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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It may not be a surprise to anyone but he’s never been my Top Trump.
  2. He may be so sad since losing his bestie Jeffrey Epstein and the rapid exit of Melinda from his marriage shortly afterwards that he’s decided that a mass population cull is the sensible way forward.
  3. Of course the Covid lurgy will be back soon. As soon as the sheeple start to get bored with the Ukraine psyop the new improved Covid variant will arrive to keep the imbeciles fear levels topped up to the required level. I’m sure a certain clever person on here will ridicule this opinion, but I know that same person will apologise when it happens as they have always conducted themselves with consistency, or so they have stated.
  4. Just imagining her nude definitely smells extremely fishy to me.
  5. She might look a bit better once she’s shoplifted a luminous shellsuit, ridiculous multicoloured trainers.and grown a proper Scouse mussie.
  6. I don’t know what the fuck exactly Mrs Cnut is playing at DC, but inviting this poor girl who’s fleeing an uninhabitable, filthy, poverty stricken, crime riddled wasteland to come and live somewhere immeasurably worse, seems a bit odd, even taking into account the extra benefits the Cnut clan have probably taken out numerous payday loans against, and spunked up the wall in Paddy Powers. I don’t think she’s thought this out properly. Maybe you’re not beating her enough.
  7. I’m not sure. I tend to support whatever team is winning, without actually supporting them as I don’t really like football, and it’s a poofs game apparently which can turn fans queer and poofy. I prefer badminton and showjumping.
  8. Very true. It certainly made me choose my victims a lot more carefully for a while till I got used to the new rules.
  9. Take a pair of lead diving boots, and a blacksmiths anvil in your bumbag. Then keep walking off the end of the pier.
  10. Take a powerful torch and some duck tape with you. At least you could make the trouser beast useful for once in your miserable existence if the lighthouse bulb fails unexpectedly. Freak.
  11. Weren’t there any mirrors in your gaff?
  12. Surely Frank could have PMd you a better script than this DC? On a totally unconnected subject, do you know how the Merseyside derby went the other day? I’ve been away for a few days, a lot of driving, and I don’t know how to work the radio in my imaginary M4 yet. I just play my Loyalist flute band CDs on a loop at full volume. Man and machine in perfect synchronisation.
  13. Yes it is ProfB, and much as I like you it probably isn’t the right place for you.
  14. King Billy


    Aw shucks. That’s another of my bestest weapons of mass destruction neutered. I hate you Mrs Roops, you big brained bully you.♟
  15. No. I’d leave it under your mattress for that.
  16. IMDB is code for ‘in my dirt box’. That’s a fact, probably.
  17. I made a conscious decision to give up having sex when I sold my massage parlour, the day after my cock fell off.
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