunt.
  17. I like Ape DC. It’s this issue alone that I fundamentally disagree with him on. He can call me Captain Tinfoil as much as he wants. It’s cunts corner after all. I have my views and he has his. It’s not personal.
  18. You leftie, liberal, vegan, right on tree huggers aren't in sync with the majority of the population Baws. There must be something you find uncomfortable about these cunts. Get off the fence. LOL.
  19. Apologies Ape if you haven’t been able to fully comprehend what I’ve been saying for the last 16 months regarding the Wuhan virus. So here goes, I’ll try to answer your queries one by one. 1 What benefits are there to creating such a hoax virus? The benefits to the agenda setters at the WHO, the UN, the WEF and the Silicon Valley big tech oligarchs to name just a few of the globalist, climate fear propagandist organisations are that by setting the narrative and controlling the scientific ‘facts’ right from the start which the masses are ‘permitted’ to see and read, and censoring any contradicting views, no matter the qualifications of the person speaking them, the majority of World governments will comply with the prearranged agenda, thereby having democratically elected regimes thinking they’re protecting their citizens while taking away all their civil rights by force and destroying their own economies if necessary. 2 How did the creators of the hoax coax governments all over the world to go along with it? The Covid 19 pandemic is a text book Hegelian Dialectic on a scale never before seen. Problem, Reaction, Solution. Create a problem which threatens humanity. Sit back and watch the natural reaction.... panic and fear. Push the prearranged solution....lockdowns, obedience of whole populations, constant fear propagated by corrupt bought and paid for MSM and a select scientific community funded by a few billionaire philanthropists. Soon the majority of people will believe anything they are told by their governments and turn against their neighbours without questioning their gut feelings. Constant carrot and stick hopes of a return to normality dashed time and time again by a never ending series of setbacks and impending doom. Cashless society, Vaccination status apps, mass surveillance, increased police powers, never ending ‘emergency’ legislation reducing peoples liberties and rights bit by bit so very few people notice until they’re all gone. Do I need to go on Ape? 2 weeks to flatten the curve and save the NHS? We’re in week 60 something of those 2 weeks now. Wake up for fucks sake. You can keep your face Pamper on if you feel you need to, but just wake the fuck up.
  20. As you probably know I’m a weapons grade tinfoil hat cunt according to a few of the sites top epidemiologists and world renowned pandemic experts. (Roops and Ape) so what I’m about to say may or may not be correct. COVID 19 Whatever. I’ll take my chances and even at this late stage of the bullshit I’m quietly confident that it’s been a fucking hoax.
  21. ‘This is the most powerful bread knife in the world. The Victorinox .44 calibre. My mum got it from TK Maxx. Go ahead Blad. Make my day.’
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