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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘Go flux yourself’ in other words.
  2. Water shortages due to flooding are the worst kind. Ask anyone who lives in the Sahara Desert.
  3. Wayne Rooney probably, when he’s moonlighting.
  4. You’ve spelled turfed wrong there Ed.
  5. Coming up we’ve got Saddique Khan cooking his granny’s keema naan recipe, live from a dinghy overloaded with doctors, teachers, immunologists and some unfeasibly hairy children, somewhere in the English Channel. Sorry, it seems that due to an earlier than scheduled embarkation, the location has been updated to the kitchen of the Hilton Hotel at Milton Keynes. ‘Good afternoon Mr. Mayor.’
  6. Was this when you were usually at work?
  7. Excellent thinking CBB. Allowing yourself a couple of hours of a slim chance of not lighting yourself up like the Blackpool illuminations at best, or blowing up the whole street at worst, before the odds shortened dramatically once the offie opened.
  8. Floyd would have kicked Steins cunt in, no doubt about it, if that racist cop Chauvin hadn’t mullered him.
  9. I’m tempted to open a Twitter account and show off my new work of art to the twittertards.
  10. When the mask wankers start doing the math very soon, and realise that they can make their own masks at home, behind the couch or under the bed, from a crisp new £50 note and a couple of rubber bands, significantly cheaper than spending the mortgage money on a packet of cheap plastic Chinese ‘face coverings’ which if they weren’t too thick to read the ‘does not protect the wearer from Covid 19’ warning on the packet, the ‘pandemic’ will be quickly forgotten.
  11. An interesting development in the last few years, is that apparently allegations of rape committed by females have massively increased. I can’t be bothered to look up the numbers, but the surprising fact that almost all the victims are female and a lot of the alleged attackers aren’t crazy out of control lezzers, but trans women (biological males masquerading as females), might go some way to explaining this new phenomenon in the world of sex crime.
  12. I’ve saved you a place in my bunker RK. Good to have you on board. I’ll fill you in on how much worse than that it actually is when I’ve quadruple bolted the door and fetched you a nice hot pot noodle.
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