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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. If the greasy little cunts car exploded in a ball of flames I’d try not to cheer, but I don’t think I’d be able to stop myself booing when the fire engine showed up.
  2. Hitler would have been so proud of them. If only Winston had known how fragile they were in 1939. He could have phoned the Polish President and let him know the master race would do an instant U turn and scuttle off back to Berlin if they chucked a banana at the lead Panzer tank and shouted a few monkey chants in their direction.
  3. It’ll drop down to the seasonal norm of -25 once the bonfires stop smouldering. I wouldn’t advise a camping holiday Gypps. Too much unexploded shit buried all over the countryside when the boyos were too pissed to ever find again.
  4. 5.6 million and growing in 2019 actually, + or - 3 yet to be determined.
  5. Melbourne and Sydney back into the hardest of lockdowns again I see Doc. I guess there’s no alternative when you’ve got 3 new confirmed cases running wild through the 6m population in Melbourne. When exactly do you think the Aussies lost their arsehole? Wake up ffs.
  6. She definitely sounds like a keeper to me. Keeper locked in the basement I mean. They love it after a while.
  7. You might want to plant a load of cotton in the back garden Stubbs. This time next year the crop will be picked and neatly stacked in the shed, ready for market. In fact poor Ed will understand when you tell him there’s simply no room for him in the shed any more, due to the bumper crop and his surprising skill as a picker. You can take him to the market too, (attached to a rope and trotting behind the car) and hopefully get a decent price for him. Kerching!!
  8. If you keep upping your game like this Frank, you’ll soon be arguably the second worst on here. Well done.
  9. DC. Did you read this before you let Frank post it? What’s the cheesestring legged cunt got on you?
  10. King Billy

    Sajid Javid

    A couple of days ago 1.2 million tests carried out in the UK. Same day 1.1 million tests carried out in the entire EU. If I had my tinfoil hat on I’d probably jump to some wild conclusion about the high number of new cases in the U.K. the MSM fearporn spreaders are obsessed with 24/7
  11. I won’t dispute anything you say because the facts you’re stating will probably be considered as dubious by some people (not me) due to their unfounded perception of Australia as a desolate sunbaked wilderness, inhabited only by Abo savages and gangs of descendants of deported lawless criminals. Obviously you and I know that’s ridiculous but whose going to listen to us?
  12. At that time of the morning Eric? I can’t lie to you. I’d had a couple of dry sherries and a babycham spritzer. I was all over the place. Yours sincerely King Billy.
  13. One of my employees used to offer a very similar service to that for a few clients whose wives apparently didn’t understand them. I told her I was fine with it, as long as none of the cunts cocked their leg up against the furniture or shit on the carpet.
  14. Correct. As the sites accredited conspiracy theorist I’d like to point out that I have been attempting to draw attention to this irreversible power grab from the people by surprisingly authoritarian governments in many many countries which have always been the role models and guardians of democracy, for more than a year now. But as expected the clever cunts didn’t listen, because they’re clever and know best about everything. See you all in hell cunts. Lol.
  15. Really? Australias various States have been in and out of the most draconian lockdowns since last March. Curfews, police brutality, interstate borders closed for months, blatant government corruption and incompetence causing thousands of avoidable deaths on a scale that would make Bozo look like a pandemic genius. If you don’t believe me because you’ve been told regularly by the cunts on Sky News or BBC or C4 how great Australia has done, spend a couple of hours online and see the real facts. Or better still ask Southerncunt. And while you’re at it check out old Donkey Face Jacinda Aherne, the gold standard of world leaders as our leftie liberal fake News liars keep repeating to the eager sheep in the U.K. Have a listen to what she said today to the NZ public. It’s all over the internet but not a word on the usual fakestream arsehole news channels over here. Sinister shit? 1984? Ministry of truth?
  16. Mary did it Officer. She hated those kids.
  17. I first saw this a couple of days ago on two or three American Youtube sites. I’ve yet to see any U.K. media actually bring it to the attention of the public, apart from a couple burying it so far down their websites that very few people will ever see it. That covers their arses (unlike the deviant cunt who is the subject of the piece) against any future criticism by the whateverphobic bigots who might dare to question why they’ve ignored this fucking demonic shite and hidden it from the public. Its almost as if they hide shit like this deliberately and they have some sort of agenda, but that’s obviously ridiculous. Lol
  18. They’ll be taking lots of knee I’m sure. Fanny. The fat, ugly, cock swerving, dungaree wearing, gender hybrid man beasts. Fucking things.
  19. Macron two days ago announced to the nation that from 1st Aug. the non vaccinated will not be allowed in bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, many retail premises, flights, trains, buses etc etc etc. He also said that the government were considering compulsory vaccinations for all adults. Tens of thousands of frogs who appear to be slightly concerned about these steps have been rioting in various cities across France for what is now the third night. The media appear to have not noticed this happening, just as the fake news cunts in this country missed all the massive anti lockdown protests in London. Tinfoil hat anyone?
  20. I assume you’ve kept the box so you’ll at least get double what you paid for it tomorrow.
  21. Reported for ©️ infringement. See you in court.
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