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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. When all this is over? Wake up Ape. It’s only just begun. The goalposts haven’t even warmed up yet. Soon they’ll be moving so quick your mask will be blowing around in the crosswind. Don’t worry though I won’t tell you I told you so, even though I did. MANY TIMES.
  2. King Billy


    The more the better.
  3. All these mask wankers might want to take a look at this interesting YouTube video posted today. The channel is Ivor Cummins. Title: FINALLY a Clinical Trial on Facemasks in Children-Parents Take Note! I bet if Myra Hindley and Ian Brady were to have had children even they wouldn’t have been evil and cruel enough to put masks on them.
  4. Careful Eric. This sounds a bit like a sort of, what’s the term I’m looking for here? Oh yeah, a conspiracy theory, that’s it. If Roops gets wind of it she may well call you a mug and a liar too. She knows about these things. LOL.
  5. Of course. Just give me a minute to find my shiny silver MAGA hat. We can walk down to the vets. I’ve booked you in for your Covid jab. Good boy.
  6. People are discarding masks as if they’re rubbish........ Hang on a minute?
  7. Nothing you’ve been told by the fake news media and the criminal gang of politicians and ‘scientists’ is true ffs. Believe none of it. The Mirror is today reporting that Labour are urging ministers to mandate vaccinating cats and dogs, once all adults and the forced injecting of children are completed. These cunts are fucking paralytic drunk on the power they’ve got used to since last March. They aren’t giving it up anytime soon. Agreeing to anything these evil cunts tell you to do makes you part of the problem and If you refuse to see that then you don’t deserve to be a free human being. ‘Please Sir. Can I have some more?’ ’More what?’ ‘More rules please Sir’
  8. I don’t suppose you get to meet that many people under the bed Ape, or do you mean when you venture out to the bathroom once a week to wring out your pissdrenched panties? BE ALERT (Your country needs lerts)
  9. Don’t let me catch you posting stuff like this ever again WC. I do the conspiracy theories around here. Ask the ginger moderwanker.
  10. I don’t say I’m exempt, in fact I don’t say fuck all if I’m challenged, which seems to not happen anymore anyway. When this face nappy bollocks became a thing I would tell anyone who thought it their business to demand why I wasn’t masked up to fuck off and mind their own business, or my favourite ‘because I’m not a cunt like you’, but now I just say fuck all and act like I can’t hear them. Ive noticed a lot more people maskless in shops and other business premises recently. I suppose it’s a start but I can’t believe what a gutless bunch of fucking sheep the majority of the normies are.
  11. Surely you must realise it’s time to tuck your ego inside your Tena pants and do the walk of shame, double masked, hands sanitized and have a long hard talk with yourself under the bed till the sirens go off to let you know it’s all been a scam. STAY SAFE FUCK OFF
  12. No Ape or I’d believe the same propaganda as you. I’m still struggling to understand why I’ve never worn a mask, nor had the prick, took no notice of the bullshit Covid rules for almost a year and a half and I’m not dead yet? Science eh?
  13. King Billy


    Brazil or Cameroon.
  14. King Billy


    The pride, excuse the pun, I was filled with when I saw Barry Jane the England captain stride onto the Wembley pitch with those tight Kylie style hot pants and his/her/its rainbow bender armband sparkling in the floodlights almost made me come in my leapordskin panties. I managed to control myself but the taking of the knee was just too much and unfortunately I missed the game as I was almost 2 hours in the bathroom cleaning up the mess down below. Who won anyway?
  15. You forgot to mention that his arse tastes good on the tip of your tongue.
  16. Stickers and Meghan Markle have never been seen together. Coincidence?
  17. Being ignored is the absolute best Frank could ever hope for. The cunts a fucking disgrace.
  18. Why? I like you. I get the feeling you take it up the wrongun on the first date. Im free tomorrow night by the way.
  19. Which of your bodyparts would you say most resembles an enormous conger eel?
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