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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You can fuck their daughters to your hearts content (with a generous discount, mates rates) But I’m the King Eric.
  2. I used to be a big F1 fan, in the Mansell, Senna, Prost, Schumacher era, going to Silverstone every year, and Magny Cours, Spa, Hockenheim and even Monte Carlo once. The electronic age spoiled the sport in the early nineties making Williams unbeatable. I remember Mansell leading the US Grand Prix in a JPS Lotus in 84, for most of the race in 45’ heat, running out of petrol on the last lap and then collapsing while pushing his car to the finish line. These scalextric drivers nowadays, whilst great drivers would just park the car, get out and throw a tantrum looking for someone to blame. I don’t consider F1 to be a genuine sport anyway as the result of every race can be manipulated legally using team orders. Bookmakers taking bets on F1 from punters who can be robbed of their winnings due to to this makes it a non sport in my opinion.
  3. None of them will ever go home. And neither will the ‘family members’ and friends who will join them as soon as they get here. The council house waiting list for British people is about to become infinitely longer than Pens extremely lengthy man sausage. For our poor, unfortunate, heroic, square jawed visitors however, the red carpet will be rolled out at every council office in the country. How many homeless ex servicemen do you reckon these virtue signalling, do gooder wankers have rescued from their shop doorways and insisted they bring along their dog on a piece of rope to come and live in their suburban semi detached homes? No brownie points on Twitter for that, so obviously none. Fuck Ukraine.
  4. Unfortunately not as I’m off to Hungary on Monday, and when I’ve had my shiny new gnashers installed I’m heading across the border into Ukraine, hoping to enlist in the Russian army and shoot a load of Ukrainian women and children.
  5. Old skool mate. I had a record shop in the nineties, all vinyl so I know a lot of the DJs and promoters from back in the day.
  6. The prime minister of Poland, along with his counterparts from Slovenia and the Czech Republic arrived in Kiev today to meet the fake actor Ukranian President. Considering the MSM reports for almost 3 weeks now of Russian forces advancing on the outskirts of Kiev, and the Russian air superiority, this would by all accounts be a very strange destination for 3 European leaders to go. I don’t recall reading about Winston and FDR popping over to Stalingrad for a chinwag with Josef at the height of the siege of Stalingrad. I smell bullshit.
  7. Frank. I went to Moondance on Saturday at the E1 club in Docklands. Rat pack, DJ Hype, Nicky Blackmarket, Grooverider and loads more. What do you think of that?
  8. Thanks but I’ve screenshotted it, printed it on A4 paper, wiped my arse with it and cheered as I flushed it down the kasi, assisted on its way by a massive steaming turd, which I’m quite sure was much better looking and far more intelligent than you. You disgusting, skeletal, creepy, rentboy addicted idiot. 👍
  9. The fake news media have been running with the shocking news of 3 former SAS soldiers being killed by a Russian missile at a camp close to the Polish border. Talk of a ‘war crime’ and ‘defenceless casualties’ etc. etc. etc. The Yavoriv camp is well inside Ukranian territory, and the fake actor ‘President’ and his co-actors have been posting pictures on the usual social media propaganda sites for ten days or more, calling it a military training camp for brave volunteers from ‘our friends from across the world’. In real speak… mercenaries. While I don’t in any way take pleasure from todays news, I can’t help but not see the weird drama unfolding, that is so obviously being manipulated and sold to the eager, and newly anti Russian masses worldwide as part of a prearranged plan that isn’t going to be the happy ending that all the happy clapping, fish hungry, performing seals envisage. Don’t believe the crap you’re being fed.
  10. State of the art detached, natural stone built, secluded, filthy hovel, en-suite outside toilet, centrally heated (open fire in the middle of the only room), off street parking for two wheelbarrows, walk in wardrobe (max. capacity 1 donkey jacket) and just a short swim from local amenities (86 miles from England).
  11. He knows his limits. Ten bottles gently inserted just doesn’t quite reach his liver, the one internal organ he’s looked after all his life. He measures every bottle in case someone’s slipped him a Magnum or a Nebuchadnezzar. ’Bottoms up!’
  12. Most Wetherspoons I’ve seen are much worse than that on a Sunday afternoon.
  13. And now there’s one on every corner. The drug game has really taken off thanks to Ed. He’s the Jeff Bezos of the crack world.
  14. I bet that’s not the first time you’ve asked that?
  15. Steady on now Blad with these wild accusations. Spotto doesn’t have a homophobic bone in his body. Queer bashing and poof mocking possibly, but you have to take into account that most reasonable people in his youth (Victorian times), weren’t overly enamoured with the late night antics of the back door visitors, or ‘batty boys’ as you’re kinfolk would know them as.
  16. Your ‘Puffer (fish) jacket?
  17. Brilliant response, as expected. You’re the best on here bar none.
  18. How on Earth could anyone still be a fan of Donald Trump? Surely they’ve seen what a fantastic job Joe Biden has done in just over a year. 40 year record high inflation, petrol prices trebled or worse, illegal immigration breaking all records, violent crime and murders soaring in almost every city (the Democrat run ones), Saudi Arabia ignoring his calls to beg for oil, China and Russia laughing at the pathetic state of the woke US military. Good ole ‘Sleepy Joe’ at record low approval ratings across the board. The sad old shuffling geriatric fool can’t even read his handlers pre written statements on a teleprompter coherently. Even the deranged idiots who fixed the election must realise what a colossal fuck up they’ve done. Panic ye not though Panzyboy. The great man is coming back to top up your ‘Trump Derangement’ levels soon. Fuck off. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷
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