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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    Sir Kier Starmer, Bozo Johnson and numerous ministers and shadow ministers have been voicing their outrage for a couple of weeks now, about ‘anti vaxxer lunatics’ protesting outside schools and spreading ‘dangerous disinformation’ that kids might be harmed by hearing. Starmer is in favour of exclusion zones and serious consequences for anyone who dares to breach them. Strange how the protests outside schools in Birmingham against LGBTQ+ propaganda and Batley, where a teacher was hounded out of his job and forced into hiding with his family, after receiving death threats for showing his class an image of the paedo prophet Mohammed were treated rather differently by the same dishonest puppets. The solution then was apparently to ‘tone down the rhetoric and discuss the issues reasonably and peacefully’. The hypocrisy of the cunts we are supposed to listen to and obey is astounding. Fuck them all.
  2. If two self driving cars smash head on into each other, who’s fault is it? Answer…..Ours for allowing all this fucking bullshit to happen.
  3. I may be a little critical of the Zoom call culture which has become the ‘new normal’ for most GPs recently RK, but even I don’t know if I could, when asked by some 25 year old fit blonde doctor to show her what the problem is, drop my strides, point my phone at my arse and pull my cheeks wide open, in case my face still had a pervy grin on it when she’d had a good look and was happy she couldn’t find anything I should worry about.
  4. Of course I meant Antarctic. I’ve never claimed to be perfect. That would be going too far, even for me.
  5. Everyone called Frank should be given an assisted, sorry compulsory death. The ayes have it.
  6. Just seven days to go and we can all relax, breathe a bit more easily and tell the kids they’re not going to die before they leave school. Our heroic leaders from across the world will be arriving in Scotland on hundreds of planes, settling in to their suites at the Gleneagles Hotel, tucking in to their a la carte cuisine, plonking their fat arses in the chauffeur driven electric Jaguar limos which the British taxpayers have kindly paid for them to use, and heading off to the Gorbals for a round of backslapping, finger wagging and non stop media interviews to remind the little people who pay their salaries, that the world is about to end and the only way to prevent this is that you will have to work till you drop, pay all your earnings in tax and say thank you with your dying breath. I recall Al Gore predicting in 2006 that we had ten years to save the planet, and being given the Nobel prize the following year. He said that the Arctic ice cap would be gone forever by 2013 Mmmm? Those poor penguins. This year was apparently the hottest on record, I kept hearing. The fucking Arctic ice mustn’t have been listening, as there’s almost 30% more of it now than this time last year. Mmmm. Thank God the penguins are safe for now. Forest fires…. climate emergency Hurricanes…..climate emergency Middle class cunts superglued to the M25…..climate emergency 2 out of the 3 existential phenomena above, have been occurring since time began, and in the case of forest fires, destroys a fraction of the acreage, compared to almost every year of the last century and further back. Ive taken to leaving my Transit van ticking over all night at the back of my house regularly nowadays, and our bin is rarely more than 1/4 full when the binmen come, as I often go for a drive in the car and love throwing bags and bags of crap out the window, I guess I’m just old fashioned. I don’t like being taken for a cunt by even bigger and far more obvious cunts.
  7. Panz. What do you think of the newly crowned Miss Ireland? Do you think Nigeria will return the favour and pick a bird with a complexion like a pint of milk, freckles and ginger hair? How times have changed.
  8. His dad would have caught the bullet in his teeth, then kicked fuck out of about 300 people before back flipping onto a six storey roof.
  9. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    SAGE forecasted in September that hospital admissions could be up to 6000 per day in late October. Their best case scenario was over 4000. As usual that was total bollocks. Currently around 1400 per day and has been around that for about 3 to 4 weeks. 2.6% of hospital admissions Covid related. The NHS is a cesspit of socialist activists who are feeding the media with scare stories and doomsday scenarios and the MSM are more than happy to lap up the lies and keep the public terrified. A quick internet search will show that every Autumn, going back at least 20 to 30 years the NHS has apparently been close to breaking point and unlikely to get through the winter. Operations cancelled and stories of ambulances queued outside A and E are nothing new. Anyone who believes the shit the media are telling then is a fucking clown. Fuck off.
  10. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    There’s only one documented case worldwide of a smoker dying from Covid. If he hadn’t lit that cigarette before the nurse had turned off his oxygen, he’d be sat at home now watching Antiques Roadshow, puffing away on a Marlboro light.
