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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’ve been married 3 times and I’m pretty sure all 3 of the cunts caught mad cow disease shortly after I married them.
  2. Nowadays you’d be more likely to get a lung full of some trans poofters jizz filled arse odour. Not worth risking imo.
  3. That’s what serial killers do. It’s always been that way. Probably some genetic shit or something no one can explain.
  4. The vast majority of the worldwide Covid propaganda, and the two years of non stop fearmongering used these two colours, almost without exception. And then overnight Covid disappears and along comes the Ukraine psyop with the exact same shades of the same two colours. It’s almost as if the sheep had been conditioned to subconsciously associate blue and yellow as good and not to question what they’re being fed. But that would be silly wouldn’t it?
  5. Reported for blasphemy.
  6. Blue + Yellow in lizard language translates as ‘I am an absolute cunt’. Same in Ukranian. Come on Gypps. Wake up.
  7. I’m just thankful to still be alive, despite being unjabbed, refusing to wear a face nappy, never hiding under the bed, only washing my hands after I’ve had a shit or piss, and carrying on my life as normally as possible by ignoring the Covid bullshit nonsense for the last 2 years. Not a cough, or a splutter. Just observing the pathetic obedience and unquestioned obeyance of people who I used to respect and admire, but who I now regard as absolute fucking morons and wouldn’t give the time of day to now. Imo the NHS has been shown up as the unfit for purpose bottomless cashpit, which the workers/sheep of this country have been conned into showering billions of their taxes on for years, and should be got rid of immediately, along with the millions of tik tok dancing fuckwits employed in it, who sit on their fat hairy arses, complaining about being underpaid, overworked etc. etc. but are really just thick as shit, otherwise unemployable leftie moaners, or part time NHS consultants who kill babies and miss tumours the size of a pumpkin 2 days a week, but pocket a fortune the other 3 or 4 days a week using NHS facilities in a private capacity. Protect the NHS Get jabbed…..Get fucked.
  8. King Billy


    You’ve run out of BS, haven’t you dear? Reduced to posting silly pictures of crying babies when a ‘thicko’ like me simply points out your lack of consistency and your 24/7 ego trip. That reminds me. Those ‘totally safe and totally effective’ mRNA Covid vaccines, which are definitely not in any way ‘experimental’ aren’t looking so great in the U.K. HSA report which came out last week🤭. 63 million jabbed people, 32m triple jabbed, 31m double, single or unjabbed. Covid cases March2022 Triple jabbed…over 1m Others… 475,000 Covid hospitalisations Triple jabbed….6750 Others…..3570 Deaths within 28 days of positive Covid test (all age groups) Triple jabbed….1557 Others….577 Mmmm???💉🐑😷 Cue picture of tinfoil hat wearing man or crying baby etc. etc. etc. Fuck off.
  9. I can’t answer your queries honestly as I’m not an epidemiologist, just a well documented thicko Eric. All I can tell you is that once I’ve had my 25th booster jab and sterilised my hands 3 million times I’m fucking done with it, and I’m going to think seriously about coming out from under my bed without my mask on. If Granny has to die and the NHS turn to dust then so be it.
  10. Several US life insurance companies are reporting an up to 40% increase in ‘all cause’ deaths in the 18 to 49 year old age group in 2021, compared to the previous 5 year average. 3 whistleblowers at the US Department of Defence have revealed curiously similar numbers of fatalities in the armed forces quoting DOD official records. Myocarditis, blood clots to the lungs and unexplained heart attacks comprising most of this strange phenomenon which occurred in 2021. Obviously this will have nothing whatsoever to do with the Covid 19 experimental vaccines which everybody knows by now are ‘totally safe’ and ‘totally effective’ 🤣, and just happened to be forced on the population of the world in 2021. I’m sure our ‘Factchecker General’ will be along soon to clear up this conspiracy theory soon with her dismissive and sneering ‘You’re a thicko’ debunking of what’s clearly dis/misinformation. If it was true then surely the BBC and SkyNews would have reported it after all.
  11. The question everyone’s asking. You’ve absolutely nailed it with this nom.
  12. Have you got anything to do with DCs aggressive and obviously drunken rantings over the past few days CBB? Just asking.
  13. At least you’ll be with all your friends and family. What’s your point?
  14. King Billy


    Don’t believe anything that cunt Admiral Bing said.
  15. King Billy

    Angel Harte

    You’re the best on here Withers.
  16. King Billy


    I’m not going to put up with any of this disrespect which I’m detecting towards our brave heroes. But having said that I must point out that I served in both world wars, coming out of retirement and lying about my age to enlist both times. I was shipwrecked during the battle of Trafalgar and swam underwater all the way back to England. The only regret I have is ditching my medals in the Bay of Biscay when I realised I couldn’t fight off a 45 foot great white shark while wearing them. Having no arms or legs didn’t stop me serving my country for the next 200 years. All these poofs and Nancy boys mincing around at the Invictus Games with some of their limbs left intact don’t know they’re fucking born. I despair.
  17. King Billy


    The no legged high jump should be interesting. The rest of it they can stick up their arse.
  18. King Billy


    So what’s not to celebrate?
  19. King Billy


    Her self proclaimed ‘consistency’ in enforcing the site rules is unarguable OCR, which is why I took last weeks short spell in the cooler for a single (and previously unlisted) offence of ‘quoting out of context’ on the chin. I’m sure this mildly heated debate which has been going on for days is being closely monitored in case it breaches the ‘no inter member acrimony’ rule which she added to the statute book a while ago to remind all us ‘thickos’ who has the biggest beef curtains on the block. Thank fuck we have her.
  20. King Billy


    Fact checked. There is no evidence to support this statement.
  21. King Billy


    A very sad tale DC. Grief stricken as they must have been, at least they can take some solace from the fact that no one appears to have fucked it. Every cloud, silver lining etc.
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