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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. After much ‘pondering’, my opinion that you don’t have much left seems even more accurate. Carry on chortling though. It might kickstart that big brain of yours into action. 🤣
  2. I can’t wear a mask as I’m not a fucking pathetic, virtue signalling, brainwashed, pants wetting, hiding under the bed, mask wanker. Sorry everyone.
  3. King Billy


    Don’t rush it. Do it really, really slowly.
  4. How many times would you like the question answered?
  5. Just another day at the races for you as the CCP already own everything of any value down under. Not mine for sure. We don’t allow Ruskies through the door. (or fenians)
  6. I’ll watch it later. Don’t tell me who won.
  7. YouTube ….posted Jan 10 2022 GOP War Room Title. ‘Bidens CDC Director 75% of Covid Deaths Were in “Unwell” People With Four Comorbidities. You're not doing very well recently against me are you? And yes I’ve seen the usual debunkers fact-checking what the cocksucker said but I know what my ears heard come out of her mouth.
  8. The original subheading on 10 Jan read…. A devastated father took a furious swipe at people who refuse to get vaccinated, blaming them for his 56 year old daughters shock death from Covid 19 after it took the ambulance 8 hours to arrive. After a phone call to the author of the article Allesandro Schiavone questioning the piece was recorded and posted on Twitter, the subheading was changed on the 13 Jan. to….. A devastated father took a furious swipe at people who refused to get vaccinated as he shared a devastating insight on his daughters tragic death due to Covid. They also posted…. CORRECTION. A previous version of this article appeared to link Susan’s death with antivaxxers taking up hospital beds However Susan died in 2020 before a Covid vaccine was made available to the public. We are happy to clarify this. The article was fake news gutter journalism from the off, and the altering of the subheading and the ‘correction’, after they’d been called out for the misleading theme of the story, matters none, as thousands of people would have read the original version and very few would read the corrected version 3 days later. No doubt I’ve got this all wrong too 🤭
  9. Have you taken all your tablets by mistake?
  10. What would your best guess be? just so I know where you’re at.
  11. No I have not and nor will I ever. What Roops says is of no significance whatsoever to me. In fact almost everything she says to or about me confirms my opinion of her even more. She’s nothing more than a source of amusement to me.
  12. Green, the only real Choppers, and only the first ones with the high backrest, the adjustable handlebars and the gear lever in the middle.
  13. Dr Tedros, head of the WHO this week…. ‘No country can ‘boost’ its way out of the Covid pandemic. Blanket booster programmes are likely to prolong the pandemic rather than ending it, by diverting supplies to countries that already have high levels of vaccination coverage, giving the virus more opportunity to spread.’ 🤔 Calling Professor Whitty to the corner. There’s something you need to listen to. 😂
  14. Six corporations own or control 90% of the media in the US today. They are Comcast/NBCUNIVERSAL DISNEY CBS VIACOM News Corporation AT&T All of these huge corporations which wouldn’t appear to be broke have recently been the recipients of massive donations by guess who? Oh yes, our old friend Mr. Bill Gates again. Some 319 million dollars to be precise. Some other grateful media beggars include… The Guardian.org $12,951,391 The BBC $3,668,557 CNN $3,500,000 The Daily Telegraph $3,446,801 The Atlantic (owned by Steve Jobs widow) $1,403,453 Al-Jazeera $1,000,000 And on and on and on. Mr Gates has bought influence in media outlets spanning the globe, both left and right wing leaning news companies. Another conspiracy theory no doubt.
  15. But they’re both wearing their masks so they must be good, kind and caring people? Hang the fucking pair of them.
  16. The MSM just can’t stop lying can they? Even now with the whole fake news fearmongering campaign of the last two years unravelling in plain sight the Express have this week absolutely smashed the ball right over the crowd and clean out of Bullshit Park. Monday Jan 10 2022. By Allesandro Schiavone. Express online. ’MADE A CHOICE NOT TO HAVE VACCINE!’ Grieving fathers fury at anti-vaxxers taking up beds. A devastated father took a furious swipe at people who refuse to get vaccinated, blaming them for his 56 year old daughters death from COVID 19 after it took the ambulance 8 hours to arrive.’ A rather strange article really, as the woman Susan Sullivan died in March 2020, which was right at the beginning of the plandemic and a good 9 months before any vaccines were even manufactured. The Express story deliberately gave the false impression that this was a recent event without actually saying so, to cover their lying arses and mislead the public. I found a picture of the deceased on a Sky news article and without being too disrespectful of the corpse, the fat cunt would have needed at least a dozen standard sized beds to have been vacated in order to accommodate her gargantuan Covid infested frame. Fake news doing what it does best. Lying 24/7 to any cunt stupid enough to read their shite.
  17. Don’t let Roops know I was right Baws. She’ll come for me with a vengeance.
  18. Simon Ruda, behavioural scientist and co founder of Downing Streets ‘nudge unit’ said a couple of days ago that ‘scare tactics have been misused during the pandemic, to get the public to follow lockdown rules. I fear that the most egregious and far reaching mistake made during the Covid 19 crisis was the level of fear willingly conveyed on the public.’ The architects of the crimes unleashed on the general public over the last two years are suddenly realising they’ve been found out and are trying to shift the blame before the fingers start pointing at them. Funny how more and more things which were ‘ridiculous conspiracy theories’ a short time ago are now being accepted as fact. I might be able to take off this tinfoil hat soon if this carries on.
  19. The CDC last week admitted that 75% of the ‘Covid’ deaths in the US were people with 4 or more comorbidities. That’s a hell of an admission after 2 years, and that also means that the remaining 25% may have had 3, 2, or 1 comorbidities. The SCOTUS just ruled that Bidens vaccine mandate that forced every private employer of over 100 workers to be jabbed is unlawful. The emergency powers which most governments have been terrorising their citizens with are being challenged in many countries now and people are waking up to the fact that Covid is not an emergency and has been used as a convenient excuse to cripple mass populations with fear and render them totally compliant to absolute government control over every aspect of their lives. The digital entrapment of populations has been the objective from the start and freedoms will be extremely hard to get back, if not impossible. It will be interesting to find out the actual number of people in this country who died from Covid, not with Covid but I have serious doubts that we will ever be told the truth, as it would imo reveal the dishonest reality of the whole theatrical performance of the last two years, and the manipulation of the facts from day one, by the likes of Whitty, Vallance and SAGE, who should all be held to account for their criminal acts.
  20. Evidence is emerging that as early as Feb 2020 Patrick Vallance was aware that the batflu had very likely originated in the Wuhan laboratory and conspired with Fauci, the WHO and The Lancet to shut down any discussion on the subject as false and unfounded conspiracy theories. Van Tam has jumped ship because he knows the shit is about to hit the fan and he wants to distance himself ASAP from the architects of the biggest and most damaging con trick ever played on the British public. It’s a certainty that the Johnson cabal will lay the blame entirely at Whitty, Vallance and SAGE shortly, claiming to have been ‘following the science’. The Covid show is over. They’ve run out of lies and the rats are scurrying away looking for somewhere to hide.
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