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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Of course. 1955 DS. Still a piece of art.
  2. Nah. Roy’s not a wrongun. Apart from driving around in a Morris Minor Traveller, with his hair dripping Brylcreem, and marrying a tranny that is.
  3. They probably sell them in your local off licence CBB, if you happen to pop in there at all.
  4. Whilst I agree with you as far as Renault, I disagree regarding Citroen, who throughout their history, until they merged with Peugeot and various other shite manufacturers, all spewing out the same euroboxes with different badging. The Traction Avant of 1934 was the first mass produced front wheel drive, all independent suspension car. The DX was an all time classic of style and futuristic engineering, featuring air suspension and disc brakes all round.The 2CV likewise was designed to be ridiculously cheap yet pretty much unbreakable. Unfortunately Citroen now make only boring shitmobiles which are totally indistinguishable from 99% of the cars on the market nowadays. The frogs are still astoundingly fucking disgusting, snivelling, snailgobblers though. That will never change. C’est la vie.
  5. Thanks Ape. Don’t tell Roops though. I don’t know if I’d be able to carry on if she thought the same way.
  6. Ape Ive finally taken onboard what an absolute idiot I’ve been over the mask issue, mainly thanks to yours and Roops sound advice for the past 18 months. Poopy also seems happier than he’s been since last March too, especially as I’ve promised him I’ll take the tape off his arsehole and let him have a clear out next week if he’s a good boy.
  7. Napoleon Bonaparte…. a giant of a man. ’Not tonight Josephine…. Herman, Josef and Helmut are before me in the queue.’
  8. Football is exclusively a pastime played by and watched by poofs DC. I’m hoping you agree with this historically proven fact.
  9. ‘Local freak discovered in a decomposed state, hanged by its own massive appendage. Neighbours say it hadn’t left the house for at least 50 years. Police have asked people not to gather outside to celebrate as they’ve already turned thousands away.’
  10. How are the anger management sessions going Stubbers?
  11. I disagree Stubbs. I expect news of his demise to be met with loud and vigorous celebration around here, and remembered as a great day for many years to come.
  12. The last person you’d want to see lurking in a phone box outside your kids school as you drive off after dropping them off.
  13. If they make Phonebooth2, half the budget will go on building a booth big enough for the fat cunt to squeeze into.
  14. Have you decided whether to have your kids vaccinated yet? Oh sorry, I was confusing you with someone else who’s not a childless freak of nature. Please accept my apologies which aren’t in any way genuine.
  15. Three things you need in this world…respect for all kinds of life, a nice regular bowel movement and a navy blazer.
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