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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. That’s absolutely the best debunk I’ve ever seen, even by the Queen of ‘fact-checking’ royalty, which I’ve come to regard you as. Basically agreeing with everything I’ve said, but appearing to contradict it all with different words is pure genius. No wonder MENSA have been in an existential state of meltdown since realising they may have lost you. Your obscenely bigbrained eldest should thank his lucky stars he didn’t have a runaway parent like me. Well done you and shame on me. 😘
  2. I’d quite like to closely examine his wifes pussy at a secret location, to check for any signs of previous battering. It’s not much but It’s the least I could do to help. My missus says I should just keep my nose out of it. I promised her I would definitely do that.
  3. 🎶Everybody needs good neighbours🎶 You’d be well advised to think about that Panzybaby. After all, it hasn’t exactly worked out great for you lot in the past when you’ve irritated us a little too much, and we’ve stopped being good neighbours temporarily to remind you who lives in the grand stately home and who lives in the rusty prefab across the lake with their seventeen unwashed kids and a donkey.
  4. So what you’re saying is that this cabal of anointed ‘fact checkers’ should decide what’s truth, and therefore allowed to be digested by the masses, who believe most of what they’re fed by the fake news media and big tech oligarchs? Only a ‘deranged obsessive’ would possibly point out the blatant censoring, cancelling and destroying of anyone who dares to question anything that they're told is fact. Most of which turns out to be anything but later on btw. Oh and the NED has long been regarded as an Obama/Clinton/Democrat Party open door to the State Department, unless you’re a Republican. I thought you knew everything?
  5. Facebook, like most social media companies use third party organisations which hilariously call themselves ‘fact checkers’. Almost all are signed up to Poynters International Fact Checking Code of Principles.😂also known as the IFCN (International Fact Checking Network). Major donors to the IFCN include LOL….The Open Society Foundation (George Soros), Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, National Endowment for Democracy (US State Department), Omidyar Network (eBay) and Craig Newmark (Craigslist). All major donors coincidentally, and closely involved with the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton 2016 political campaign. It’s not difficult to understand why almost everything Donald Trump said or did was ‘fact checked’ and sold to the public as fake news, when the fact checkers were and still are basically just a propaganda arm of the Democrats. If something is ‘fact-checked’ as ‘untrue’ or ‘misinformation’ nowadays, it’s more or less certain to be the exact opposite, especially if it’s inconvenient to the lefts narrative.
  6. In some old grannies home and away with her savings. 🤣 (allegedly)
  7. Gypsies seem to always have a problem with neighbours. I’ve often wondered why that is.
  8. The club shop have run out of David Goodwillie shirts. I managed to get one of the last Levi Bellfields though.
  9. All dog shit was white until the late 1940s. Same as squirrels were always red and now they’re grey. I bet Bill Gates would spill the beans before the boltcutters got anywhere near his one remaining big toe.
  10. Let’s see Roops try to fucking debunk that Eric. I wish I’d posted it. Surely even she can’t say Stephen Hawking didn’t look clever. Victory is ours.
  11. ‘One more fecking plane over Dublin Mr Putin and our special (needs) forces will blow up every corner shop in Moscow before you even have a chance to surrender. So get off that fecking horse and put your shirt back on. Roight!’
  12. One thing you can bet your life on is Hitler will always be portrayed by a white actor. Maybe sporting a rainbow coloured swastika, a pair of 44” tits, in an open top, battery powered, carbon zero Mercedes driven by Lewis Hamilton in a Hugo Boss mini dress and papier mache recyclable crash helmet, flat out at almost 3MPH with masked and fully jabbed cyclists and pedestrians shouting Nazi! and shaking their heads in contempt as they whizz past.
  13. This sort of cuntish behaviour is probably why she’s currently occupying bottom place on my list of ‘History’s Cleverest Newtons’. I ruled out gravity as I’m not 100% on board with that just yet.
