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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Kameltoe Harris yesterday waved bye bye to another senior staffer, the 8th or 9th so far to jump ship, (The USS Harvey Price). The latest deserter was K. C. Graham, her speechwriter.🤣🤣🤣 This probably wouldn’t have made the news but for the hysterical laughter across the country, that she actually had a speechwriter. The poor girl probably couldn’t stand the brain numbing boredom of the non job any longer, so decided to fuck off before she was labelled a racist for not having a tattoo of George Floyds cock on her face, or some similar crime.
  2. She’s done a fantastic job of keeping it hidden up till now. She’s just a token black vagina, put there to stop the race warriors in the Democrat Party burning down most of the cities again. She ran against Potato Brain Biden in the 2020 primary’s, calling him racist, misogynist and corrupt in a live debate. She was then the first of the runners to drop out, with a massive 1% of support. As ‘The Donald’ has commented more than once when asked about her…. ”Yeah, She’s a real beauty.”
  3. Along with my grannies life savings. Probably unconnected incidents.
  4. That’s the thing with the leprechauns. They don’t like it up em.
  5. No thanks. No need to apologise.
  6. Behind the couch wearing masks.
  7. Women are like cars. Who would trade one in that was showing its age, making all sorts of annoying noises and lost its fun factor, for an older, creamier model with more former owners than Kunta Kinte? Just choose a newer, sexier, sportier model with far less miles on the clock and don’t look back in the rear view mirror at the clapped out old wreck you’ve finally got rid of, then settle back and enjoy the ride of your life.
  8. Shortest distance between U.K. mainland and Ireland 12 miles. Shortest distance between France and U.K. mainland 21 miles. Upside down atlas I suppose, doh.
  9. Oi maaaake yoo roight thaaar Master Goober. Oi much prefer the sound of a tractor droiving past or the luvverly crunch of a noice crisp carrot. So I do.
  10. That’s a bit ott Stubbers. Im just a normal bloody bloke. A normal bloody bloke who likes a bit of torture.
  11. Klaus Schwab, The WEF. The Great Reset. I’ve been banging on about it for years mate. We’re all doomed Major.
  12. I get the impression that HOC may be into a bit of BBC.
  13. She’s far too clever to fall for that Eric. We’re talking about an all round genius who doesn’t bother to open the huge mountain of MENSA monthly subscriptions blocking her hallway, keeps the aerospace industry from collapsing, the wholesale PPE market ticking over, designs the electronics for the motor industry, gives profitability advice free of charge to dead tree salesmen, or deadbeat runaway fathers as she prefers to call them, selflessly gives her old man a Friday night J Arthur, bakes cupcakes and apple tarts for her hitherto unmentioned grown up former child prodigy who apparently makes Stephen Hawking look about as smart as Joey Essex on ketamine. And still finds time to fact check little old me. I’m truly humbled. Eddie’s a very silly man if he lets her slip through his two tone hands.
  14. I imagine his thoughts on that scenario would have been focused solely on his hope that he would be going with him.
  15. “Even Beethoven had his critics Keithy. See if you can name three of them”.
  16. If my mum had looked like that her knicker drawer would have been permanently soggier than my permanently gooey underpants, which it was anyway, until they locked me up.
  17. Would using someone else’s hand on the bus qualify as a DW?
  18. I don’t expect most punters will be interested enough in this thread to bother, but as a keen follower of all things Yank I found the resignation of Jeff Zucker, boss of CNN yesterday very interesting to say the least. This hairless pygmy who’s been at the helm of what was a left leaning but mostly respected news Channel since 2003 turned it into a Get Trump, Russian collusion, impeachment 1, impeachment 2, Jan 6 insurrection hoax, worship at the Biden/Fauci/ Pelosi/ BLM/ Clinton altar. All the time hiding the real truth about the sickening corruption and criminality of the Obama/Biden/Clinton cabal which turbocharged the wilful destruction of Western values and the war on the decent and hardworking majority who are the backbone of civilised society. CNNs ratings have plummeted by 90% since Dementia Joe, the most popular President ever 😂 in just a year has now become the most unpopular President ever according to almost every poll. 2 top CNN prime time producers have been arrested for paedophile allegations, No1 news anchor Chris Cuomo sacked for conspiring with his brother Andrew who was New York State Governor, to smear and discredit more than a dozen women he’d sexually abused, Jeffrey Toobin CNN legal analyst caught with no trousers on, furiously masturbating during a live Zoom conference broadcast, but welcomed back after after apologising for his ‘mistake’. The big boss Zucker has however gone for not disclosing a consensual affair with a senior female colleague. An affair which was common knowledge for years. Fox News which ridicules and exposes the nonsense pumped out by all the left wing fakestream media has seen their ratings go through the roof as people are waking up to the shite they’ve been fed for decades. All the lefts attacks and smears as racist bigots has failed spectacularly. The BBC should have a good hard look at the biased propaganda they sell to the public as impartial news, and consider the probability that their days are numbered and the game is up for them and all the progressive liberal elite they’ve been schilling for.
  19. King in a ‘Jonathon’ style.
  20. Nothing gets past you HoC. What was it about me that made you think that?
  21. My obscenely dishonest eldest son recently solved a Rubik's Cube in less than an hour with nothing more than six different coloured rolls of sticky tape, a pair of child proof safety scissors and a carton of strawberry Ribena to keep his sugar levels up. If he hadn’t shit his pants with the excitement of his achievement, I’d have said it was a far better thing, than any of that namby pamby, big brain, child prodigy toss she’s boasting about.
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