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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The circumference of his already scrawny neck will be significantly reduced if I ever get the opportunity to lock my hands around it.
  2. In the hospital having his arsehole resleeved. He’s been on the waiting list since the priest decided there was no place for him in the choir anymore and replaced him with a nice young twelve year old with the face of an angel.
  3. No thanks Eric. My girlfriend has one of them and that’s enough at the moment.
  4. Starts with a g and ends with an e. And has oogl in the middle. Hope that clue helps.
  5. She is an absolute fucking cunt though.
  6. Damn you Mrs Roops. I was almost done hurting and now you’ve gone and set me back to square one. If I wasn’t such a thicko I’d have learned my lesson by now. Cant you show a little mercy on account of my utter dumbassness? 😭
  7. Careful now Stubbs. She’s far too busy running the world, google, explaining car suspension, debunking election fraud and Christmas tree sales misinformation, fighting the pandemic, dentistry, PPE supplies, not to mention smartsplaining to the usual thickos and still fits in all her other high flying part time occupations. And she still finds the time to make sure the old boy indoors gets one off the wrist from his gorgeous adoring spouse when she gets home and parks the company Audi Q whatever. If I didn’t know for certain that every word of it was true I’d maybe have a few niggling doubts.
  8. Unfortunately Roops has total control of google now RK. She will now be furiously compiling a stack of replies to your list of searches, all of which will inform you how clever she is, how absolutely thick you are and probably reminding you not to talk to me or any other tinfoil hat wearing weirdo like me ever again. All I can say is, ‘We’re so lucky to have her.’ Things could be so much worse (possibly).
  9. Chicken shit Motherfuck. Give me a black baby bad boy.
  10. I’m not sure why anyone would be even slightly puzzled by a thick little skinny ugly cunt becoming a thick little fat ugly cunt a few years later? Maybe it’s the beard? The flip flops aren’t really relevant. They would just make it quicker and there would be less screaming before his big toe was removed with the heavy duty bolt cutters. ’There now Pete. That wasn’t so bad was it? Just nine more to go and then we can have those shorts off and get to work on the main event.’
  11. Fuck it Erika. I’ve got a big hairy snatch too. There I’ve said it. You’re the only one I trust enough to tell, so keep it to yourself and I’ll PM you a picture of my massive tits.
  12. That would certainly free up thousands of council properties for the deserving hordes of refugees currently forced to live in taxpayer funded hotels, thereby freeing up thousands of hotel rooms for thousands more refugees to put on their Armani suits, charge up their iphone 12s, hop in their dinghys and attempt the treacherous 30ft sailing from Calais beach to the U.K. Border Farce cutter waiting to pick them up and take them to Dover and a new start complaining about every aspect of British life, which of course they will be gifted free of charge. At least these poor unfortunate wretches aren’t being forced to live in disgusting former army barracks any more. I’m sure that when our leaders are happy that all these people have been given every luxury they demand and run out of things to complain about, they will quietly ignore the ex servicemen with PTSD living in doorways and the serving soldiers shacked up in identical barracks and pat themselves on the backs for their great work and patriotism. Cunts.
  13. I am Agent Orange but that’s all Im allowed to say about it. And that’s a fact, so it is, so I am, etc. etc.
  14. And just to stop any accusations of homo phobia...Mein Camp. The early days of the Turd Reich. Also Shitzkrieg and the Pansy tank mincer movement explained by Joseph Gerbils and Helmut Brown. Free arselick capsule with every copy.
  15. Pound coin? 50p? 20p? Who’s 10p is this?
  16. It only had a three year run, then the sales figures tanked. Joe Stalin found it hilarious. His ‘Gulag Girls’ calendar was a No.1 bestseller long after Adolfs ‘Auschwitz Wives’ went up the chimney in a puff of smoke forever.
  17. Benjy Netanyahu is currently between positions I believe. He may be slightly over qualified but no one knows how to get the yid army on the march better than him. It’s not rocket science is it?
  18. “So Mr. Panzernacker, what was it that attracted you to the future Mrs. Panz when you first saw her ‘Plenty of fish’ photo?” ’Aw come on now, who could resist such a gorgeous girl? And the wellies and wheelbarrow were a deal clincher for me.’
  19. Or spell polling correctly.😂
  20. I reckon he’s had a few problems visiting the library in the past.
  21. There’s no doubt he had a few issues but he never gets any credit for his many achievements, such as pioneering the ‘all inclusive holiday’ you’ve just mentioned.
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