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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. So have I. I remember one night when I had the brasshouse I done them all.
  2. And instead of medals the winners could get a massive teddy bear or a minion or some shit worth about 25p. (Less probably) and have to carry it around the village for a couple of weeks like the fucking morons they are. Unlucky if you’ve got no arms, you can have fuck all.
  3. Roy Butler 23 years old, professional footballer for Waterford FC. Dead 3 days after getting jabbed. Started getting headaches 3 hours after his lifesaving J and J miracle jab and died from bleeding on the brain 3 days later. RTE reported ‘Waterford in mourning after popular young football player dies after short illness.’ Local and national newspapers all strangely printed the same headline, almost word for word. No mention whatsoever of the jibby jabby, until lots of his family and friends started posting the truth on social media, and then the fake news went into damage limitation with the predictable roll out of ‘experts’ who had no connection at all to the deceased but opined that there was no evidence to link the jab to his sudden demise. He is only one of many, many poor cunts pushing up the daisies unnecessarily and covered up by the liars and schills in the media. My decision not to be part of this experiment is one that I don’t regret for a second. Bill Gates is a kidfucking cunt.
  4. I have never watched it, but I’ll have a punt on the midget ‘Tattoo.’
  5. Given the way Australia seems to be on a rapid descent into an authoritarian dystopia Doc, have you given any serious consideration to applying for political asylum in Afghanistan? They've said they need doctors and medical professionals. Sewing hands back on and a bit of genital mutilation wouldn’t take a pro like you long to get the hang of. Before you know it you'd have a couple of chickens and the best goat in the village. And then they’d hang you.
  6. It’s been reported today that Taliban ‘rape squads’ have been going door to door and taking girls as young as ten as sex slaves, or ‘wives’ as they describe them. There are also reports of Taliban having sex with dead bodies. I wonder if the new compassionate Taliban give these children the choice of what order they would prefer to serve Allah? Which effortlessly leads on to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who was asked today on GB News whether he would offer one of the many spare bedrooms in his own house to an Afghan ‘refugee?’ His reply said it all really. ’No, because I have a young family.’ Whatever could he have meant by that?
  7. It’s more ‘KerPlunk’ than ‘Slamdunk’ The Harlem Stumpshufflers.
  8. A smart appointment I reckon, if he’s on commission, as the U.K. is still one of the top manufacturers of the sort of products that Australia will need to buy in large quantities going forward, if their current domestic policies are any indication...riot shields, tear gas, baton rounds, armoured vehicles, firearms, handcuffs, tazers and other assorted kit which all tyrants worth their salt need to keep the peasants under control. Beefy could be onto a winner here. Howzat!
  9. DC. Have you always had the uncontrollable urge to jump on any passing wagon with a band on it? Just asking?
  10. No. Just kill yourself. It’s getting late.
  11. I’m off to Budapest on Monday. I hope it’s still only a 3rd full. I don’t like foreigners.
  12. Your best post ever. 👍
  13. Much better punctuation this time Donkey Dong. You bellend.
  14. Have you pitched this to the management of Southend pier Neil? I think they’d jump at it. If the Price cunts aren’t up for it, any old slapper punched to within an inch of her life, a rented silverback wearing a huge pair of shitty y-fronts and a blow up doll with its face covered in lard would easily pass as the real McCoys.
  15. You’ve been on the soup this morning already, haven’t you?
  16. Your level of stupidity is without equal, so I won’t mention the lack of a question mark or capital D. Idiot.
  17. I see that South Australia are now forcing anyone coming into the state, from abroad or just from another state to put a sign on their front door warning that they may be infected with Covid 19 and encouraging neighbours to report anyone leaving the property. The sort of thing Hitler would loved to have done in the 1930s to the Jews if he’d thought of it...... Sorry, what’s that? He did?
  18. Rather unfortunate for the poor man.
  19. Correct. I was out of interest at ‘Out’ which didn’t come as any surprise to me at all.
  20. Have you heard of the latest craze sweeping the ‘queer’ community? Frankbashing.
  21. Not your grown up children I’d guess. Mainly because people who never existed don’t grow up and can’t come to stay with anyone.
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