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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘Up periscope, Mein Kapitan!’
  2. There must be some reason that the Taliban just don’t seem to fear the Biden administration, but I just can’t put my finger on it. Its almost as if they’re laughing at the yanks. Fucking weird.
  3. That’s the best time to catch her unawares and reveal your true empathetic nature, while helping her out of her clothes and lubing up.
  4. Nothing imaginary about your pecker, is there?
  5. If you were for some strange reason pretending to be a U Boat, do you think your ‘periscope’ would give the game away, due to it being massively too large for the rest of the vessel?
  6. Thalidomide javelin, usually know as darts.
  7. Just tell them all they won. No ones going to care anyway.
  8. As first posts go Eric, I don’t think it bodes well for this one.
  9. That would depend on whether Frank had drained the previous nights afro spunk from his back passage.
  10. Seek help Stubbers. Dressing geese up in sexy lingerie isn’t a normal thought even if Monsieur Withers is the ‘cunt de jour.’
  11. An atrocious act Panz and not just British collusion as you stated, but the Irish police stopped investigating these actions as quickly as the RUC. The UVF didn’t really carry on with these tactics after that. The IRA however did, and to a much greater extent for some 30 years afterwards.
  12. As everyone on here must know by now, I’ve never been a big fan of President Trump.😂 However, It appears that the ‘most popular ever, totally legitimately elected, on top of his game, unite the American people, I’m not Trump, c’mon man’ Commander in Chief of the USA is still snoring, in his piss soaked pyjamas, 7 hours after the good ole bearded boys down in Afghanistan have started blowing up the US Army for fun. Bring back ‘The Donald’ 🇱🇷
  13. Ape’s right. It would be better for all concerned if you simply killed yourself.
  14. Don’t go reporting your massive male organ missing Big Boy. Even the thickest PCSO in his first day on the job would instantly notch up his first ever crime solved, just by lowering his gaze about 2 feet. You'd likely be charged with hiding swollen goods and boring an officer almost to sleep whilst on duty.
  15. 🎶 Do you really want to gas me? 🎶 🎶Do you really want to make me die? 🎶
  16. That’s a fascinating tale from your swashbuckling days riding the rails of Britain. I expect that Hollywood producers are fighting for the rights to turn it into a worldwide blockbuster. There’s a marvellous acting person called Amanda Lepore who I think would be perfect for the role of you, lurking outside the carriage toilets, fiddling with your ticket punching machine, and eavesdropping on the investigation.
  17. Perhaps you could remind me when was the last time that Loyalists killed a baby, if ever? The IRA and other nationalists cornered the market in that a long time ago. And as for religious fanatics, they are few and far between amongst the general population in N.I. Some of the political leaders are fire and brimstone bible thumpers but the troubles were always more about the national sovereignty of the six counties. The fact that the two sides are of different religions, is more a historical fact. Most catholics and Protestants get on perfectly well with each other in Ulster, and have done for years. Christian religions have been on a sharp decline in the developed world for decades.
  18. I bet your saddlebags have had more than their fair share of handling.
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