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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I fully agree as I’ve also been guilty of the same behaviour. I think I was unconsciously reacting to a similar upbringing as yourself DC and just wanted my daughter to not want for anything. Fortunately she’s turned out a lot better than most of her generation, in that she’s not at all into materialistic consumer goods or self promoting herself on social media, despite 4 years leftwing indoctrination at university and another year to get her masters. She’s very much a gobby, opinionated fucker though which I admire. Her opinions are invariably the polar opposite of mine and she has totally adopted the leftie method of debate. ie complete refusal to discuss anything which she disagrees with. Her boyfriend, who I like very much is however unaware of what he’s let himself in for, as everytime they come to stay I notice she’s turning more and more into her mum, who fortunately hates me so I don’t ever have to speak to her. Progress eh.
  2. Ease them out of the family gently, one by one DC. Actually two at a time, starting with the mixed race twins, then give it about ten minutes and tell the ginger cunt who looks exactly like your next door neighbour, and the other one that the milkman always stares at to fuck off or else. I dropped all mine off in a cardboard box on Dr. Barnardos doorstep on the way home from the hospital. New SIM card as soon as I got back home and I’ve never had any problems at all.
  3. M and S have just launched a range of George Floyd inspired underwear for men and women. Not even joking. We’re fucked I fear.
  4. ‘The sash my father wore’ should be compulsory at all U.K. school assemblies, as should bowler hats for the pupils. Sikhs could be allowed to wear a bowler shaped towel or fuck off back to Sikhland after six of the best. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  5. Thanks for pointing that out. It’s not a big deal though as a large dollop of warm sticky KB juice has hidden the fakery completely. I’ll tell the missus not to wipe that part when she’s doing her chores later.
  6. The anti terrorist Swat team raided a ‘far right’ white supremacist terror base near me recently, shooting dead some evil old cunt in a wheelchair who tried to resist them after they blew the front door off. I can only imagine their embarrassed laughter later when they found out it was a Red Cross charity shop and the deceased old cunt was a 98 year old Dunkirk hero. LOL.
  7. Q. If Delroy impregnates 6 women and 2 of them have twins, how many children will he have to support till they’re 16? A. None, but he will still pop round and fuck the mothers occasionally if he’s not in jail. Maths...fucking simple.
  8. Those land mines are a cunt. The dog must be wondering why her flip flops aren’t there anymore.
  9. Can you PM me the link please? For a friend obviously.
  10. Aww. So cute. I bet she’ll play for Sunderland Ladies FC one day. Or have twelve hideous thicko kids and live happily ever after on Universal Credit till she has a massive fatal coronary aged about 32.
  11. The left hand side of what passes as politics nowadays are so savagely feral that no trace of irony, or memory of their own past behaviour exists inside their pink or purple dyed pig ugly skulls. Anyone they perceive to have farted 1 degree to the right of centre ever is accused, tried, convicted and sent to Coventry at the click of a twitter or Facebook post. And God help anyone who dares question it. “Off to the gulag you racist, fascist.......” (insert whichever ‘ist’ springs to mind first).
  12. The new CEO I talked about earlier also made a point of the fact that everything they sell from now on will be available up to size XXXXXL. I can’t even imagine the changing rooms ffs. I keep getting an image in my head of 2 Boeing 757 aircraft hangers knocked into one, with an enormous pair of buttocks struggling to squeeze in through the shutters. FAT LIVES MATTER
  13. King Billy


    Excellent. Wait till Her Majesty sees this. Andrew probably has it in his phone anyway so she may already have.
  14. King Billy


    Ed. Roops and Frank have both been horrible to me recently, calling me a thicko and worse. It’s starting to affect my mental health. You’re my last hope. Are they an item now?
  15. Meghan Rapino the slush puppy haired, lesbian, SJW captain of the USA wimmins World Cup winning ‘soccer’ team who’s been whining on for the last couple of years how wimmins soccer players must be paid equally to men, because they’re just as good as the evil patriarchal males has dropped that line of argument recently for some unexplained reason. Shortly after her team of lezzer man beasts were thrashed by a team of 15 year old Male high school players to be precise. She decided to devote her energies to more important issues and last week was all over the media promoting lingerie chain ‘Victoria’s Secrets’ new agenda. Their new boss suddenly sacked their ‘Angels’, a group of well fuckable models and announced that the company had ‘for too long concentrated on what men want and would now be concentrating on what women want.’ Fat lezzers, trannies with stubble, and mincing poofs with worn out arseholes apparently is the new business model. Unfortunately Ms Rapino who for years has been savage on twitter cancelling her perceived enemies for the slightest wrong comment, no matter how far back in history has now had some long deleted twitter posts in which she mocks Asians come to light. The mob are now baying for her blood LOL Ditto Billy Eilish another goddess of the millennial SJW cult, never shy to shout her gob off about Trump and others and bask in the glory from the morons who adore her. Sorry adored, past tense as exactly the same thing has happened to this piece of shit today too. Racist twitter posts from the past surfacing. Oh dear. Don't worry girls. Wash that fucking Koolade out of your hair and shut the fuck up. No one is going to know who the fuck you are, you pair of insignificant, talentless little slags.
  16. Immaculate conception and magnificent delivery.
  17. King Billy


    Professor LiliBet I presume?
  18. Good evening ChildeHarold.
  19. Apparently you’re a female, which seems to earn you some sort of immunity for your absolute fucking stupidity, according to some equally fucking stupid cunts on here. Having given this some serious thought I’ve come to the conclusion that you should kill yourself immediately to allow more time for reflection. Fuck off.
  20. I’m convinced it’s an A I prototype, shat out of a 3D printer at google HQ and being road tested on cunts corner to see if it can conquer the thickos and numbskulls with its vastly superior knowledge of all things google. I think maybe they’ve got the artificial/intelligence balance massively wrong. (around 99/1) but then I’m a thicko so wtf would I know?
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