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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘Should’ve gone to Specsavers’ is suddenly making sense.
  2. Flidspawn Major. Turn your back and they’ve hatched and started hopping all round the place.
  3. President Bolsonaro of Brazil, an outspoken critic of the insane WHO Covid policies and vaccine mandates across the world, has today been admitted to hospital with abdominal pains. I expect his death will be announced within days. Tanzania, Burundi and the Ivory Coast all had Presidents who publicly pushed back against the lockdown, face mask and mass vax ‘science’. All three are now safely tucked away 6 ft underground. Strange isn’t it?
  4. Next time you’re down there, tie a blacksmiths anvil to your knob and jump in.
  5. I’s a sorry maaaasta. I’s a good boy maaasta.
  6. So, are you saying it’s true or not? Your responses to everything I post are becoming more and more laughable every day. Your fragile ego is now more visible than your rusty old growler was in that sad, pitiful photo of many years ago. It’s time to fold your tent and call it a day imo. Oh and answer the question please.
  7. The federal Australian government have announced that they are to pay compensation of up to $600k each to victims who’ve suffered severe side effects from Covid vaccines. All 80,000+ of them, and counting. I wonder if Bill Gates will be helping foot the bill? It’s the least he could do, considering the $26billion plus he’s managed to add to his meagre savings this year, the year of the biggest vaccination program in history, by a strange coincidence.
  8. Clap for the poxy NHS? Fuck off. Our cleaner, whose father has been in hospital for about ten days with an acute ear infection, told us yesterday that none of her family have been allowed to visit him as he caught Covid in the hospital and have found it nigh on impossible to speak to anyone about his current condition. Her and her siblings have been left in the dark for days on end, despite their constant enquiries, and have spent hours on hold being passed from some cunt who knows fuck all to various other cunts who know even less about the patient. On Thursday someone did call her and she was told that he was comfortable and his ear infection was responding well to treatment. She thanked him for letting her know and asked him about her dads Covid condition. This man had identified himself only by name, but she assumed he was a doctor or a male nurse, told her that he wasn’t in ICU nor was he being given oxygen. He then, almost as an afterthought, casually asked if she wanted a ‘Do not resuscitate’ marker placed on his file? ‘No I do not’. she replied. That was the end of the conversation. She told us she was shaking and crying as soon as the call ended, and the fact that she couldn’t even recall who this person said he was terrified her. She and her family are now extremely afraid that their dad is in extreme danger in a place where the opposite should be true. He is 73 years old ffs. Past his ‘best by’ date it seems. The cruelty and inhumanity of these so-called ‘heroes and angels’, lapping up the tidal wave of adoration from the public who’ve been indoctrinated into this cult worship of the NHS by the MSM and the corrupt politicians has been a real eye opener for a lot of people recently. I for one am sick of being told I have to have my life permanently turned upside down to ‘protect the NHS’, when it’s becoming increasingly apparent that they’ll quite happily stand by and casually watch patients die to free up beds. Patients with as much fucking right to live as most of these fucking benders and fat mongrels ‘looking after’ them. Florence Nightingale can suck my shitty arsehole, the cunt. Fuck off.
  9. I rattled one off the wrist once she got off the phone and let me get back to watching Hogmanay on Babestation. Kissing’s for poofs Ed.
  10. Ed my missus and her sister drove into London last night to see in the new year. She was on the phone to me for ten minutes or so and all the people there were counting down for Big Ben to chime at midnight. Three times they counted down and no fucking bell. I could hear people shouting profanities, mainly aimed at Saddique fucking Khan, although some possibly at Mrs KB. The chimes never came, yet the BBC and some other MSM fake news outlets have videos of last night where they’ve obviously dubbed on the sound of the bell ringing. Do you know what’s going on?
  11. Dr. fucking What? would be more appropriate for this colossal cunt. If anyone has a couple of spare tickets for the women’s Euro final though, try wiping your arse with them as bog roll is up 12% since 1966.
  12. 💉💉💉😷😂 Happy new year.
