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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Maybe they could photoshop the picture so he’s carrying a large knife, that way no one can mistake him for a white person.
  2. I can see the headline in the Daily Sport already. ROLLED UP GUARDIAN FOUND IN KING BILLYS ARSE. No sign of WW2 bomber or double decker bus yet. Other News Frank still a slaphead, insect limbed pretend Greek faggot.
  3. Especially if Neil’s giving her a lift home in the Rascal. Little does she know she’s going to ‘get it’ a lot sooner than she expected.
  4. Apart from Eddie, probably no one.
  5. Box Brownie experimental flash photo or possibly a haemorrhoid instamatic.
  6. Did the council ever get the bench destenched?
  7. Like a pink scooter with a shopping basket on the front. Might have quick ride, but definitely wouldn’t want your mates to know you’d been on it.
  8. Sorry but I can’t say. Official Secrets Act. 👀
  9. Come on Ed? As a well mannered gentleman, are you saying you’ve never plunged the big bamboo into her, glanced down and suddenly realised what a fucking abomination she is and thought, let’s get this over and done with ASAP (before she starts fucking talking and you lose the will to live).
  10. If you do could you buy me a lottery ticket? I’ll PM you the numbers.
  11. I find all this extremely worrying, so I will be hurrying off to my ‘safe space’ immediately until the danger has passed. I will be wearing several masks and scouring the Guardian constantly for the latest orders.
  12. He’s not trans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, non binary, or queer+ so he’s obviously a fascist, Nazi, KKK, white supremacist Trump supporter who’s ‘blacked up’ to increase rice sales. These lefties aren’t stupid. “Come on man”
  13. Occasionally if I’m in the area.
  14. Lewis Hamilton is a whinging black cunt, Jackie Stewart is an old whinging Scottish cunt, Eddie Jordan is a little whinging Irish cunt and David Coulthard is another little Jock cunt but with a head like a shoe box and tight skinny white jeans which only a rent boy would wear. F1 my arse. I’d rather watch Channel 4 news with a rolled up copy of the Guardian up my arse.
  15. The spare wheel is in a pouch on the front and the rear springs are ridiculously over strong.
  16. What the fuck is your problem you stupid fucking arsewipe cunt?
  17. I knew that would happen when I heard he had a terminal illness.
  18. If you’re still lurking around here in December I’m going to find you and ram one of my finest Christmas trees right up your festering arsehole so no one can ever be in any doubt again what a pathetic little fairy you are.
  19. Fuck off Frank. You know you’re finished here.
  20. Have a like Eric even though it won’t show up added to your collection next to your name. I guess that’s just progress in the 21st century. If only I was a bit cleverer I’d be able to understand things a bit more. I never realised how thick I was till Roops kindly pointed it out to me every time she replied to me, and then Frank confirmed it multiple times just in case I wasn’t convinced. You Guys!
  21. Wart you going on about now luv ffs?
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