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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Finding one virgin in Liverpool is a fucking near impossibility, so it’s quite apparent that this was the act of a fucking stupid fucking cunt of the highest order. And the fact that he was killed by just the detonator going off and the bomb failing to explode, makes me think that there won’t be a lot of grey matter retrieved from the headlining of the taxi. The greasy cunt wouldn’t have lasted five minutes at any half decent bomb factory when I was growing up. He’d have been standing in the corner with a Mills bomb under his dunces cap twiddling the pin with his hairy fingers.
  2. Was that the time when Imran caught you in the disabled toilets with your cock in Jemimas gob?
  3. I was fortunate enough to have my teenage daughter accepted for a place in a very prestigious and expensive school in Rochdale. Despite almost everyone in my family and all of my friends advising me against it with ridiculous and quite frankly bigoted scare stories, she’s never looked back. In fact I never heard from her again.
  4. That would be the queue outside Franks bedsit on a quiet night.
  5. If you carry on with this sort of thing I’ll come round your house with my cockapoo, if you want your face ripped off that is.
  6. Any word how the Germans are doing on the Eastern front?
  7. They should have asked me. I’ve got lots more too. ’Opal Fruits…. made to make your teeth fall out.’
  8. A very good question Gypps and my personal opinion is that when a bloke in a position of very high power, is shown to be failing and therefore incapable or at the very least unsuitable for the job, it’s not in any way controversial to sack him. But sacking a female from the exact same scenario, especially if she’s got the extra armour of being a lezzer, has a bit more melanin than the average Anglo Saxon, or all fucking three maybe? it’s a brave politician who’s going to give her her P45 and face the avalanche of ‘racist, sexist, homophobe’ abuse from the woke mob which is the real pandemic killing our society. Caressa Dick has presided over the worst violent gun and knife crime epidemic in London since Queen Victoria was on the throne (she was a bird too). But she’s forever going on about the massive increase in ‘hate’ crimes the Met are solving. Apparently calling some cunt a banned name on Facebook or Twitter is more hateful than stabbing a kid to death on the street nowadays. The filth are shit scared to stop and search the people who are doing the stabbing but have free reign to batter your door in and drag you and your laptop off to the nick for offending some pathetic snowflake cunt online. Thats my opinion, but I may be completely fucking wrong as usual.
  9. Can I add to the list a neighbour of mine, a lovely girl who suddenly and very mysteriously popped her clogs only last week in the back of a cab, returning home from basketball practice…… Muriel Golightly (98 years) identified from dental records when her dentures flew out the open window as the taxi was flattened by a 44 ton arctic hurtling down the motorway to deliver Covid vaccines to the local NHS sheep processing plant.
  10. Very apt DC, although I’m assuming you weren’t referring to the exploding taxi outside the Womens Hospital in Liverpool yesterday. I saw your Chief Constable on TV this morning, waffling on about the incident. She said that they knew the identity of the sandrat they were currently scraping off the back seat and gluing back together, and that 3 other bearded Neanderthals had been arrested nearby. This cunt who I’m assuming is a lezzer (they all are) then made a point of asking the public not to speculate on the motive for the attack, or the background of the perpetrator and anyone else involved. This country is fucked mate. The filth, the politicians and the MSM are all complicit in attempting to hide the obvious jihadi trademarks of this and many previous murder missions on our streets. The forthcoming narrative in the next few days will no doubt be that this fucking subhuman cunt had mental issues and his behaviour in no way reflects the views of the vast majority of our peaceful guests, who apparently contribute so much to our society. So Bang and Blame DC. The bang is over in a flash (see what I did there) but don’t anyone dare blame the cunts responsible for it or the spineless politicians who’ve been for decades, and still are, welcoming these fucking animals into the U.K. in ever increasing numbers, against the wishes of the majority of the public. Having said all that, if anywhere deserves be blown off the face of the Earth, Liverpool must be somewhere near the top of the list. Fuck off.
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