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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Imagine being as skint as Mike Tyson.
  2. ‘Yeah I know. I want me things back’.
  3. Have a piss up against it for me Bruce. I would myself, but I’d most likely be rolling around laughing at all the dead grannies and forget why I went there in the first place. Probably explains the old saying ‘Fucking pissed myself, I was laughing so much’.
  4. King Billy


  5. 4 of the most disgusting shitholes anywhere on Earth. If that’s your thing why not just stay in Australia? No one here will be disappointed if you do.
  6. King Billy


    OK Frank. I’ll be off then. Bye now.👋
  7. King Billy


    So briefly mentioning the ridiculous and irrational knee jerk manner in which you twisted the site rules to feed your bloated ego was a meltdown? lol lol lol.
  8. Be on your guard tonight on Hampstead Heath Frank. It’s St. Georges Day and there will probably be a lot of drunken patriots out and about, hoping to get a bit of queer bashing in before staggering home.
  9. So that’s what you’ve been on DC? Maybe it’s time to slow down a bit.
  10. King Billy


    Great to see that you’re not at all rattled. 😂 Consistent as always.
  11. King Billy


    I’ve started to feel embarrassed for her/him/it recently. I’m so glad I’m just a ‘thicko’ and don’t have an enormous brain like her/him/it. 😂
  12. King Billy


    Seven days?🤣 Sort yourself out luv. Your BS is becoming an embarrassment.
  13. If he doesn’t really need the money he might be up for splitting it with you.
  14. My advice is not to fuck her. It would be difficult to explain the DNA traces in her corpse to the court when you’ve been, by your own admission, logging into her bank accounts, and planning to travel the length of the country to kill members of her immediate family.
  15. Imperial College London. Just another Bill Gates funded NWO ‘fake science’ factory, like hundreds more across the world.
  16. Reported for blasphemy and spasticism.
  17. 3 poofs were attacked in County Sligo last week. 2 were decapitated, all 3 were castrated. 1 survived (the undecapitated). There hasn’t been much MSM reporting of this incident strangely, considering the blanket coverage a couple of months ago when a young girl was murdered in rural Ireland, and the safety of all women was apparently at risk from ‘toxic masculinity’ and the perceived ‘misogyny’ of the entire male population bar none. This latest crime was initially reported by RTE and the national press as ‘3 men suffered ‘significant injuries’. Almost a week went by before the true facts of this incident became public. It may come as a shocking surprise that the cunt who was arrested shortly after this incident is a recently arrived Muslim asylum seeker, who for some unfathomable reason appears to not be on message with the ‘poofs are well OK’ narrative that all normal decent people have been indoctrinated with for decades now. The MSM tried to bury this atrocity, as they did with the very similar Reading poof murders a couple of years ago. (mental illness etc.) Its almost as if they don’t want anyone to discuss the Islam v poof conundrum, as we’re all too fucking stupid and racist to notice the elephant in the room. Saddique Khan praying at Finsbury Park mosque for a photo op one day, and then mincing up Oxford Street the next day at the Gay Pride bumfest. When are normal fucking people going to wake up and say ‘enough?’
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