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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. January, providing the multitude of Covid jabs I’ve apparently had haven’t exploded my ticker yet. Of it hadn’t been for that pesky Roops I could have got away with it. Lol. She can’t ever entertain the possibility that she’s not 100% right 100% of the time, as that would beg the question…..What is the point of her?
  2. Some people (not me obviously) would start to think, and say, awful things if their partner developed a rash shortly before, or shortly after they had. Both angrily claiming to be the ‘shortly after’ one in the dispute.
  3. One day the new U.K. Prime Minister will proudly stand up in the House of Commons, carefully put on his tinfoil hat and take PMQs from the assorted group of triple masked twits on both sides of the chamber, feebly clutching their heart tablets and various other medicines needed to keep them barely alive.
  4. Short and to the point DC. But seriously though, you’ll never force her to admit she got anything even slightly wrong. Whatever you or I say, she will find and quote as categoric proof some contradicting ‘evidence’. She’s just a very stubborn and obnoxious creature whose narcissistic self worship will never permit even the possibility that she could be wrong to enter her head. It’s wonderful, and her rattled responses are the only reason I enter into any conversations with her at all. Bless her.
  5. Daily Telegraph…. Basingstoke man arrested in £750 counterfeit vaccine passport investigation. The Irish Times….Fake vaccine passports on sale for 350€ on dark web. Reuters…..Werder Bremen coach denies using fake vaccine passport. The Sun….Fraudsters produce fake vaccine passport scam that lets users produce NHS documents The Guardian…..Australian GPs offered bribes to fake vaccine passports. The Straits Times…. Aussies skirt entry rules with fake vaccine passports. Global News….. Thunder Bay Police investigating fake vaccine passports. And on and on and on I could go. I won’t bother with any emojis this time as I keep them as a last resort when I have no answer to you apparently.
  6. Twitter have been censoring this article today, saying that the vaccines are considered safe for the majority of people by most doctors. So if 49% of people were dropping dead that statement would get the all clear from the fake news fact checkers, providing 51% of doctors considered it safe. I wonder if Sergio Aguerro agrees with the ginger know all on the safety of mRNA vaccines? Somehow I think not.
  7. There’s no point trying to tell her anything DC. Once she tells you you’re wrong then that’s that and she’ll wag the knowing finger at you until you can’t be bothered any more. She’s a one trick pony mate, and the trick involves her gob and her bosses cock.
  8. It is so. A little known fact, which the fake news MSM never report is that not a single person who tested positive for the fake virus within 28 days and then died from whatever illness they were allocated, could be proven to be a smoker. Gunshot wounds, tumours as big as Gemma Collins, head on collisions with steamrollers, but not a sniff of a roll up or a King Edward could be forensically connected to the relevant corpse. Mr. Ahmed, if you must know passed away due to climate change. He froze to death hanging on to the axle underneath a lorry during the return leg of his journey back to Islamabad, to attend the 3rd marriage of his 7 year old daughter to his 74 year old cousin. The poor child was later stoned to death when she admitted that her father would still be alive if she hadn’t existed.
  9. Ape. I couldn’t help noticing the shift in your stance on these important matters, at almost exactly the same time as I mentioned the huge stockpile of beans I have stored in my bunker. Just saying.
  10. They’ve got a plan B for that possibility. Take off their ridiculous fucking masks and hope no one notices their two year facial bikini line.
  11. If we weren’t such close friends Frank I might have toyed with the idea of reporting you for attempting to derail the thread. Count yourself lucky.
  12. If Kyle had lowered his aim a fraction Grosskreutz wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in court.
  13. I wasn’t trying to be rude Ape. I was merely quoting the commonly used term for someone who volunteers to be the subject of a medical experiment. You know I have no ill feeling towards you. The opposite is closer to the truth.
  14. Spend a bit of time trying to find out the provable benefits, not the MSM churned out and constantly changing propaganda, before blindly subjecting yourself to an experimental vaccine, which as every day passes is proving to be nowhere near as effective as the wild claims being made only a few short months ago. I respect your absolute right to choose to be an unpaid guinea pig for the Big Pharma industry, who have a vast history of putting profits before any thought of public safety. I also believe that I have the same absolute right to refuse to participate in the experiment, take responsibility for my own health, and freely question the unprecedented tyranny which is becoming impossible to ignore, no matter how hard some people try to.
  15. Fauci has been wrong with almost everything he’s done regarding Covid. He’s got a well documented history of being wrong about almost everything he’s touched for decades. He should be in jail for lying under oath to both Congress and The Senate numerous times and for the trail of devastation and death he’s left in his wake. He is also the highest paid federal employee in the US bar none. He is the epitome of everything rotten in Washington DC. and the contempt that he and the rest of the career swamp creatures treat the American people with.
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