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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Given your previously stated hatred for all things British, and especially the British Army Panzybubba, do you have anything to say about 2 Para conducting rescue missions in various locations in Afghanistan to help British and Irish civilians escape almost certain death at the hands of the ‘tallaght band’? Or does your tunnel vision only see the one sided version of history that you and your pals sing about, in a Guinness induced haze, before throwing up and falling asleep in the gutter?
  2. According to Reuters yesterday, the FBI have found no evidence that Donald Trump or any others conspired, plotted or planned in any way the trespass at the Capitol building on Jan.6, the charges levelled at him by the mentally ill democrats and a handful of ‘never trumper’ RINOS in Congress to impeach him for the second time and fail miserably for the second time. This whole fake news story which the MSM across the world propagated, was and still is the stated reason the kid fucking oligarchs of twitter and Facebook to ban the sitting president from their platforms, and attempt to deny his 90 million followers from hearing his views on the fraudulent election fiasco and other matters. Nearly 8 months later and Potato head Joe, the ‘most popular’ President ever is on track to destroy every aspect of normal life for the citizens of the US. The cocksuckers in charge at Silicon Valley have apparently deemed that the Taliban, the Chinese Communist Party, the mad mullahs in Iran, Hezbollah, Little rocket man in N. Korea, Putin, and far too many other despots and demons to list, are fully entitled to use their platforms to spout whatever shite they choose to say. 🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷
  3. As long as she doesn’t look up at the rats and cockroaches just above Frank she’ll be allright.
  4. ‘Diamond White’ is more likely to be a more relevant factor in this story.
  5. A Kevlar cuntmask firmly attached with 9” nails, would have prevented this unfortunate turn of events, but I’ve checked the Covid regulations and the stupid cunt Johnson didn’t think to include that. Probably thinking of how he’d ram one up Carrie without an angle grinder and waking up Rishy next door.
  6. How are the Taliban going to differentiate between the bearded Afghan army and 10 year old primary school boys? The U.K. Home Office can’t.
  7. If you give me your pocket money I’ll only do it once.
  8. Us? Are you pretending to have a friend now? Or do you mean you and your giant cock?
  9. Which explains the fucking state of their wives, the pig ugly cunts.
  10. Reported for doxing my entire family and all my friends.
  11. Is it true that George Best fell of his barstool when the transplant clinic phoned and offered him Drews liver?
  12. I think it’s the future that’s really of more concern in Jockland than whatever the cunts portray as their past. No matter how much I close my eyes and try to imagine the ‘old firm’ derby in 2040 with the stands full of soy boy trannies who’ve been changing gender every couple of weeks since primary school, shouting abuse at each other in a non hateful way and waving their rainbow flags, in between blowing kisses at each other and texting their psychotherapist for help with mental issues, I can’t, as I fear it will be much worse than that. ’IRN BRU. Made in Scotland from kale and soya beans!’
  13. Two geese with the same stiffy. Living the dream.
  14. 🎶’Armoured cars and tanks and guns, came to take away our spuds.’🎶
  15. The fact that Irelands No.1 export is and has always been...its citizens speaks volumes. All around the world you can find Irish expats reminiscing in some filthy drinking den about how great the ‘Old country’ is.
  16. I like your style TF. Very few U.K. mainlanders know much, if anything about Irish history. Most people Ive ever had a conversation with in England about NI, don’t even know that it’s part of the U.K. and don’t care either. Many don’t even realise that EIRE is a separate country.
  17. And a squadron of pigs flying above it. 😂😂😂
  18. Well, we civilised you lot of savages. And taught you to respect your betters. That was good. 😂
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