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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. He hasn’t finished tucking the monster in yet.
  2. A front row seat at the hanging of Chairman Dan and unlimited top ups of sulphuric acid for my water pistol. Fair dinkum.
  3. Twee? I’m sure I had four or five badges.
  4. Welcome to the ‘New Normal,The Great Reset’. Bill Gates is a cunt.
  5. It would have probably given the club accountant a bigger heart attack than what’s his name who started the whole thing.
  6. Well said Ape. Let’s have none of these tinfoil hatters and their conspiracies. The guy is 29 after all. His ticker can’t be expected to last forever. Do you know if he did any exercise?
  7. Add more shit and keep digging I expect, going by everything he’s done in the past.
  8. Hi Eric. My name is Billy and Im a good boy. Apparently I’m a newbie, but I’ve already been awarded seven badges. I can’t talk anymore as I’ve got spastic school tomorrow and I can’t wait to show off my special new shiny badges. Yippee! ’Mummy I’m finished. Can you come and clean my bum now Mummy.’
  9. I’m flattered that you think I have the mental capability to better myself and ‘come across far more plausible’ if only I’d listen to your advice. Alas that is the last thing on Earth I will ever do. I guess I’ll just have to stay thick thanks.
  10. Does that mean Neil is a naturist?
  11. Food banks are mainly an advertisement for white middle class leftie cunts to virtue signal how morally superior they are and something to boast about at posh dinner parties to their equally disgusting middle class guests.
  12. None of your friends are what? Friends? Fuck them. Who needs cunts like that anyway?
  13. What part of Belfast are you from Ed? Maybe we went to the same school. There’s no way you could have posted this without being closely related to me. Gareth Southgate is a top shelf cunt.
  14. King Billy

    My knees

    I think Withers is probably the man, if man’s the right word to answer any questions concerning inter species disease transmission, with a greater degree of accuracy. No particular reason, I just think he might know a lot about these things.
  15. The electric chair with any luck.
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