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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’m quite sure anyone ‘fortunate’ enough to find themselves stuck with you over Christmas will be counting the minutes till you go back to work, savouring every ‘precious’ moment. I’m in N. Ireland by the way. Drove the imaginary M4 to Holyhead Monday night, into Dublin 05.30 Tue. morning and up to the north in-time for a proper Ulster fry. And all without a single jab. Negative PCR test results all round, without the inconvenience and expense of actually taking any. For once just admit you’re wrong and give up twisting what I say to convince people (yourself mainly), that you’ve been right all along, when it’s clear that you haven’t. Just stop it and try to enjoy your holiday time. It’s precious after all.
  2. Frank used to drop her off to work every night in his mustard yellow Allegro 1.3, and then pick her up when she was full up and dripping with Bangladeshi halal love yoghurt, which he ecstatically guzzled on with a huge black dildo fully inserted in his anus, when they got back home to his stinking rat infested hovel.
  3. Because it might have looked like the site rules don’t apply to some, and we all know that’s far too ridiculous to believe.
  4. The Big Issue has long been exempt from any tax liability, as are the filthy unfortunate wretches who sell it, in between shooting up brown and jerking off fat drunk American tourists called Peyton or Cooper. So I’m pretty sure you’ve got nothing to worry about on that score Panzy.
  5. I’m OK with it Decs. I don’t think she planned to fall in love with me. Maybe one day I’ll feel the same about her. I’m not ruling it out.
  6. Put your fucking ego away and be quiet you tedious and hugely unattractive bore. Pen and Panzy will still tell you how great you once were. I wouldn’t fact check that though, just in case the result came back correct for once. 😘
  7. Would all factcheckers report to the forum immediately please. (again).
  8. Sid Slackjaw, one of my most reliable sources for anything internet related, has confirmed to me tonight that Mark Suckaturd and his Fartbook organisation are well known liars and should not be trusted, no matter what. Fucking Silicon Valley, billionaire lizard cunt, with his slant eyed pig ugly, Ken Holm lookalike wife. All that money and he’s married a cunt with a face like a bowl of twice cooked rotten pork in rancid yellow bean sauce. Id like to fact-check his fucking Yiddisher boatrace with a 4lb lump hammer and a blowtorch.
  9. Sir CUNT if you don’t mind.
  10. OMICRON would rip through the corner in 2 days with the R rate so high Ape, infecting everyone except me, all masked up as instructed and standing obediently, sleeves rolled up expectantly, in the 300 mile queue for their life saving ‘booster’ jab, daydreaming happily about the next 5 years safe and sound under the bed. If only they’d listened to the science from the start of the pandemic, granny might still have been coming for Christmas dinner. STAY ALERT WASH YOUR HANDS WORK FROM BEHIND THE COUCH DON’T HAVE A PARTY DO HAVE A PARTY BELIEVE THE BBC DON’T CALL YOUR GP DON’T GET CANCER GET YOUR BOOSTER DON’T GO TO FRANCE DON’T BELIEVE ANY OF THE PROPAGANDA DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY PROTECT THE NHS 😂 WE’LL ALL BE DEAD SOON (probably as 2 people already are) Chris Whitty is a total fucking cunt (definitely)
  11. The fact that they consider snails and frogs legs culinary delicacies, says everything about the pint sized euro-pigmys. Some of the birds appear quite fuckable till they reach about 22 or so, but that’s really the only half OK thing I can say about the entire nation. It’s definitely vastly better in every possible way than The Peoples Respudlic of Bogland though. That goes without saying, even though I’ve just said it. ‘Danny Boy’ can fuck right off, the daft little cunt.
  12. I agree Wolfie. WD is a very rare inhabitant on here. His common sense opinions, calm reasonable manner, and the extremely knowledgable way he debates most topics, in an eerily similar way to myself, would be sorely missed. I’m not sure if I could do it on my own.
  13. I recognise that mouse. He’s working as a dentist in Budapest. I’ve paid him quite a lot of money to do this to me.
  14. I’m really praying that confirmation of Frank’s excruciatingly painful death from/or with OMICRON, on this weekends fake news propaganda onslaught, will be the wake up call I need to book an appointment for the experimental Bill Gates vaccine. It would be highly unlikely if I turned up though.
  15. I don’t mean to cause you any mental turmoil, stress or even niggling thoughts of rapidly approaching obsolescence M’Lady, but it seems that your current obsession with ‘fact-checking’ has been dealt a huge credibility blow today. Facebook, the self appointed guardians of truth and nemesis of misinformation in the 21st century, have today stated that the verdict on anything officially fact-checked on their garbage platform is nothing more than ‘OPINION’. Time for a different approach come the New Year maybe? as your ‘opinions’ aren’t really that interesting anyway. 😘
  16. The massive chip on his shoulder should be more of a priority imo.
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