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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’m sure you could show everybody the post in which I said this? I’m sure you won’t though, because as usual you’re talking out of your enormous bellend. Fuck off.
  2. Yeah. Drilling holes in my jawbone and screwing lots of titanium bits in. I can’t wait.
  3. I’m in Budapest Eric. The cab driver who took me from the airport to the hotel this morning was telling me all about the Hungarian problem they’re currently having with Muslim refugees. It’s a ‘problem ‘ that the U.K. could do with having. Victor Orban, their PM has told the EU to fuck right off , they aren’t taking any. Not one. I love this man. Why can’t we swap Bozo and the daft dancing cunt Gove for him? I’m going to the coldwarpark shooting range tomorrow afternoon, for some serious fun, before three days of pain in my mouth, starting Wednesday morning.
  4. Ape’s right Mildred. You are a mundane, tedious, fucking idiot. Kill yourself.
  5. A black cloud hanging over F1 today for sure. I heard the little marmalade jar cunt whinging the other week about there not being enough blacks in F1 and my first thought was ‘What about Williams F1, founded by Serena and Venuses old man? The spacker in the wheelchair.
  6. I posted about him two weeks ago CBB. Fake news. Would you be interested in buying my first, second, and all future ‘booster’ doses of the miracle jib jab? I really don’t think they’re for me. I’ll throw in an unopened box of face nappies dated March 2020, and a large bottle of hand sanitiser for free mate.
  7. You are Major Cunt and I claim my five pounds. 😂
  8. If the stall was in NSW or Victoria it would never be picked empty, as everyone is still hiding behind their sofas, around 500+ days into the 2020 ‘two week’ lockdown, to stop the spread of the ‘killer virus’ that in reality, is about as deadly to most humans as hay fever is to penguins.
  9. Frank’s dead Ape. But he’ll no doubt make a full recovery again. He’s the best on here apparently.
  10. King Billy

    Downton Abbey

    What most people say after listening to Pen for 5 minutes, or less in most cases.
  11. Turn it in ffs. Going on and on about your gigantic cock all the time. It’s not as if anyone doesn’t believe you’ve got a whopper.
  12. The death wish infecting the publicly funded BBC is truly staggering. Not content with making enemies of the elderly population of the country (who have always been their largest percentage of viewers), by revoking their licence exemptions and threatening them with imprisonment if they don’t pay up, spewing out an unwatchable pile of PC, right on garbage, aimed at the millennial audience who don’t watch any of the shite they offer anyway, they are now engaged in a ‘purge’ style clearout of any employees or ‘talent’ who aren’t deemed to fit the BLM, Extinction Rebellion, LGBTQ+, sausage chomping, fucking freakshow agenda that is apparently the future of civilisation. Jess Yates would be spinning in his grave, if he wasn’t too busy fucking some bird half his age, while Hughie Green was giving his missus one up the wrongun.
  13. Is that a massive torpedo or are you just pleased to see me?
  14. You can’t say ‘Hmmm’ any more. It’s racist.
  15. The BBC have a six part ‘thriller’ starting next week called The Vigil, set mainly on a Royal Navy nuclear submarine, where one of the crew dies in unexplained circumstances. The leading characters, including the captain, the detective sent on board to solve the crime, the British Intelligence top brass, half the crew and even the RN Admiral all have one thing in common. I think I’ve given the game away by mentioning that it’s a BBC production, so no prizes for guessing correctly that they’re all non white BAMEs of course. And the middle class woke cunts in charge of the BBC (overwhelmingly white) wonder why they’re haemorraging licence payers at a never before seen rate, and huge numbers of ordinary people fucking despise them, and would love to see them all dissolved in sulphuric acid.
  16. Reported again. For hate speech. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. I hope you get what you deserve fella.
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