  11. Let me tell you why I care LCS. My life, just like everyone else’s has been disrupted majorly for the last 20 months, my freedoms have been taken away and my ability to choose how to live my life, or even plan the most basic activities going forward, with any certainty that I will be ‘permitted’ to do so have disappeared into thin air. This has all taken place I’m constantly being told, in order to ‘protect the NHS’. That might have been true at the start of this fiasco, when little was known about the so called virus and it’s deadliness re. the general population. The situation now is rather different though. The virus has a survival rate of 99.97% and the 0.3% are still almost exclusively the very old and people with certain medical conditions. The government have had 20 months to build capacity in the NHS. They have borrowed and spent more than 400 billion quid, throwing money at everything and anything except the NHS it seems. The NHS is supposed to protect us, not the other way round. In the U.K. both parties use the NHS as a political football when in opposition. It’s a convenient altar to fool the public to worship at. When I was 17 I was sent home from my GPs surgery and told I had a stomach bug and I’d feel better in the morning. 8 hours later I was rushed to hospital by ambulance and straight to theatre to have my burst appendix removed. I was in hospital with peritonitis for almost a month. The surgeon who removed my appendix, when I told him I’d seen my GP a few hours earlier was visibly shocked as to how and why I had not been properly examined and sent home doubled over with pain. He told me that in his opinion I was very lucky to be alive, due to the time between the burst appendix and getting the surgery I needed. Ever since that I have been a very reluctant visitor to the doctors. I’ve not been to my GP for more than eight years. The point I’m trying to make is that the majority of GPs are probably good, conscientious people, but some aren’t and the BMA, who are after all just another trade union seem to be politicising this issue and I reckon they’re making a huge mistake. Dr. Uhuffurrrr for PM.
  12. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    Herd immunity is a much more likely outcome, now that the cattle are being jabbed.
  13. That’s probably the right approach. Some wag would no doubt be unable to resist calling you a ‘cockblocker’ if you did.
  14. Totally agree. The most loyal animal bar none. Even the most cruel cunt alive could beat his dog mercilessly every night, and the next day it’s loyalty to him will be undiminished. Cruelty to animals is the surest sign of a defective human.
  15. Careful you don’t get your tongue stuck up there DC.
  16. Couldn’t have happened to a bigger fucking prick than him. Shame the poor girl who got blown away wasn’t black though. It would have been a hoot to see the Twitter mob turning in one of their own and ripping the flesh off his skeleton. His wife has been complicit in the ‘cancelling’ of numerous celebs for saying something ‘wrong’ or simply agreeing with someone the left hated for a long time now. She projected herself on Twitter as a proud Latino woman, from humble origins, standing up for the oppressed victims of the racist USA. She’s been very quiet though, since last year it came out that she was really the daughter of a very wealthy, totally white couple from New England, both leftie academics, I think her dad is a professor. The most terrifying aspect of the story imo being that her family were complicit in her fraudulent identity for years, for purely fucked up left wing, identity politics reasons. The MSM didn’t think it was a story worth covering though. There’s a surprise.
  17. The head of the BMA was quoted in the Telegraph’ last week as saying ‘forcing GPs to do more face to face appointments is harassment and discrimination’. A strange comment to make imo, considering that is precisely what they are handsomely paid to do. Tonight we learn that the BMA have said that they are going to start industrial action if GPs are compelled to see patients who request a face to face appointment. And meanwhile we, the fucking idiots who have had our lives ruined for almost two years to ‘save the NHS’, and had to listen to our neighbours clapping like fucking demented seals for these cunts, are being primed up by the MSM and the puppets in Downing St. for another winter of bullshit regulations and orders to protect these cunts. Wake up ffs. If you stand for this again you deserve to be fucking dead.
  18. This ‘stunning and brave’ female person who’s taken the BBC football (highlights only) world by storm, showing all the white privileged, male, misogynist, overpaid, racist pigs how to commentate on men’s football and remind the viewers (about 3) that Black Lives Matter constantly, while sticking her tits out for the camera every five minutes, came a little bit unstuck this week on another BBC show. Who do you think you are? It was revealed that her great great great great grandfather Robert Coombs owned 26 slaves in Jamaica in the early 1800s. The poor girl was visibly upset, and said through her tears ‘I expected to discover some family connection to slavery, but not like this’. Oh dear. I wonder how they’re going to spin this one? I’m sure they’ll find a way. They always do. They are the experts after all.
  19. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    Fuck all that nonsense Gypps. I booked the ferry to Ireland at Christmas today and, we’ve got to show ID chip documents and ‘health certificates’, whatever the fuck they are, for our 2 dogs now, to get on a fucking rusty overpriced old boat. If I see Panzy as I’m driving through Dublin on my way to the North, I’m definitely going to pull over and piss over his drunken, unconscious body and shit in his Fisher Price saxophone.
  20. King Billy

    Michel Barnier

    Quality Eric. I knew you were different class.
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