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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Ukraine has the 33rd ranked army in the world.
  2. BBC Newsnight are showing some overpaid slag with a suitably solemn expression describing the current situation in various parts of Ukraine. She says she’s heard reports of Kiev being heavily shelled, bodies piling up in the streets in another city, Russians attacking medical personnel somewhere else, children hiding terrified in basements starving. A Ukrainian ‘human rights’ lawyer describing the need for the west to do more to help the millions of people to get safely to the U.K., Germany, Sweden etc. (all the soft touch countries). Total fucking bullshit. Not one video clip of all these horrifying atrocities happening, just ‘reports’ and ‘accounts’ from the battle zones. This in the age when every cunt over 4 years old has a camera phone and internet access? This whole ‘fake news’ fairy tale being reeled out at the moment is as far fetched as a bucket of bat shite from the Wuhan lab in China, but that’s last years story. Keep up folks. There’ll be another one along soon to keep you all on the edge of your seats trembling. Ukranians are all a bunch of cunts. Don’t fall for any of this pathetic fucking psyop.
  3. King Billy


    I’ve just came in my Yfronts.
  4. Have a like. It’s not that difficult to do once you get over the comfortable reluctance and press the button.
  5. This sounds right up my street RK. The journey to school when I was a ‘wee lad’ invariably took us past the smouldering rubble of collapsed churches and other local places of interest to the ‘hoods’. As a thrice married gentleman who’s been fortunate enough to wriggle out of all of them with very little emotional damage but more than my fair share of financial ruination, which would have destroyed most men who didn’t conceal their assets from their beautiful brides to be. I think I could bring my personal experiences and widely acknowledged common sense to the table for a modest fee. I would insist on conjugal rights with any half decent crumpet on the set, purely for reasons of keeping it real and true to life.
  6. This Ukrainian refugee crisis has opened my eyes to something I didn’t know until today when I saw a picture of a queue of desperate people ‘apparently’ trying to cross the Polish border from Ukraine. I had no idea so much of the Ukraine population were black or Asian looking. I was so taken aback that my blue and yellow solidarity lapel ribbon almost fell off as I exhaled a huge gasp of genuine surprise. I later found out that the photo had been mistakenly used and was actually taken outside the council housing office in Chipping Campden Gloucester.
  7. No. That was ‘Shed and Buried’ featuring Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove on the Quest channel most afternoons.
  8. It’s definitely not Freddy Mercury. It could be his little known and rarely photographed identical twin brother though.
  9. Im not an Oligarch Dougal. Those billions were just resting in my account.
  10. So the latest propaganda being pushed by Piss Pants Bidens controllers and lapped up by the fakestream media is the numerous US Government funded bio labs in Ukraine, which until a few days ago the illegal squatters in the Whitehouse were denying all knowledge of. Now that they’ve had to admit the existence of these facilities they’re scrambling around trying to get ahead of the story by predicting that Vlad will take over these facilities and unleash a biological attack on Ukrainians. The MSM in their usual ‘tongue up the arse’ fashion are lapping this bullshit propaganda up and taking what few viewers they have left for absolute cunts (which they are). The dimwits who are glued to the TV news 24/7, shouting obscenities every time Putin or even Russia is mentioned are being primed up for the ‘false flag’ bio weapon attack which will anyday now be the ‘BREAKING NEWS’ story plastered all over every TV screen. Putin will be blamed for another crime against humanity, anyone who doesn’t wear a blue and yellow ribbon and invite at least one Ukrainian ‘refugee’ (coward) into their home rent free to abuse their daughters will be ostracised. The ‘false flag’ bio weapon, war crime attack will keep the wide eyed sheep screaming at their TVs long enough for the warmongers in Washington DC to roll out their next distraction from the real situation in Eastern Europe. The ‘real situation’ I see is the necessary (to the globalist elites) crushing of Putin. Russia and the targeted starvation of its citizens are deemed to be unimportant collateral damage in the current push forward to enslave the human race. The US have major involvement in over 330 biological research (warfare) labs in 36 countries worldwide. Anthony Fauci and his cronies have been concealing most of their activities, denying regularly on oath to the US Congress and Senate the extent of their involvement in and their knowledge around the outbreak of Covid 19 from the Wuhan lab, which Fauci and his minions were in up to their necks, doing ‘gain of function’ experimental virus research for years. The public are once again being played for the fools most of them are. ’THE VIRUS IS DEAD!’ ’LONG LIVE THE WAR!’
  11. There was one care home I read about where a large number of the residents were prone to such ailments. I think Wayne Rooney used to spend a lot of time there visiting his granny (and lots of other peoples grannies).
  12. You owe RK an apology for something I said to him last night. Try not to keep him waiting long or it might seem a bit rude of you.
  13. There aren’t enough under 16s still living, due to the totally unconnected and unreported spike in heart attacks which has killed more than 99.999% of under 16s, to carry out a reliable study. I guess we’ll never know if a gallon of Lidl own brand a week could have saved the annoying little fuckers. I assume that you didn’t catch Covid in your teenage years, so it obviously worked in your case. 🥃 Bottoms up! 🥃
  14. Shall we mow add microbiologist to your ever increasing list of incredible expertise? Or just note that you’re the sites greatest ever googleologist?
  15. Laughing. I believe that is the correct spelling.
  16. You’re right. I’ll have Goober apologise for me ASAP.
  17. Roops will be able to set your mind at rest with a ‘fact-checked’ Google link and a reminder that I’m a ‘thicko’ RK. As you were.
  18. That might be true if you hadn’t been on a crowded bus at the time.
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