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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. A new study by a professor at Johns Hopkins ( look it up. I can’t be arsed) has been getting quite a bit of publicity today, even in the MSM, the lickspittle lockdown propagandists worldwide for the last two years. One of the conclusions from the report was that lockdowns had a 0.2% effect in reducing deaths from the old Kungflu. Obviously you’re going to come back with your usual ‘this study wasn’t blah blah blah, and you’re an idiot, and my son’s got an enormous brain’ and so on and so on, ignoring the fact that John’s Hopkins has been at the forefront of the whole Covid plandemic information data from the start, with MSM all over the world broadcasting their death numbers, infection rates, predictions etc. as ‘the science’.
  2. Sounds like he sure knows how to have some serious fun. I bet all the in crowd down at the library nod knowingly at him, gazing all starry eyed over their thick rimmed glasses when he walks in. Im seriously and genuinely pleased for both of you.
  3. ‘I’m seeing a young man and he’s wearing a red football top. He says he wants to go home now. He’s saying ‘Get off me fucking chest all of you. I can’t fucking breathe.’
  4. You must be extremely proud of him, and rightly so. The only negative I can see for you is that such a super intelligent young man must have realised a long time ago what an insufferable, self superior narcissist you are. That aside. Well done you. PS My obscenely clever dog can lick his own obscenely large testicles.
  5. The young lady complainant in the civil case, was apparently so drunk at the time that she couldn’t possibly have consented, the judge ruled. I may be in big trouble if that wino bird I met in the park last night ever wakes up and remembers what I look like. I won’t go out without my hammer in future.
  6. How dare you! Foreign indeed. The British public would never allow a foreigner as monarch….. By foreign I don’t mean German, Dutch, French, Danish etc. etc.
  7. That’s got to be the best name I’ve ever seen for a rapist. I like him. Rape Rovers should sign him up right away.
  8. I do hope I’m not still around for the coronation of our first trans monarch.
  9. I’m working on a post about this currently, which might hopefully contain one or two facts (always the most difficult part I find). I’ve been considering not bothering with any factual content whatsoever going forward but I’m genuinely concerned about the effect it could have on the Duchess of York’s mental state if she became overloaded with all the late night fact checking she’d feel duty bound to take care of. It’s got me in a right dilemma. I do care about her.
  10. I hope you got at least some sleep last night, after what appears to have been a marathon 15 hour fact-checking session, a long one even for you. It’s very reassuring for me to know that you’re always there to do the heavy lifting for me. It allows me to get the breaking news stories out first and then off to bed early, knowing that you’ll be at your post, doing your bit to correct any minor mistakes, even if it takes all night. Your selfless dedication is a constant inspiration to me and a reminder to never give up.
  11. In 1690 King Billy said James the 2nd being a Catholic should not be King. Spooky or what? 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  12. Nadine Dorris the Culture and Media Secretary today floated the idea that it may be necessary to legislate against anyone posting material on the internet which ‘might cause harm’, with penalties of up to 2 years in jail and huge fines for the bosses of ‘big tech’ social media organisations. This Bozo groupie and former reality TV wannabe attempted to explain this plan by waffling on about multi billion pound fines etc etc etc. Blah blah blah. Anyone with a fucking semi functioning brain can see that the intended targets aren’t Mark Zuckerdick, Sir Nick Smegg or any of the Silicon Valley foetus eating, adrenochrome addicts, but any average citizen who dares to post anything online that the tyrants who rule us decide is ‘harmful’.
  13. King Billy

    Great Yarmouth

    His intergalactic driving licence won’t stand up to Kathy Griffins forensic scrutiny but the fake Covid passport I got for him is foolproof apart from a few spelling mistakes and the QR code from Tesco’s website.
  14. It could be that the peace process has caused a shortage of cold blooded murderers in the Emerald Isle, creating an opportunity for Eastern European to fill the gap in the workforce.
  15. King Billy

    Great Yarmouth

    He messaged me yesterday. He’s on the international space station with Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson’s twin daughters. He said they’re a pair of horrible cunts. Not sure which pair he meant. I’m sure Roops will have scoured his location tracking data by tomorrow morning and debunked everything I’ve said, but hey ho.
  16. The goalkeeper suddenly developing a heart condition after the Covid jab and not being able to play, and the 6-0 defeat couldn’t possibly be attributed to anything other than the failings of the hitherto very successful manager. I’m not a football expert but even I can see that he had to go. I hear that Matt Hancock is rumoured to be odds on for the job.
  17. So that’s why Panzy got fed up, resigned from Lidl and became a full time piss soaked, rag wearing beggar.
  18. 🎶Old Man🎶 The needle and the damage done🎶 I expect Harry Styles has screamed at his carer/nappy changer to fetch his hormone blockers and his new crayon set so he can draw a big angry picture of Joe Rogan to send off to Spotify, once someone explains to him what Spotify means, in words of one syllable or less.
  19. The ‘new normal’. Manager sacked after voicing concern about Covid vaccination safety. Club issues statement saying they needed to focus on gaining promotion. Club were 2 points from top position in the league at the time of the announcement. 🤔
  20. On Saturday afternoon (29th Jan 2022) nine EFL championship matches were played. Three of them were stopped due to medical emergencies. Even a diehard Covid fan such as yourself can’t ignore the apparent and so far unexplained rise in these occurrences. I guess it could be some selfish spectator not wearing his mask properly or maybe it’s just the ‘new normal’. Love you xxx😘
  21. Nothing has changed. If the protest is not BLM, Extinction Rebellion or another of the approved virtuous leftie causes it will be smeared by the MSM as far right and racist. The media will ignore it but occasionally send a crew to film from an obscure angle to make it appear very few people were there, and oddly just happen to find a couple of people with a swastika or shouting something racist, to fabricate a false narrative around. Total fake news and shameful, but that’s what journalism has become nowadays.
  22. You’ve got to stop this Spot. These sort of unacceptable views are exactly what Justin Trudeau was referring to the other day when he was condemning the protesting truckers blockading Ottawa as conspiracy theorists, far right extremists, anti science, criminals and a danger to all decent Canadians. Then he went into hiding, due to threats to his life (BS). The internet is awash with livestreams and videos of this terrorist takeover of Ottawa. I’m yet to see one example of anyone acting in a violent or threatening manner. These tyrants are running scared in several countries now because they know the game is up. Fucking good job I say.
  23. You know the world is catastrophically fucked when people are emigrating to Bogland, the worlds greatest exporter of people historically. (Well what can loosely be described as people)
  24. How does commenting on the fact that 3 EFL matches were suspended on the same afternoon, due to fans collapsing and one of them dying (something which is happening more and more commonly), repeating Lee Johnson’s actual words and voicing a genuinely held belief that mass Covid vaccination programs and mandates are a massive overreaction and abuse of authority by those holding power across the world. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this as the millions protesting across the globe and the massive truckers blockade in Ottawa prove. People are waking up to the lies they’ve fallen for. Your constant obsessive need to fact-check and debunk everything I post is hilarious and shows what a sad and sorry little bore you are. So you stick to believing what Google and the fakestream media tells you is true, and I’ll carry on pointing out the tyranny of the last 2 years. 😘
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