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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’ve googled it and I’m really worried Ape. It started this afternoon around 3, although tbh I’m feeling much better now, so it may be the 24hr Long Covid Variant. The Variant first discovered in Clownworld. My sense of smell has just come back too. It’s the first time I’ve ever been glad I’ve shit my pants.
  2. Ape I think I may have Long Covid. Do you think it’s too late for me to start masking up?
  3. Yes, thank you Adonis. My usual table by the gents if you don’t mind, and I’ll have one of those cocktails I had last time with a bamboo umbrella and a sparkler please.
  4. Give the lad a chance Baws. Stop showing off and boasting.
  5. I’ve got no idea whatsoever what this thread is about as I haven’t read anything except the title. I’m assuming it’s a total pile of shit, so may I suggest you make yourself a DIY hammock from a pair of corduroy flares and elastic braces, or a pair of size 26-30 dungarees belonging to your closest lezzer neighbour and have an early night with a gallon of unleaded and a Zippo. No need to thank me. Keep up the good work and Fuck off.
  6. The BBC have been reporting that the fucking hairy halfwit virgin in Plymouth had apparently googled Donald Trump at least once recently. So there’s the real villain of the piece. Thank fuck for the good old Beeb. Proper old fashioned journalism. It’s a dying profession. Priti Patel should immediately start extradition proceedings and get ‘Orangeman Bad’ in court ASAP. He can’t be allowed to get away with this latest fake news abomination.
  7. Is that your caravan parked by the mound at Marble Arch?
  8. I can’t find any flaws in this whatsoever RK. Everyone should have a gun. It’s just common sense. 99.9999% of gun deaths in the US are not committed by legal gun owners. The highest gun crime figures are in Democrat cities with the toughest gun laws in the country. It’s the lawless duskies in gangs who are the problem, not the vast majority of legal gun owners.
  9. I bet no one has ever called you ‘Dickless’.
  10. Well said Panzy. One thing that never changes is the Irish old fashioned common sense when it comes to anything gun related.
  11. Have you heard something?
  12. Don’t hold your breath. It ain’t happening, and if it does, years from now the poison jab will have seen you off long before that day comes. How does it feel to have volunteered for the cull?
  13. Marcus Birks.... featured on BBC News nationwide in the last couple of days. Lying in hospital, oxygen mask on and bleating about his vaccine scepticism until he caught Covid, and urging everyone to get jabbed. Actor and reality TV gimp. The BBC didn’t see fit to mention that. Matthew Roche.... another sceptic who fell ill and realised how stupid he’d been and saw the light. Actor and paid schill. Paul Godfrey.....ditto. Anyone see a pattern emerging here?
  14. He’s got the cock for it.
  15. She actually signed it a month ago but attempted to bury it under other crap and it only became public knowledge yesterday.
  16. The Governor of the State of Oregon, Kate Brown (Democrat), yesterday signed into state law a decree that students be allowed to graduate without proof that they can read or write or do math. When asked why? by an obviously right wing, white supremacist journalist, she refused to comment. Marvellous.
  17. I bet you say that to all the thickos. 😍
  18. You may have noticed I didn’t mention that Id also lost my sense of smell Withers. I didn’t want to tempt fate in case it returned. That would definitely be the end of the aforementioned plan.
  19. That makes me a couple of inches shorter than your massive cock then?
  20. Shut up you pathetic old fossil. The only thing interesting about you is your disgusting behaviour with large flying birds. Fuck off.
  21. Stop picking on me. I’m not feeling great at the moment. I’ve got a high temperature, terrible cough and my fillet steak this lunchtime tasted like cardboard. If you stop calling me a thicko etc. etc. etc. I’ll give you one up the wrongun while I’m still able and at least one of us will have got what they wanted.
  22. She’s had the hots for me for a long time, but I’m a very busy man Neil. I’m not saying it’ll never happen though.
  23. Wasn’t that the same guy who prayed every Saturday at the synagogue, pleading with God to help him win the lottery. After a year without a win God spoke to him and said..’Even I can’t make it happen unless you buy a fucking ticket.’
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