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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Matt Hancock

    Millions are protesting all over the world against vaccine passports every weekend. MSM won’t report it as it’s diametrically opposed to the agenda they've decided to foist on the masses. Spend an hour on YouTube looking at some of the thousands of videos which Ruptly have been posting for the last 20 months, and ask yourself why the majority of the public have not been made aware of the opposition to the global tyranny which has been normalised under the cloak of ‘public health’ orders? The MSM and the social media oligarchs are the real virus and far more effective in controlling the gullible population than any secret police or military ever.
  2. Perhaps you’d like to rebut any of the 4 actual facts which I’ve quoted RK? I didn’t have you down as someone who believed all the shite Fiona Bruce and Kay Burley churn out daily.
  3. The Great Barrier Reef, which we’ve been told for years is at a tipping point of survival? Manipulated and carefully quoted ‘scientific’ facts by the MSM. Just like the forest fires in the West coast of the US which the fake news media are constantly using as proof of the imminent end of days for the Earth. The facts are slightly different though. The early decades of the 20th century saw vastly more millions of acres destroyed by fire every year than today. The list of lies and fearmongering is endless by the climate change industry. Just like the widely held belief (fabricated by the overwhelmingly left wing MSM) that the British were the biggest perpetrators (numerically speaking) of the Trans Atlantic slave trade. Approx 12 million unfortunate cunts who should have run a bit faster, more than 50% of who were captured, transported, sold and owned by the Portuguese. Covid 19 is seamlessly morphing into the existential climate crisis and the rights and freedoms which have been given up by all you fucking sheep during the last 18 months aren’t coming back ever, because the tyrants have seen how fucking easy it was to have you all locked down and hiding behind the couch, waiting for the latest instructions from your masters. Fuck off.
  4. Funny how the London Marathon was OK with tens of thousands of cunts running around coughing and breathing heavily past hundreds of thousands of other cunts clapping and cheering? Spastics, amputees, fat bastards, even women taking part. Yet Londoners coming into the West End to watch a few sparklers is apparently too dangerous and cannot possibly be allowed. Fucking little sandal wearing dwarf jihadi loving cunt.
  5. Going OK at the moment Old Chap. The whole testing/tracing/vaccine industry is a scam mate. A get rich quick scheme for all Bozos pals. I’ve been to Hungary and Gran Canaria in the last 6 weeks, unvaccinated and haven’t taken a single test. My pal gives me a code for the online form to fly out and the same for the Passenger locator form to return as if I’ve booked and paid for tests. Ive got a QR code and two pages of gobbledygook he sent me months ago which apparently proves I’ve been double vaxxed aswell. It’s all a massive psyop to get the sheep accustommed to complying with the ever increasing rules. Fuck them.
  6. Easter is cancelled. No lorry drivers, no diesel, no chocolate pickers, Brexit, Covid 19 and Jesus was probably a racist anyway so forget about it. Sad news though that the brown midget Saddique Kunt has cancelled the NYE firework display due to Covid 19, but has endorsed the Divali (Asian festival of light) celebrations and wished all the communities in London the best. I’m guessing by ‘all’ he means except the white British community.
  7. The ‘climate crisis’ is a load of fucking bollocks, as is ‘white supremacy’, ‘systemic racism’, ‘transphobia’, ‘child poverty’, ‘the male hierarchy’ and all the thousands of other weaponised reasons to keep the vast majority of fucking idiots scared, divided and confused constantly. The simple fact is that 99% of human beings are ridiculously easy to manipulate and control. They will willingly believe every bullshit fairy tale the MSM feed them 24/7. And keep working themselves towards an early grave for fuck all reward, while the 1% sit in their ivory towers, getting richer every day and laughing their fucking bollocks off at how easy it all is.
  8. The taxi firms in Rotherham are a fucking joke. Very incompetent imo. My 14 year old cousin Beryl arrived home more than 3 years late from the local kebab shop. Abdul the very nice driver (ethnicity unknown), was very apologetic and didn’t charge for the journey. Apparently his satnav was playing up and before he knew it he was stuck in heavy traffic on the Islamabad ring road. He didn’t explain the 3 babies she’d acquired on the journey though. Most likely forgot.
  9. And in totally the wrong place, covered in piss stains and misspelt graffiti.
  10. Run out of hormone blockers again?
  11. Throw her out the window without stopping and you won’t have to pay. Circle the block and launch her suitcase at her next time around.
  12. My mate picked me and the missus up at Stansted last night. 8 quid for ten minutes. Three minutes over the ten and the fucking charge was 25 pound. Not amused. Fucking cab would have been less probably.
  13. Unless he was stabbed in the arse by a woman with a beard and a massive erect penis.
  14. King Billy

    Brown Sugar

    There’s easier ways to improve your spelling than that.
  15. King Billy

    Brown Sugar

    Nowhere near thick enough Stubbs. They’d suss you out in five minutes mate. Smash your face against a brick wall about twenty times and have someone suck your brain out of your ear with a straw, and you’ll fit in a treat. Give Panzy a kicking from me if you bump into the cunt please.
  16. King Billy

    Brown Sugar

    Tin foil is much more effective at keeping the rain out, and also picks up messages from the airwaves about important things that the public aren’t being allowed to know.
  17. King Billy

    Brown Sugar

    Break the jar and ram the jagged edge into your decrepit turkey neck, you miserable, tedious, fucking cretin.
  18. King Billy

    Brown Sugar

    Well done you, considering you’ve been claiming to be blind for years. Fuck off.
  19. Generosity generally, and awarding likes specifically,to friends and colleagues for posts that one deems worthy of compliment, is the no1 proven method of repressing latent homosexuality in males from the Merseyside area. It’s Boss.
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