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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I know it’s good advice Decs and I agree I can’t win, but I’m a stubborn cunt and I’m happy to carry on showing the insufferable slag up. The email I got from her informing me that I was banned, cited ‘abusive behaviour’, which then changed to ‘quote altering’ in the following sentence.
  2. And the overpowering stench of a decomposing, erection destroying abomination that many years ago loosely passed as a vagina.
  3. Why not just ban everyone and wallow in the glory of your own greatness forever? Utterly fucking useless.
  4. I’ve been waiting a long time for you to do this. You reinterpreted the rules and banned me for something that every member does on a daily basis.😂 You’ve finally realised that all your imagined intellectual superiority fools nobody and resorted to the only tool left in your box…..👆😘
  5. King Billy

    Tim Peake

    You’ve got a bigger rocket than anything he’s ever been in. Fuck off.
  6. I simply reposted part of my previous post and also her last post, which I assumed was her answer to the only question I’d asked her. I think the rule outlaws ‘post altering’ and not ‘editing’. Almost all requotes are not a previous post in its entirety. I’m sure her renowned integrity and fairness will hold up RK. She knows I’m in love with her and think she’s wonderful really.
  7. A lot CBB. But being Billy big spuds and going for the whole lot out and the full set of Rylans installed I can’t complain about the pain and inconvenience I’ve put up with during the process. In retrospect I didn’t need to do it that way but I’m glad now that I did. The worst pain was having 23 teeth pulled in one sitting, 20 odd injections in half an hour and then Covid madness starting just when I was due to go back to have the implants screwed into my jawbones, delaying everything for 18 months. But as they say ‘No pain no gain’ and I’m delighted with the end result. ’Is it safe?’
  8. Withers. What do you think of Macrons comments regarding the farmer who shot dead one of four late night intruders and has now been charged with murder? ”Everyone must be safe, and the public authorities have to ensure it. But I am opposed to self defence. It’s very clear and undisputable because otherwise the country becomes the Wild West. And I don’t want a country where weapons proliferate and where we consider that it’s up to citizens to defend themselves.” said Petain, sorry Macron. Its no wonder Marine LePen is leading Macron in the latest election polls. She’s clearly got a much larger pair of clinkers than him.
  9. All my life I thought I had a birthmark on my arse. Turned out it was a cigar burn. Howzabout that then?
  10. King Billy

    The BBC

    “Hurry along now mein kinder, or your brother Abraham will be too tall and these Nazi monsters will make Papa pay the full admission price for him.
  11. His ‘swollen knee’ is no doubt due to the lengthy amount time he spent on his knees as a choirboy, and directly connected to his other related ailment ie his ‘swollen and ruptured arsehole’.
  12. Well I worked out that you were a ‘last word, I’m always right, on the spectrum, sexually frustrated, menopausal saddo’ pretty quick though. I know it’s not much but it’s a start. Out of curiosity, what do you think your reputation on here is?
  13. Imagine what an inconvenience it would be to have a perfect smile like a movie star, never need another filling, have another excruciating toothache or be told your breath smells, just an annual free check up RK? Hang on a minute, I don’t need to imagine that scenario. I’ve been through the pain, spent a few quid and I’m living the dream baby.😀
  14. ‘Businessman’ is the word I think you’re looking for Father Dougal.
  15. Or ‘scrounging’ as most people would correctly describe it.
  16. ‘Bargain basement’? Are you saying that the price I would have paid in the U.K. for the dental treatment I’ve had in Hungary (approx 3x) would have been because the standard of work or the facilities here in the U.K. are superior? If anything the complete opposite is true imo. The contrast between the 2 countries which I experienced was eye opening. On all three occasions when I was there, every appointment was according to the prearranged schedule, every procedure explained and any questions answered beforehand, no extra charges at all, and all in an ultra modern surgery by staff who didn’t look down their noses at the patients who pay their salaries, unlike the majority of overpaid, couldn’t give a fuck, ‘next please’, wankers who rinse every cunt who walks through their doors in the U.K.
  17. Stay off ‘the pipe’ a bit more and your dreams might be a lot more normal.
  18. I’m a big fan of your Channel 7 fake news. It makes our fakestream media clowns look like absolute amateurs in the leftie propaganda game.
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