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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Sorry but your wrong. According to the ONS more people died ‘from or with Covid 19’ in one day in January than the total deaths registered similarly from 1st April until now. This shit is over and the cunts who’ve overseen the carnage and destruction of the country are spinning around trying to work out an exit plan and who can be thrown under the bus as a sacrifice. Hancock found himself at the head of the queue and lots more will follow to make sure Bojo emerges relatively in the clear.
  2. I notice you haven’t corrected me on the size of the anti lockdown protest on Saturday unlike your sanctimonious nonsense 4 weeks ago, even though I attended both protests. Or are you too much of a cunt to admit you were wrong last time? Could it be that you're never wrong or I’m never right? Stick to your little hunt saboteur Sunday morning crusty get togethers. Our freedoms are slightly more important than your virtue signalling Basil Brush hugging crap. (IMO)
  3. YouTube.... Ivor Cummins ’Brilliant and Educational! What’s up with the Great Reset? Parts 1 and 2
  4. He’s still a fucking disgrace though. He’s let everyone down, mostly himself. Boat or no fucking boat.
  5. I’m not an expert but I don’t think the Fuhrer would have been altogether pleased with this sort of carry on in the Fatherland. I might be wrong.
  6. Prepare your arsehole DC. Fill your pockets with as much fisting butter as you can. Send me a visiting order and say hello to Spunkape for me if you bump into him.
  7. He had to call them back as they were about to drive off. The cunt is a fucking disgrace. Hopefully his next terminal illness will be real, unlike his designer wardrobe and ocean going yacht.
  8. It’s the cybermen I feel sorry for Stubbers. The non binary cyberpeople of colour doesn’t sound as scary. Probably their intergalactic silver privelege or some bollocks that’s just been made up but can’t be questioned.
  9. If she is it will be because of slavery and stuff and our white privelege and all the racist statues and Brexit and loads of other stuff which is basically the same stuff that used to be known as total fucking bullshit. I hope Dr. Shipmans daughter has got hold of a nurses uniform on ebay and hidden under the cunts bed till the real nurses go outside for a fag or to practice their latest LGBTQ+ or- fucking tiktok load of shite for the clapping seals laying around doing fuck all in Acacia Avenue on 80% wages and Zoom calling Jeremy Vine to moan about how there’s not enough cycle lanes and they saw someone out without a mask on earlier. Cunts.
  10. What’s the latest Eastenders gossip? Just asking in case I suddenly shit my brain out of my arse and flush the bog before I’ve realised.
  11. Channel 4 News have described it as a tragic accident where she unintentionally head butted a ‘mostly peaceful bullet’.
  12. As this thread was about jib jabs originally, if I’m not mistaken. India has recently approved hydroxychloriquine for all citizens as a preventive measure for Covid 19. Ivermectin which has shown good results in preventing the infection and spread of Covid 19 is still not approved by most countries. The weird thing is that both these drugs have been used billions of times all over the world with no major side effects in the past. Another thing they have in common is that they’re both out of patent and therefore cost next to nothing, so no big profits for big pharma, unlike the range of vaccines developed and patented by big pharma, with huge profits to come (AZ excepted). Merck the company which first manufactured and owned the patent for Ivermectin which sold in billions for years, strangely started to cast doubts on its safety last year when a lot of doctors were talking about its effectiveness against the coof. ‘Kerching!!’ Ive written this post without the aid of my tinfoil hat so that’s shit on your chips any of you mockers and mask wankers. Fuck Off.
  13. You’d think the pair of daft cunts would have heard the whistling and refrained from their nonsense.
  14. Not taking it up the arse is much more likely to get you noticed nowadays in luvvie land.
  15. I’d really like to attend your funeral. Any day this week would be great.
  16. Frank’s been doing this for years but he doesn’t get paid for it.
  17. Silence you stupid oaf. Donald J Trump is about to come onto the stage. 🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 MAGA 🇱🇷
  18. Arabs rarely drive Volvos at 10 MPH everywhere, so they’re easily distinguishable to the trained eye.
  19. In his mouth from Michael Gove, before Bojo had a huge dump on his face and his new bird fucked off back to her idiot husband to apologise.
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