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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. So your ‘expert’ opinion on Dr. Doshis ‘ramblings’ as you describe them must be due to your superior knowledge in the field I take it? It’s amazing how you can dismiss out of hand, a person with his reputation, qualifications, superior knowledge, long history of high position in multiple highly regarded, academic and scientific organisations, including those he currently holds, such as Associate Editor of the BMJ and Associate Professor (with tenure), at the University of Maryland, Pharmaceutical Health Services, research department, where he teaches top medical students, specifically on the critical appraisal of ‘medical evidence’ (risks and benefits), available to the scientific community during the drug and vaccine approval process. I understand that as the corners resident ‘thicko’ I shouldn’t really question anything a big brainer like you says, but it’s just the way I am. Sorry. 💉😷 😘
  2. The MSM have been creaming their panties this weekend about the tragic catastrophe at the Astroworld concert in Houston Texas. 11 dead and counting from heart attacks caused by a ‘crowd surge’. All the major news networks showing the same video of a few dozen people running through the turnstiles at the entrance to the huge open air event. Then showing a couple of seperate clips of unconscious or dead people being lifted up amid shouts for medical help. Two problems which are now being pointed out about this video ‘evidence’ today are that the so called crowd surge consisted of very few people and occurred in broad daylight, but apparently resulted in the death of at least 11 people about 1/2 mile away in the crowd, where it strangely appears to be night time. This event was for the vaxxed only, and hyped up by the media as a great opportunity for young people who hadn’t been jabbed to get jabbed on-site and gain free admission. Covid 19 the gift that keeps on giving if, like me you’ve got your tinfoil hat on.
  3. She’ll fucking know it too, if she bumps into you in the showers at Holloway jail.
  4. Peter Doshi PhD testified to the US senate the other day. His evidence concerning these MRNA ‘vaccines?’ was very interesting to say the least. Not yet censored by YouTube, who have recently been allowing more and more posts questioning the ‘get jabbed or die’ narrative, as they obviously see the tsunami of outrage coming from the sheeple waking up to the con job that’s been played on them to keep them ‘safe’. 😂 I’m sure some of the experts on here, will laugh under their face nappies and willingly roll up their sleeves again for their latest ‘booster’ which even the ‘ ‘science’ now acknowledges doesn’t stop you catching or passing on the Kung flu. Time for a new variant ASAP. That should get all the doubters back hiding behind the couch until the MSM can work up some more of the hysteria and panic they do so well.
  5. I last visited my GP about 8 years ago Gypps, and only a couple of years later £9.50p mysteriously disappeared from my Bradford and Bingley savings account. Coincidence? I don’t fucking think so.
  6. King Billy


    If you’re thinking of buying yourself a new armchair to relax in, while watching you’re ‘alternative’ VHS collection, please make sure it’s electric, and your meters topped up with 50Ps. Our friendship isn’t working out Frank. It pains me to say it but “Fuck off you disgusting emaciated bag of bones.”
  7. What’s a simpirton? You don’t have to explain right now. I can wait till you stop rattling like a biscuit tin full of hormone blockers.
  8. For once I agree with you. The fact that the MSM always ignore your enormous cock, instead trying to sensationalise everything which doesn’t include your cock is proof enough for me.
  9. John Lewis, the department store of choice for colonial slave traders. ’Never knowingly undersold’
  10. What do you call a woman with a screwdriver for her right arm and a corkscrew for her left arm? Swiss Army Wife.
  11. I must have missed it. Jokes are funnier when kept short and sweet though. Apart from this one which on reflection couldn’t make me laugh if you tickled my bare arse with a boxing glove on, which I’d prefer you didn’t.
  12. Without doubt one the most fucked up films I’ve ever watched 5 or 6 times (just to make sure) Eric. Although I reckon if it was released now, in this fucking clownworld called 2021, it would sweep the board at the next Oscars.
  13. It’s definitely the right address CBB. I’ve just been round there and they are a lot smarter than you think. They must be just placing orders that fit your spending pattern, to not arouse any suspicion mate. There were 2 Tennents Super lorries outside and 20 pallets of Diamond White in the front garden. Looks like they’ve cloned your identity down to a tee.
  14. ‘The Greasy Strangler’
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