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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I don’t shop in Aldi. Their premium caviar tastes like frogspawn.
  2. I didn’t know that. Probably because I prefer hearing things that are interesting.
  3. Usually in the gents at golf clubs in Cheshire.
  4. It’s not invisible. Ffs DC pay attention. It’s imaginary. If it was invisible how the fuck would I know where I’ve parked it?
  5. The word ‘infestation’ springs to mind for some reason.
  6. ‘Merv Griffin! You’re the Elevator Killer?’
  7. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. GB News, Talk Radio and many others have reported on the huge numbers at the protest. Estimating from 100,000 to 400,000. Richard Tice chartered a helicopter to film it, as he knew like everyone else that the Fakestream media would ignore it as always. The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation have their heads so far up theirs own arses that they appear to have not been aware lol of at least 10,000 protestors outside their headquarters in Regent St. plastering the outside of the building with thousands of sticky messages. A quick search on Youtube will bring up scores of videos, if you really are interested in letting your eyes tell you how large the event was. Then again you’ve already said there were 15 to 18K and I know by now that the chances of you ever ever ever correcting yourself are.....extremely unlikely, to say the least. Fuck Off.
  8. Octopi have nine brains. Makes Dr. Ufffuhhhrrr look a bit of a cunt. Don’t you think?
  9. Thanks Eric. I like knives, crossbows and catapults too. And before Roops jumps in with the micro penis syndrome theory, I can honestly say I’ve got a fucking whopper. I’ve just always liked guns. I realise that’s not as cool and fashionable as wearing a skirt and taking it up the arse nowadays but hey ho. If people don’t like it I can always fucking shoot them. Cunts.
  10. So the Indian Bar Association serving a legal notice on the WHO’s Chief Scientist Soumya Sominathan last month requiring the WHO to provide a documented explanation for their worldwide recommendation not to use Ivermectin for Covid 19 except within clinical trials, quoting safety concerns. And then Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine suddenly got removed from the Indian governments official recommended list of Covid prophylactics and treatments, of which they had been at the top for many months, just at the same time as the government was in negotiations with big pharma to buy billions of vaccinations, and as soon as they rolled over and said sorry the vaccine contracts appeared as if from nowhere. Has there ever been any similar example in history of a disease which the powers that be and the all powerful media have censored and shut down any discussion or debate around any possible treatments or cure, pushing one, the jib jab as the only solution? Science especially medicine has always been about trial and error. Not any more it seems. Bill Gates is a cunt.
  11. ‘I’ve got a nine Anne.’ DESTROYED ‘And you can stick your fucking teapot and dictionary up your arse. Goodbye.’
  12. Probably too fucking stingy.
  13. She’ll be picking his carcass as we speak, in her secret lair.
  14. Eric. In common with the majority of yanks and yourself unless I’ve got you wrong, I like guns. Guns r good. Keep the fuck away from my guns. Touch my guns and we both ain’t gonna be fucking happy boy. And just so’s ya know I’ve got a shitload more guns anyway.
  15. That 65” smart TV I bought from you outside in the car park appears to have been wrongly packed at the Bang and Olufsen factory Gypps. The stupid cunts have only gone and put two pieces of plasterboard in the box instead of the tele. Lovely box though. I’ll meet you back there next Saturday to sort it out. Oh and could you bring a couple more with you. Cash of course.
  16. ‘Well you wouldn’t want a bloody cold one mate’ ‘Strewth!’
  17. Sadly Stubbs, with this comment you’re showing how little you understand about the real problems in the US right now, which will one way or the other affect the entire world, depending on the outcome. Without the US as the global police force how do you think the U.K. and most other western countries will fare going forward?
  18. The majority of large cities in the US are democrat party run shitholes, with mainly black and minority populations. They also happen to have two things in common. The strictest gun laws in the country and the highest crime rates in the country. Violent crime in the US is NOT due to the constitutional right to own firearms. The vast majority of gun crime is carried out by black cunts using unlicensed illegal handguns, not law abiding white gun owners. The whole 2nd amendment debate is nothing more than distraction to hide the lawlessness of decades of liberal rule in the majority of what were once great cities and are now cesspits of humanity. The simple fact is unfortunately that these millions of voters cannot or will not vote out the very people who prolong their misery year after year with empty promises and deliver fuck all once elected.
  20. I left school when I was six. Sometimes I look back and think I might have peaked too soon.
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