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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘BREAKING NEWS’ Pakistan signs new deal with Russia to import wheat and gas. ’OLD NEWS’ Britain will continue to pay Pakistan 1/4 billion pounds ‘foreign aid’ per year. (For ‘Britain’ read all you cunts who go to work and pay income tax, not to be confused in any way with the 200,000 square jawed Ukrainians we’re welcoming in or the millions of jihadi cunts already here, who you work your bollocks off to pay for). ☹️
  2. Isn’t it a little odd how the entire world has suddenly fallen into line against Russia? Unlike any other conflict I can remember. Disturbingly similar to the way the entire world signed up to the Covid agenda, almost without exception. It’s almost as if Covid wasn’t working anymore and something new was needed to frighten the sheeple and completely dominate the MSM news cycle.
  3. That’s that then. The Moderna big boss didn’t suddenly resign after a month of secretly unloading his shares then? And Pfizer haven’t attempted to jump into the US federal case (in an obvious stalling tactic) which has ordered the release of all the testing data within 8 months, instead of the 75 years which the CDC and Pfizer wanted? And the Australian jabs which have been admitted to result in HIV positive results. Booster anyone?
  4. Get over it BabyPants. If it’s any consolation no one over here gives a flying fuck about the collection of benders, retards and bogtrotters in your highest positions of power. Perhaps a couple of hours on the outside toilet, squeezing a whopper out and having a long hard think about the things that really matter might help. 🇬🇧 REMEMBER 1690 🇬🇧
  5. Reports of Spottos demise are somewhat premature. I’ve today received a video, albeit unverified of the CC legend in a firefight with Russian special forces. After rapidly discharging both flintlocks and charging towards the enemy, sabre drawn, the picture quality became impossible to watch further. I have no doubt he got the job done though.
  6. She can sue the Daily Mail and then live happily ever after in California with Harry Hewitt and Mangy Meghan on the proceeds if she wins.
  7. Two cheeks of the same shit encrusted arsehole RK. Even I couldn’t disassociate them from each other.
  8. I’ve never been a toker Eric but if I was I’d take a chance and go for it quickly. With inflation rising quicker than the yellow slime in Franks broken down freezer, it could be a good investment to resell in a couple of months. Go for it.
  9. A sequence of DNA in the Covid 19 virus has been found to exactly match a DNA sequence patented by Moderna more than 3 years ago, reports the Daily Mail. Totally unconnected to the recent, sudden resignation of the Moderna boss, who sold his multimillion dollar shareholding in the company secretly in the weeks before he jumped ship. Time to put my tinfoil hat on and have a close look at these 2 totally unconnected occurrences methinks. Normally this would arouse the attention of the totally not fake news media but they’re far too busy soiling their pants with this very convenient ‘war’ which has appeared over the hill in the nick of time, like John Wayne’s cavalry. This ‘war’ which the Ukraine government today said had so far resulted in 450 odd casualties, 170 odd fatalities. ‘Mmm?’
  10. Not just by the bitter and twisted old fuckers who spent all their days poncing free pints with tales about their heroic part in the fight for freedom from the evil Brits, but by the Government in Dublin and just about every local council, who barred them from any form of employment. Shameful.
  11. Panzybabe has never got over his failure to get the lead part when he auditioned for ‘My left foot’. Having his wellies on the wrong feet probably didn’t help.
  12. Of course he did. The poor cunts arsehole will have been in worse shape than a tramps foot when he woke up today, with no wife, no house, no kids and no money.
  13. Is it just me or is this ‘war’ which is dominating the news suffering from a very unusual and very suspect lack of footage of anything much actually occurring. The BBC news showing a formation of Russian fighter jets filmed on a mobile phone which was hours later exposed as footage from a 2019 air display, and various MSM video clips showing actors being made up to look as if they had been injured in battle? Considering everyone has a camera phone nowadays, it’s rather odd that the news is a constant loop of fake news wankers describing the battles that have been taking place without any visual proof that any of what they are saying is true. Mmmm?
  14. ‘Remember how I always wanted a kidney shaped pool?’
  15. Do you mean ‘Living as a HOMO’? or ‘Living with a HOMO’? A bit of clarity would be good here. In all other respects an excellent nom.
  16. Should have thought about it before ramming your cock up his arse on numerous occasions.
  17. John Kerry, the Punch and Judy faced, Washington DC swamp rat, who flies around the world by private jet, in his latest role as Dementia Joe’s ‘Climate change ambassador’, said last week that Putins invasion of Ukraine is likely to distract the Russian people from the real problem they face, which is the climate emergency.
  18. They probably won’t blow up shopping centres and busy high streets full of women and kids though.
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