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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Jeremy Hunts slant eyed missus was last week revealed to be on the CCP payroll, presenting some TV show which is broadcast in several countries including the U.K. and is nothing more than CCP funded propaganda. FUCK CHINA
  2. Anorexic schreeching little cunt with tens of millions of idiot fans who know they will never be anything except absolutely pathetic useless cunts ever.
  3. King Billy

    The BBC

    That’s Sutcliffe and Flack ruled out then.
  4. King Billy

    The BBC

    That Flid on the podium at Trafalgar Square a few years ago might have been very tricky for any anti spaz protestors to dislodge. There was fuck all for the rope to get a grip on.
  5. King Billy

    The BBC

    If slavery had been called something else it may have been looked upon more favourably nowadays. Maybe Bitcoon?
  6. A point well proved by the likes of Adele, Sam Smith and Billie Eillish. Three absolute cunts who spend most of their time whining and complaining about everything imaginable.
  7. King Billy

    The BBC

    The fact that the statue depicts an adult male with a naked child should be a major concern imo, and if that wasn’t enough then the disgusting acts the sculptor admitted to in his diaries, along with the history of the BBC in covering up the crimes of many nonces who they employed over decades should certainly warrant its removal and public destruction. No doubt the Beeb will have some bloke called ‘Jim’ round today to ‘fix it’.
  8. King Billy

    The BBC

    Last night a man brought along a ladder and climbed up to the statue above the front doors of the BBC building in Regents St. He proceeded to chip away at the statue of a grown man and a naked child with a hammer and bolster. This statue was carved by Eric Gill who’s diaries revealed after his death that he had raped his two daughters and his younger sister on numerous occasions while they were still children. And also that he had sexual intercourse with the family dog. Several children’s charities have requested over the years that the BBC remove this abomination from their building but the BBC have refused to do so, stating amongst other excuses that it is a ‘cultural landmark’ whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. An ever increasing crowd gathered for 3 or 4 hours to watch this gentleman at work. Eventually the police summoned a cherry picker and arrested him. The BBC as usual failed to notice any of this happening, just like the numerous protests by thousands of angry people outside the very same building during the last 18 months. The BLM scumbags who’ve become known as the ‘Coulston 4’s recent acquittal and extremely favourable press coverage afterwards may be rather different to the narrative around this identical ‘crime’ imo, that’s if any of the fake news media even acknowledge that it occurred at all.
  9. King Billy


    They would more likely be found in Shit Orifices I suspect.
  10. Marin Cacic 23 year old Croatian defender dead after collapsing with a heart attack during training. Just another totally not suspicious fit and healthy sportsperson dropping dead suddenly and without any previous sign of illness. Mmmm?
  11. Angela Raynor has aspirations to be PM. It’s no secret that her and Starmer can’t stand each other and one of them will be stabbed in the back by the other before the next election. This council estate teenage single mother/heroine, who’s supposedly a role model that the public should bow down to, said on TV this morning, when asked what questions should Bozo be asked at PMQs later….”Was you at the party or not?” Apologies if I’ve spelled ‘was’ incorrectly. This cunt probably meant ‘wuz’.
  12. King Billy


    Do you mean off-licence?
  13. King Billy


    Offices are well poofy.
  14. Years ago all tramps were secret millionaires who just preferred sleeping in hedges and stuff.
  15. And the police at 6am about 3 times a week.
  16. That would be an ecumenical matter.
  17. This country and many other supposed ‘democracy’s’ in what used to be considered the free world are now being ruled by behavioural psychologists and maniacal ideologues working our elected politicians from behind to bring about the Great Reset which until recently was nothing but a ridiculous conspiracy theory but like almost everything given that label has quickly become reality. BUILD BACK BETTER.
  18. I’m onboard Eric. And I’ve got the bonus of Roops outing me as a triple jabbed double agent who’s infiltrated the anti vax idiots, probably sending Bill Gates Morse code messages every night from Conspiracy Theory HQ. Ive been calling out all this bullshit, as have you from the start Eric. I don’t give a fuck what rules and orders they come up with for our safety. Never have done and never will do. I’ve got no problem lying or cheating the system to appear as if I’m a good sheep, but when the shit hits the fucking fan, which it will soon I’m more than prepared to go full fucking Ned Kelly. I’d rather go out shooting on my feet than sucking Chris Whittys cock on my knees with my mask pulled to the side and my sleeve rolled up for my 35th booster jab.
  19. He’d be in the off-licence next door to the airport.
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