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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Stubbs is right. Drink drain cleaner then set yourself on fire. You could use that huge cock as a fuse so no-one in the crowd misses you going up.
  2. Stubbs is right. Fuck off.
  3. And them cunts on the Isle of Wight. Fucking Yacht Club cunts.
  4. It’s the second time they’ve had it. They came out of quarantine and one of them said... those boomerangs we were playing with when we caught the virus are probably still infected. We better throw them away.
  5. ‘Eamonn darling, you look really, really ill. Luckily I’ve bought you a new body warmer. You should try it on now. Keep you nice and warm on the way to the undertakers.’
  6. Twelve budgies, but the last one had to stand on one leg.
  7. Eamonn has AIDS? Tragic news but I’m sure they’ve got someone lined up to take his place on ‘This is your life’ though.
  8. I’m not made of money ffs. What with the imaginary M4 to keep in tip-top condition and a roll of tinfoil ever fortnight. I only earn about £200 a year selling dead fir trees Gypps. That might seem a lot of cash to some but I’m a big spender and it just about lasts the year if I’m on one.
  9. What are you on about? I went to the premier of ‘One flew over the cuckoos nest’ recently , and thoroughly enjoyed the popcorn, although it was a bit pricey. Two bob for a large bucket if I remember right.
  10. Spilled more on my tie most nights.
  11. I’m sure I saw you in Langans Brasserie with him, Al Capone, Ned Kelly, Errol Flynn, Rylan, Laurel and Hardy and Jedward a few years ago. You had your arm round Olive from On the buses and Blakey was sitting on his own drinking a half of Bass shandy, crying.
  12. Did you get asked for many autographs or selfies at the popcorn stall?
  13. Does it show George Dubya peeling off his human face at the secret underground Lizard headquarters with Tony ‘chameleon’ Blair and then both of them drinking the blood of sacrificed children? If not, then it’s just more fake news. Sid Slackjaw debunked all that Bitter Lake crap ages ago. Oh and the Taliban are all Freemasons by the way.
  14. I’m off to Budapest next Monday to have my implants in Blakey. You should consider an extraction down below yourself. I’m sure McAlpines or Fitzpatrick Engineering could give you an estimate for the job if they’re not too busy building motorways and flyovers. Fred Dibnah might have tackled it if he were still with us.
  15. 🎶Penny the trannyphant tucked his trunk and off he went to the doctors.🎶
  16. Marriage yes, but every minicab driver and takeaway worker north of Milton Keynes has at least one white girlfriend, after school hours obviously, as educating girls is very important to them. They’re not medieval savages after all.
  17. Jeezus Christ CBB. Calm down. Watch your blood pressure or someone’s going to have to call 911.
  18. As you obviously know as much about US federal elections as you know about keeping your cock tucked away while pretending to be a woman, maybe you should shut up or fuck off. The ‘popular vote’ is a completely meaningless leftie whinge in the US, as the population is hugely concentrated in the major cities all over the country. These cities overwhelmingly vote Democrat, and to add to that the state of California would ensure a perpetual Democrat Whitehouse under a ‘popular vote’ system, a scenario which the founding fathers foresaw when crafting the US constitution and making the electoral college the fair way of ensuring that rural votes counted as much as urban votes. The system has worked well for 200 odd years. It’s only ever the Demtards who cry about it when they lose. It’s all good when they win, or when they cheat like fuck and claim to have won.
  19. I watched Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of 100,000+ in Alabama last night. “Do you know what woke means? It means you’re a loser, because everything woke turns to shit.” Donald J Trump. 22/8/2021 Factcheck that you cunts.
  20. Fair comment at first examination Stubbers, except for one undisputable flaw. As far as poofery goes....ULSTER SAYS NO!
  21. The best grade A fucking dildo to hold the office in modern history. Although President is a more accurate title imo. I don’t subscribe to your generally held consensus Baws because I don’t pay any attention to the fake news media. They have been shown up for their irrational bias time and time again and history will show the facts. It normally does. 🇱🇷 M A G A 🇱🇷 2024 🇱🇷
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