  13. I hope you and Drew are correctly masked up for this NYE mutual arse licking event. 😷😂
  14. I’m not suggesting any such thing. He might want to consider keeping his filthy little maggot out of rent boys wronguns, and also fucking off out of the way so normals like you and I can see Hollys tits properly. No offence intended CBB by referring to you as normal. I know that’s a bit far fetched but ?
  15. A taxi firm based up in Rotherham Whose motto was…… KIDS, WE WONT BOTHER THEM Have been forced to shut shop Cos their business went flop When there were no more teenage white girls to rape, beat or abuse anymore. (the council have apologised and assured Mr Mahmoud the owner that they are bringing some more vulnerable ‘white slags’ up from London ASAP and offered counselling and financial support to the traumatised drivers and their cousins in the takeaway food trade during this extremely distressing time. They have also apologised for Britain’s Imperialist past). ‘Its the least we could do’ said council leader Peedo Sukdik, before disappearing into the female public toilets with his hand down his trousers, accompanied by the local imam and his wife who’s also his sister.
  16. He’s had Covid for 18 months now. He’d be over it if only he could sweat. I’m thinking of sending him to Hong Kong to sort out the little yellow people. They’re playing up again it seems. They were much more well behaved when they were all on the free smack granny gave them. Unfortunately Margaret’s dealer doesn’t answer the phone now so I can’t even try that on them again. I won’t have any of the disgusting little rotters in the Palace, unless they’re delivering some plastic shit for Charles and Camilla (usually inflatable tampax or similar sex toys). We are not amused. KB
  17. The fake news media have been giving an extraordinary amount of airtime to this kike pimps trial and the guilty verdict which ensued. Like it’s actually newsworthy, considering the ‘victims’ were seemingly flown around the world by private executive jet, fed and watered on the best luxuries that money can buy and by any actual photos I’ve seen don't appear to show people who aren’t happy and smiling or having a good time. These handful of ‘victims’ are now about to become richer than most people on Earth could ever dream of. Justice delivered. Mmm? Contrast this media coverage with the complete lack of, or at very best occasional 30 seconds biased pro muslim paki protecting cover stories the politically correct but morally devoid paedo protectors at the BBC, Sky News, C4, ITV and all the other scumfucks who laughably identify as journalists in this country, arrogantly decide the general public should be told about, regarding the tens of thousands of actual vulnerable children in dozens of paki ghetto shithole towns across England who’ve been raped, impregnated, beaten, even murdered, and yet totally denied any justice for close on 30 years, at the hands of vile grooming gangs who number in their thousands. All in plain sight and ignored by the police, social services, councillors and MPs, who’d rather not be accused of stirring up racial tension and god forbid ‘racism’ than do the fucking jobs they’re all handsomely paid, and in some cases elected to carry out. All you fucking righteous leftie cunts out there who refuse to even acknowledge that the problem exists should be dropped off outside KHANS TAXIS about 2AM and if you’re ever seen again you might change your disgusting minds. You fucking purple haired cunts. HAPPY NEW YEAR
  18. ‘Hot chips’ Houlihan.
  19. Happy new year. Happy new year.
  20. My virginity isn’t really in question here Geezer, as my offspring pretty much prove (not to mention previously employing between 35 and 45 girls on a daily rota basis). Perhaps, as you’ve previously admitted to being a barren, childless old freak, you’d like to enlighten us all on the historical and even the current status of your lower bits? (whichever of your two genders you prefer, or both). Actually don’t bother as the answer isn’t going to surprise me at all. Unemployed and no offers either past or present. Fuck off and don’t forget to take your hormone blockers before you go to bed on your own tonight.
  21. You’re wasting your time Major. Poor Panzy doesn’t know shit from a pint of warm Guinness nowadays. He’s spent his whole life celebrating his countries heroic fight and eventual freedom from the tyrranical Brits, and for some weird reason now seems even more emotionallly disturbed by the U.K.s departure from the EU of which Ireland is a junior and totally subservient member. I think our little spud fondler just can’t let go and celebrate the Imperial British enemy sailing further off into the distance. I was going to suggest it might be ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ but that would mean the poor boy is in possession of an at least partly functioning brain of some sort, something which he’s shown no sign of since I’ve been here.
  22. We should be thankful it’s not his other appendage he’s poking around. That would be an altogether huger problem.
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