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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. If this was Dr Who, she’d scream now and instantly turn to dust. I’d buy a TV licence just to watch that (and then wipe my arse with it).
  2. Welcome to Conspiracy Corner. Proper will be along in a minute to measure you up for your shiny new hat.
  3. In December 2020 Pfizer were given immunity by the U.K. government from being sued by anyone who suffered serious side effects from their Covid 19 vaccine, along with whoever administered the jab and also the companies which manufactured the product on behalf of Pfizer. The vaccine was and still is authorised by the MHRA under regulation 174 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012, which allows an unlicensed medicine to be used in an emergency. Under these regulations which the government hastily altered in Sept 2020 immunity from civil action is granted. All the other vaccines have been authorised under the same legislation. Ben Osborn, the boss of Pfizer U.K. point blank refused, when asked to explain why Pfizer had been granted, or needed immunity from litigation. He said ‘ We’re not disclosing details around any aspects of the agreement, and specifically around the liability clauses’. The U.K. government did add Covid vaccines to the vaccine damages fund , which can pay out up to £120K for 60% disability injury and has been historically very difficult for the victim to be fairly compensated. As I’m sure you’re well aware, Big Pharma in general and Pfizer specifically, have a well documented history of less than satisfactory safety standards around the launch of new products. Their vast financial power and influential politicians on their payrolls all over the world allows them to fill their bank accounts first and then settle out of court, if and when they are accused of causing serious harm and damage, which has happened many many times in the past. I do hope this has cleared up your confusion around this matter and look forward to your reply, which I’m hopeful, but not very confident, won’t be the usual gaslighting, finger wagging nonsense I’ve become accustomed to.
  4. In the shed, under your bed.
  5. I’ve named three or four YouTube channels for you to embarrass yourself if you can be bothered. You’re rebuttals are becoming more and more pathetic by the minute. Perhaps you should go upstairs and have a lie down, maybe have a think about your inability to ever consider that you might be wrong sometimes. 😘😴
  6. Because they have still only been approved for emergency use anywhere in the world and the manufacturers will not supply them to any country that doesn’t give them total immunity from future legal action by the guinea pigs who are now being legally required to have them against their will in an increasing number of countries. One question for you. Where does this tyranny end?
  7. King Billy

    The BBC

    The BBC can suck my spotty arsehole. By BBC I mean Naga Munchetty obviously, and not Dan Walker or David Attenborough.
  8. Even fake news ITV as part of their sudden ‘Road to Damascus’ awakening have tonight reported a ‘significant number’ of NHS workers throwing their uniforms at the gates of No.10. So, can you clarify for me, as an ex Mensa big brain know all, whether a ‘significant number’ is more or less than a ‘couple of dozen’? As you constantly remark that I haven’t answered the question, perhaps you’d like to show us all how it’s done?
  9. There’s dozens of videos on YouTube by Subject Access, Resistance GB, Actual Coverage, Media Consumer 9/11 and others filmed at the protest if you care to look. You really are losing it aren’t you?, and it’s not a pretty sight.
  10. Dr Robert Malone, co inventor of mRNA 30 odd years ago, so far more qualified to voice his concerns about the mass vaccination experiment across the world than 99.9% of the experts who seem to think they’re job is to mock and attempt to discredit him for speaking out about his genuine concerns. Whats your point?
  11. What’s that Skippy? Someone’s fallen down the mineshaft without a mask on?
  12. Don’t worry about it. You did remember the beans and the face masks though?
  13. YouTube Mahyar Tousi ’Freedom March NHS Workers……..’ How many dozen is a couple for a big brain ex Mensa genius such as yourself ? 😂😂
  14. She’s losing the argument Eric. It’s a beautiful thing to observe, and I haven’t even mentioned the ‘Physicians Declaration’, signed by over 12,000 physicians and medical scientists from across the world, accusing Covid 19 policy makers of crimes against humanity, for knowingly suppressing open debate around, and legally blocking the use of certain pharmaceutical treatments with proven long term safety records, which were strangely banned and their effectiveness blatantly lied about by the ‘good scientists’ and their paid off MSM schills.
  15. Chief Swollen Heart (died peacefully in his teepee 3 hours after his first Pfizer jab)
  16. Conspiracy theorist weirdo. Some people eh?
  17. Righto. You’ve won me over Professor Bigbrain. Have you got a Whitty style chart I can have a look at, just so I’m sure?
  18. But my mate ‘Sid Slack jaw’ can’t be wrong. Can he? He knows David Icke and Piers Corbyn. I’m starting to suspect that Roops may be a lizard woman.
  19. Should have thought about that before you bought all the paint.
  20. Total deaths from Covid 19 with no comorbidities (England and Wales)Jan 2020 to Sept 2021….17371 (average age 83) ONS freedom of information request. The games up. The Emperor’s had no clothes on from day one. Curious that even the BBC fake news have started within the last few days, after reporting the daily Covid death toll of people who died within 28 days of testing positive, adding that some of these people will have died from other causes. Strange that imo. It’s taken two years for these truthtellers to discover this rather important fact? The ‘conspiracy theorists’ like myself who smelled a rat from the start and didn’t swallow the nonsense are quickly being vindicated as the whole narrative unravels and the panic and overreaction by our government and most others becomes clearer every day. The NHS vaccine mandate will be reversed within days, and all it took was a couple of highly respected and unsmearable (though the MSM gutter press did try) doctors to come out publicly and argue their case. Oh and a coupe of thousand NHS workers, doctors and nurses dumping their uniforms at the gates of Downing St. today. The sad truth, that millions of people who until March 2020, allowed themselves so easily to be panicked and frightened into following every order and dictat that most of them must have known was unnecessary and harmful, never mind the polar opposite of everything that citizens of a free country were entitled to as a result of previous generations giving up their lives to protect. The whole Covid experiment is done. The real ‘conspiracy theorists’ like the Labour Party (especially in Wales), the SNP etc. and every left wing tyrant around the world, are still trying to cling on to the ‘pandemic’ because of the opportunity it gave them to exercise unimaginable control over their subjects, all in the name of public health lol. The real motive behind all this has been imo to implement a digital database/prison (CCP social credit system) for entire populations, which has been largely successful due to the fearmongering, and false but eerily identical narrative and policies pushed out by those in power aided and abetted by their poodles in the fake news MSM. Dr Anthony Faucis role in the ‘Big Lie’ known as Covid 19 should be an eye opener to even the most robust defenders (like you) of the ‘science’ fairy tales which no one has been permitted to question for two years. He needs to be held to account for his crimes, which dwarf Hitlers imo. Fuck off.
  21. Reported for a sectarian hate crime. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  22. Stupid fat ugly slag was insisting that anyone sad enough to pay a fortune for a ticket had to be triple jabbed and tested negative to be admitted. How great is it now that half of her triple jabbed, daily tested crew have got the lurgy? I hope they all die and she gets her tonsils destroyed by one of the huge black cocks she deep throats tonight, and gives up wailing and screeching and basically getting on everyone’s fucking tits, the thick hideous cunt.
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