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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    I reckon it’ll go down to the wire this year. The Cape Verde Grand Prix is a perfect circuit for a real title deciding nail biter. My money’s on Fangio. He’s been eerily quiet all season.
  2. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    At least he saw all his patients in person, which I’m sure made the old dears feel much better as the morphine swept over them like a tsunami, unlike the fucking greedy, lazy cunts nowadays who think they’re doing their patients a right favour by granting them 60 seconds of Zoomtime, after they’ve been on hold for about five hours. Useless fucking wankers think they’re A list celebrities because a load of moronic tossers were brainwashed into banging saucepans in their front gardens every Thursday night last year.
  3. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    You’re welcome to the three doses I’ve been offered RK. I’m running very low on tinfoil though if you’ve got any to spare. Very sad news about Colin Powell passing. Thank the Lord for Sky News or I might not have heard of his ‘death from Covid 19’. It’s probably for the best anyway as he was 84 and suffering from advanced terminal cancer. That Covid takes no prisoners, for sure. Unlike Powell who had tens of thousands of Iraqis imprisoned, tortured and murdered in many cases, but couldn’t break even one to reveal where Saddams WMDs, the reason for starting the war, were stashed. If I had my tinfoil hat on I’d probably say they never existed.
  4. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    He’s far too busy looking into Bozos gaping arsehole and his horse faced wifes cavernous cunt, I expect.
  5. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    Herd immunity anyone? Whatever happened to that old chestnut? Once 110% of the population have had ten booster jabs, soaked their hands in bleach and all those anti vaxxer, right wing, neo nazi, super spreaders are safely locked up in the gulags, all the good, law abiding, skinny jean wearing mask wankers, can come out from under their beds, head down to Starbucks, form a socially distanced queue of identical testosterone free cunts, and grab themselves a soy latte, before mincing off downtown to whatever ‘Pride’ march is happening and enjoy some well deserved ‘post lockdown’ cock.
  6. That’s something for Punkers to look forward to when he gets out of the cooler at least.
  7. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    Panzy baby. On a totally unrelated subject, what do you think is going on in Waterford? On 26th Sept. the Irish press were hailing Waterford as ‘the most vaccinated town in Ireland’. 99.7% of all adults double jabbed allegedly. Something a bit odd that on the 18th Oct. Waterford now had the highest infection rate per capita in the country according to the media. The only 2 explanations I can think of for this unexpected turn of events, would be if 0.3% of the good folk of Waterford were filthy, disease spreading, bowler hat wearing Protestants, or the press know you’re all so fucking dense you won’t be able to do the math. What do you think? It’s got me all in a carfuffle. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  8. Just imagine Punkers disappointment and you’ll feel much better about everything scotty.
  9. David Dickinson is in big fucking trouble if this is true.
  10. DCI James Mason currently serving with the Met. Police was found guilty on all 4 charges, in a disciplinary hearing on October 5 this year. (6 days after Caress a Dick self flagellated on all the MSM news channels over the Wayne Couzens affair). The charges related to a young woman who was violently mugged in 2010. Mason who was a DS at the time visited the victim at her home and made unwelcome sexual advances, offering to take her out for dinner and ‘get up close and personal’ to her injuries. He has reportedly been subject to another similar allegation in 2014, which so far has not been dealt with. He told the hearing that it was quite normal at that time to ‘come on to female victims’. DCI Mason although found guilty on all charges has not been sacked, or even demoted. A warning is apparently the appropriate punishment. Ms. Dick has not felt the need to say or do anything about the case. 11 years to even bring this before a disciplinary panel, with another similar allegation still to be heard? This vile little crew cut dungaree wearing LGBTQ+ cunt is the perfect example of the rot in our society. Unsackable because of her sexual preference, glorified by the disgusting little cunt Khan who presides over the crime ridden shithole formerly regarded as one of the greatest cities in the world, and refusing to protect and serve the population which she obviously cares nothing about. Absolute fucking disgrace.
  11. I suppose a quick fuck is out of the question then?
  12. I guess this is the end of our friendship then Frank? I have to say that ‘devastated’ doesn’t come close to describing how I feel.
  13. I know it’s probably unlikely to happen but Saddique Kunt should be told to fuck off back to whatever shithole his old man infested before he became a fucking bus driver, and Jaywick officially instated as the new capital city of England. Harvey Price could be given the mayorship initially, in case the ‘diversity’ mob start whining on, as they always do. Sag Aloo looks like shit and tastes even worse.
  14. Who said anything about a ‘forged’ QR code? I certainly didn’t. Nothing whatsoever ‘forged’ about the documents (digital and physical) which Ive travelled to Hungary, Spain and back with, without any problem whatsoever. Do try to keep up. I’m sure someone’s interested.
  15. I can’t go anywhere Stubbers until Roops gives my dodgy papers the all clear. I’m considering masking up and making a break for the nearest leper colony before the sun comes up. The nets closing in. I’ve always fancied living in a zombie apocalypse, but I didn’t think I’d be a fucking rotting corpse stumbling around waiting for a baseball bat round the head at any minute.
  16. 😂😂😂You absolute fucking idiot. It’s 2021 luv, Bozo and his cronies are so busy lining their own and all their friends and family’s pockets under cover of the ‘pandemic’ that every cunt involved in it is getting rich like never before. Sucking senior managements cock may have been the only way to get round the rules in your day, but that was then and this is now, so calm down, have an early night and dream about your booster jab (the first of many). To save you any further embarrassment PM me and I’ll give you codes for as many prebooked PCR tests as you like, which will be accepted on U.K. passenger locator forms, without any problem. As for your childish assumption that ‘QR’ codes to prove vaccine status are somehow foolproof? That would also be assuming that all NHS GPs are honest, and not the greedy dishonest fuckers that some of them are. Wake up luv. 😂
  17. Out of likes. The MSM are the real threat to democracy nowadays. Every one of the cunts needs to be put through a wood chipper then glued back together and fed into a meat mincer.
  18. ‘Will you have a sandwich Father? They’re jerk chicken.’
  19. I’m certain large quantities of Jamaican DNA could be found in all of her orifices, some possibly contaminated by her acidic wit, but the sheer volume of it would undoubtedly be more than enough to make even Punkape green with envy.
  20. You really are the squarehead i’ve thought you to be from day one. I wouldn’t offer my arm up for any of these experimental vaccines if my life depended on it, which it obviously doesn’t, as I haven’t had a sniffle or a cough since this whole batflu nonsense appeared, and showed you and the rest of the morons up as the subservient sheep you are. Being a faux middle class wannabe, you clearly have no idea of the simplicity, with which all the pathetic rules, regulations and hoops which you willingly jump through to have a life, can be dispensed with quite easily. So easily in fact that a whole industry has grown in a very short time to cater for the ‘anti vaxxers’ like me, who don’t give a flying fuck if I kill granny or every other cunt on Earth actually. 😂
  21. Can’t fuck, won’t fuck.
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