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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Sorry scotty. Bit pissed and for some weird reason you became southerncunt. lol.
  2. I don’t think they have any jurisdiction in the M25.
  3. I’ve been following the antics of Dictator Dan recently scotty and I genuinely fear for you mate. This cunt is something else. How is he still getting away with it? It’s like a competition between the State Premiers to see who can be the biggest cunt in Australia.
  4. One of the perks of being ‘the best on here’ probably.
  5. Have you pitched this to Simon Cowell Eric?
  6. At a guess I’d say it’s what comes out of her mouth, rather than the actual orifice itself, that gets you all triggered and angry. Strange how Sky News Australia rattles your cage, as it’s the only mainstream news channel down under that actually questions the fake news, bought and paid for narrative spewed out by the rest of the MSM? You lefties eh?
  7. Keep me out of your homoerotic fantasies please Monsieur Knobgobbler.
  8. What the fuck were you drinking CBB? It’s 2021. Surely someone must have noticed you crashed out, with your sideburns and moustache, in your flares and platform soles, snoring for 40 odd years and gave you a shake?
  9. Nice try but I’m not biting.
  10. The Rascal van might seem like a highly tuned racing car, whizzing around East Anglia in the middle of the night Scotty, but it’s only pushing out around 25 BHP and a small speed bump would probably be too much for its 600 cc V12 twin turbo factory tuned throbbing power plant. Nicola can sleep soundly under her bridge I reckon. Neil knows his comfort zone.
  11. This man, 38 year old Ryan McLaughlin, an ex US Army special forces veteran beat a 35 year old woman called Celine Provost almost to death with his bare hands. There were many witnesses to this savage attack, which went on for more than 3 and a half minutes, before one brave man pulled the beast off and probably saved the woman’s life. Everyone else cheered and seemed to enjoy this terrible, one sided confrontation which the defenceless woman could do nothing to stop. McLaughlin even posed for photos afterwards covered in the blood of the victim, apparently proud of his behaviour. I forgot to mention that Ryan now calls himself Alana McLaughlin and the fracas with Miss Provost was his/her debut ‘women’s’ MMA fight. Strange times indeed.
  12. No kidding. Thanks for explaining that DC. I never realised Crete was actually a real place until just now. Shows how much I know about South Atlantic Islands. I’m going to swot up on my geography tonight. You won’t catch me out that easily again. ‘Aloha’.
  13. She’s probably going to end up financially better off than the rest of her Romanian family and friends though. Social distancing has completely devastated the pickpocketing and prostitution professions.
  14. So did I but Paddy Power told me they didn’t pay out on bets placed the day after the match. Fucking cunts. I’ll take my business to Ladbrokes next time. Their loss.
  15. A point seemingly lost on Wee Frankie McKrankie up in deep fried Mars bar land. More than happy to campaign for Remain in the EU referendum, behind the ‘STRONGER TOGETHER’ slogan, but unlikely to be pictured in front of the same backdrop now. Vile, disgusting little, under the bridge troll monster. I doubt Neil even would.
  16. DC I’m very suspicious of anyone who can spell fiancée correctly, but cretin wrongly.
  17. Frank. I’ve come to admire, and even quite like you, and would genuinely hate any harm to come to you. However I would be ecstatic to learn that you’d been hacked to pieces (of shit) with a large machete, by a newly arrived Afghan refugee. Nothing personal, I’m just looking for some reason to change my mind on whether they’re an asset to the country, and that might swing it for me.
  18. You’re welcome. Going out anywhere nice with old moussaka arse tonight DC? If you are, just be careful. A lot of people turn really nasty as soon as they set eyes on him. Social distancing might be a good idea. You can join in and boot fuck out of him too if it kicks off.
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