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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Stop picking on me. Just because you’ve got a bigger cock than me (and 99.9% of all other men) doesn’t make you more attractive to the opposite sex. By the way, what would you consider to be the opposite sex to you?
  2. They’re the ones we’re gonna send over to kick your sorry arses again. We’ve had enough experience over the years to know that we don’t need to deploy our able bodied fighting men to keep you bogtrotters under the boot. In reality your own government have got that down to a fine art anyway. 😂
  3. He could have been a great dad one day. At least he could never be accused of ‘firing blanks’.
  4. They could just make it a condition when buying a gun that you have to bring your girlfriend with you.
  5. ‘Is that a massive drone down your trousers, or are you just pleased to see me?’
  6. Especially in female Olympic weightlifting.
  7. I can’t find any information on how the Covid vaccination program is going in Afghanistan. Haven’t these savages heard about the Delta variant? And none of the Taliban appear to be wearing masks in the news reports I've seen. Don’t they care if they kill granny?
  8. Post the whole picture you daddy long legged spastic. Or at least tell us who’s balls deep in your dirtbox? Whoever it is probably thinks buying you that half of shandy was a total waste of two quid.
  9. The guardians of our safety and well-being, aka politicians have already been busy making sure the MSM Shills are all ‘on message’ and pumping out the unarguable and inevitable lesson to be learned from this tragedy, which they have all had to deal with, some of them seem to be more distressed than the families and friends of the actual victims they keep referring to. Which Segways perfectly into the solution which unsurprisingly reads something like ‘ban all legally held guns.’ Worldwide, this new dangerous and terrifying Incel terrorist threat is about as frightening as a moist fart. I’d say less than a handful of incidents of insane and sad weird pricks losing the plot and the media creating a narrative around it to keep the fuckwit majority topped up with their fear addiction. All bullshit for the brain dead masses. Plymouth is a total shithole anyway. STAY SAFE WEAR A KEVLAR MASK STOP WANKING FIND A GIRLFRIEND SAVE THE NHS
  10. Will you be getting vaccinated once it’s authorised for the under 12s?
  11. Congratulations. You’ve won a free ticket for the Tate Modern. Your guide for the day is Mr Jonty Bravery. He’ll make sure you're well looked after. Parachutes are not permitted.
  12. It wouldn’t look any different afterwards, possibly slightly better. It might actually give their tourism industry a kickstart. Two weeks in a luxury cave at Bora Bora, all inclusive, mini bar (no alcohol) but as much top grade heroin as you can swallow to sell back in Glasgow.
  13. It must be for purely financial reasons that we’ve pulled out of Afghanistan, and understandably so in my opinion. I mean 1500 retired Gurkhas bleeding the treasury dry and living off the fat of the land with their £20 a month pensions, swanning around like Premiership footballers. There’s only so much the country can afford. I’ve even heard rumours that our lovely ‘dinghy diver’ guests might have to be downgraded to 3 star hotels and be given Samsung smartphones instead of IPads and iPhone 13s if we all don’t pull our socks up, work a bit harder and pay more tax soon. And if I hear about even one of those moaning, entitled soldiers complain that the army barracks which our bearded, peaceloving tourists have kindly vacated for them, albeit slightly fire damaged and shit up the walls, I shall email my local Tory MP and sternly demand the immediate disbanding of the entire British Army. Yours sincerely Outraged from London.
  14. Listening to the shit you come out with all day every day I imagine.
  15. Hugotalks.com ’The first Covid victim/actress that got the ball rolling.’ Interesting.
  16. Me too. I’m already fascinated.
  17. Care to elaborate? Facebook tosser....? I’m on the edge of my seat.
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