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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Twelve times in around 15 seconds? Anything quicker would have to be filed in the ‘premature’ category. Anything slower would be a cause for concern let’s say.
  2. And here comes the smokescreen for the MSM, over the hill just in the nick of time like John Wayne and the cavalry...Rat Mancock resigns. MSM memo to all fake news journos. Protest? Never mind that. The Right Honourable Matt Hancock has resigned and has asked for privacy to spend some time with his special needs carer and his colouring in book and crayons. Like anyone gives a fuck.
  3. Ape. I’ve been into London again today for the anti lockdown protest. There were even more people there today. Some estimates of at least half a million in attendance, which Roops will no doubt correct to around 8000 if her previous adjudication of 7000 last month is any sort of guide. Hopefully the fake news media will at least have it as more than a thousand this time. If you would like to form your own opinion perhaps, then look on you tube. Hugo Talks Some More. The video title is WOW! Best Aerial Footage........ Stay Alert Wear your mask Grab a jab Watch our for the Vagina variant, first discovered in Cunts Corner.
  4. Ive never seen one but I just googled them and they look interesting. The only thing I’d be worried about, as they’re Italian, would be a white flag appearing from the barrel when I pulled the trigger.
  5. The first shotgun I ever fired was a Remington pump action which my old mans best mate owned. It used to hold five or six under the barrel and one in the breech. It was a thing of amazing beauty to me as a twelve year old kid, but I remember it used to jam up regularly and take ten minutes at least to sort out. But good memories.
  6. Mayor Bill di Blasio, possibly the wokest, most disgusting cunt to ever exist has immediately decried it to be an outrageous and dangerous ‘hate’ crime and 150+ FBI agents have been put to work to bring the perp to justice. This in the same week that more than 250 rioters and looters have had all charges dropped by NYC prosecutors for their actions(all backed up with video evidence) last summer during the ‘BLM/Antifa‘ peaceful protests’ which caused approx 1 billion dollars damage and left at least 10 people dead, and that’s just in NYC. Anyway, I thought statues were a fair target? I can’t keeo up with the rules nowadays.
  7. Kept bleating in the BB house that he was really worried his parents would be watching and find out that he was a bender, until some other cunt in there broke the news to him that they probably had their suspicions already. Fucking mincing attention seeking arse addict.
  8. Space is all shit. No atmosphere.
  9. I can only get BBC2 on my tele.
  10. Rockets, space ships and moon buggies my arse. I’m sure you all know by now that conspiracy theories aren’t my bag, so if NASA really sent Armstrong and the other actors to the moon (Buzz Aldrin/ Buzz Lightyear) ffs 😂, how the fuck could ET fly off home in a basket on the front of Drew Barrymores bike? Anyone?
  11. I’ll take that as your best attempt at a yes then.
  12. On the end of his matchstick thin maggot probably.
  13. How would you compare your experience of Grenfell to your experience of the Great Fire of London? Or had your dementia already taken hold in 1666?
  14. It was found on the barbecue behind a couple of hedgehogs and a stillborn baby. Case closed.
  15. Some Greek tart called Medusa
  16. If you look closely Eddie is at the back. The guy who looks like Dianne Abbot, holding up the ‘ROOPS I DID IT AGAIN!’ placard.
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