  14. The brave freedom fighters Martin and Varadka will already have drafted a barely legible declaration of neutrality, scribbled in green white and gold crayon, on the back of one of the latest ‘Sorry, we’ve told you not to keep asking us to pay tax. Get Fucked.’ replies from Apple, Amazon or Google etc. The dynamic duo are no doubt rubbing their hands in anticipation of another 1940s style boom coming to Cork harbour. Those French subs will need loads of spud based biodiesel and 80 year old rusty parts. The Brits will of course be blamed for the inevitable potato famine which will be sung about for decades. It’s almost as if this has all happened before. ’Pint of that biodiesel please Seamus. I’m fucking starving.’
  15. Was the patient putting the stadium clock forward an hour, or worrying about his leccy bill when he suddenly collapsed on the recently shovelled, snow free floor? 🤣
  16. BREAKING NEWS Morris dancing in pub toilets linked to the sudden rise in fatal heart attacks of naked, unemployed black males, according to a new study from the University of Alabama.
  17. I definitely can’t remember the last time a ‘radicalised’ Frumer mowed down dozens of pedestrians on London Bridge in his Fiat Punto, or hacked Lee Rigby to pieces with a huge grin on his bearded face, blew up hundreds of innocent kids at a pop concert, or attacked a village school in Africa and kidnapped hundreds of female children to keep them as sex slaves, after raping and slaughtering everyone else they could find over the age of ten. The four by twos have historically been the convenient target for all the worlds problems, and have tbf sometimes been their own worst enemy, but to ignore and cover up the obvious and undeniable fact that Islam is not reconcilable with the basic foundations and core principles that all western Judeo Christian countries are founded on is cowardice on a scale that I cannot work out, except as a sign of what’s yet to come if it’s allowed to continue.
  18. ‘At the highest level’ that’s possibly true, but the Hollywood untouchables and their super rich friends, Jewish or otherwise, make up a tiny percentage of the kidfuckers who carry on raping and abusing children with absolute impunity, almost exclusively in the Muslim ghettos of this country, and the uncivilised lawless wastelands they flock to the U.K. from, bringing their dark age customs and religious perversions with them. I don’t recall ever hearing about any Golders Green or Stamford Hill rape gangs. Do you? Im not a cheerleader for the oven dodgers in any respect, but I find it difficult to understand gaslighting them, in order to somehow deflect from the in-ignorable Islamic elephant in the room, which is exactly what the snivelling cowards at all levels of authority have chosen to do for decades.
  19. I’d like to apologise for any of my previous posts which questioned whether the recent huge increase in heart attacks, sudden unexpected deaths and previously undiscovered cardiac conditions in young people, may be in any way linked to the also recent mass MRNA vaccination craze. Having come to my senses and listened to the sensible advice of Mrs Roops, I’ve had a look at what the MSM have found out and shared with the public over the last few weeks, to put these ridiculous anti vax theories to bed once and for all…….. ’Shovelling snow could cause sudden heart attacks’ ’Cheering too excitedly at football matches may be behind recent medical emergencies at soccer events’ ’Energy bill price rise worries may cause heart attacks and strokes’ , says ITV GP Dr Amir Khan, ‘Also not turning on your heating will cause your blood vessels to constrict, increasing risk of heart attack.’ ’Death during sex isn’t just something that happens to middle aged men, new study finds.’ ’Lonely women at greater risk of heart attacks.’ ’WATCH OUT! Moving clocks forward an hour could be dangerous for millions of Brits with heart problems.’ ’Sticking to alcohol guidelines is bad for your health. Risk of heart problems increased even if you drink less than NHS guidelines, study suggests.’ And all this time I’ve fallen hook line and sinker for the Dr Malone, Dr Peter McCullough etc. nonsense. I’m going to watch lots of Dr Hillary, Dr. Amir, Lorraine and Jeremy Vine from now on if I’m in any doubt about Covid or how many boosters I need to stay safe. Sorry everyone, for being such a silly Billy. 💉💉💉😷😷😷😘
  20. King Billy

    Liam Gallagher

    Don’t look back you wanker.
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