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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Out of likes DC. The real disgrace is that the MSM pretended that the protest never happened, yet they were fawning all over the Extinction Rebellion fucktards 200 yards across the road, as if they had just fallen out of Ghandis arsehole and landed on Nelson Mandelas prunelike bonce.
  2. Park it outside Ape’s house and the bladetips will be like new in the morning. Otherwise sell the cunt for scrap. Nissan Micras are fetching £300 at the moment.
  3. Full marks for upside down reading Bruce.
  4. Sorry. Is this a previously unaired episode of Tenko?
  5. I didn’t know it was your house. Next time I’ll come in the fridge. Sorry.
  6. You’ve got 5 minutes and then you’re reported. So ye are.
  7. King Billy


    Be careful crossing the road with that buggy you vile, childless old tranny. Think of the poor little daschund if you get skittled by a 44 ton arctic late for its delivery slot at Aldi.
  8. King Billy


    Belgium..... where Germans go for a shit.
  9. Say something interesting please or just do the right thing and grow up, after you’ve fucked off obviously.
  10. Are they knee length, purple glitter coloured with LEDs in the heels?
  11. Picasso would be spaffing all over his easel if he read this Neil. Form is temporary, class is permanent Sir. If I were a bird I’d willingly jump in the back of your Rascal and gag myself, even whack myself on the nut with the hammer.
  12. Out of likes scotty. One thing that no one can deny though is that he’s the gift that never stops giving. If he wasn’t such a cockmonster he’d be a useful benchmark for the worst on here. I forgot that Frank exists, which sort of negates that argument though.
  13. Remember the good old days Eric when Doc Martens were the footwear of choice of skinheads, (before the snowflake, vegan mob hijacked them), and the ‘air wear’ logo could be clearly seen imprinted on the face of most curry lovers in every high st. The Stone Island brigade have priced most hooligans out of the game. It’s a sad state of affairs when a good intentioned thug can’t afford the approved kit, and knows that if he ventures out with a snide Wembley market outfit on, he’ll probably get a worse kicking than the actual enemy.
  14. A badge of honour is more my way of looking at it scotty.
  15. I bet you’ve heard that said to you often, over the last 2 or 3 hundred years.
  16. I like you Scrote and have always thought that you bring something to the site. Now that you’ve brought it, feel free to fuck off. Your goose is cooked.
  17. Thanks for your kind words. I’m sure you have the data to corroborate this statement, not that I really care (you know me and facts), but it might ease my pain somewhat if you posted it. Just knowing that you’d spent some of your valuable time researching your facts, to once again prove what a thicko I am, would bring a smile to my sore bleeding mouth. 😘
  18. ‘George’ at Cancer Research. He’ll have stolen them from a bag of donated clothes left overnight in the doorway, probably on his way home from an all night bumming session. He’s barred from all cancer research outlets, due to his lies regarding having beaten the Big C dozens of times.
  19. No one can fool you Judge. That’s a given.
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