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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Our local butcher is married to a lady 30 years older than him, and I often buy a skinned and dissected rabbit from him to make stew. As far as I’m aware he’s never mistakenly got his conjugal duties and his work arse about tit. I will ask him if he knows the answer to your mathematical question next time I pop in for a bag of liver, when the missus is away at her Mums.
  2. Nothing a nice pair of Ugg boots can’t hide.
  3. ‘Totally safe’ and ‘totally effective’ Covid 19 vaccines? Im not sure the family of BBC DJ Lisa Shaw, the widow and fatherless kids of Dr Stephen Wright, or the families of the other 2000+ people in the U.K. who’ve died as a direct result of the experimental, unnecessary jib jab would agree.
  4. It’s quite convenient that every pro abortionist has already been born. Just saying.
  5. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  6. Your cock has a bigger dark side than the moon. Fuck off.
  7. No idea Major, but I’m absolutely certain that Louis Walsh isn’t a pervert.
  8. Nice stair carpet though.
  9. How’s life in the K hole Eric? Horses don’t know how fucking lucky they are. Free drugs and yet they’ve always got a long face.
  10. Well it’s certainly got your hairy back up, and not for the first time. 😂
  11. The purple haired leftie tik tok brigade who had a collective meltdown over Joe Rogan and others taking Ivermectin and miraculously recovering from Covid 19 almost immediately, screaming ‘horse dewormer’, and the Big Tech Nazis of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc censoring anyone who even suggested that Ivermectin (4 billion + human doses safely administered), and winner of Nobel prize for medicine (pre Covid) be promoted as a possible Covid treatment, have suddenly come to their senses and realised that horse medication for humans isn’t crazy after all. In fact all these fucked up leftard lizard cunts are today being given free reign on the aforementioned social media platforms to promote Misoprosol, (a veterinary drug for treating ulcers in horses) as a home abortion solution for the millions of triggered slags who’ve been shouting ‘my body my choice!’ for years (apart from the last 18 months when these same fucking goofball cunts decided to support vaccine mandates and the ostracisation of anyone who chose not to inject their body with the experimental Bill Gates vaccines). So unless I’ve got this all wrong, it’s totally unacceptable to take a proven and safe drug to help you recover from Covid 19, but it’s your absolute unquestionable right to swallow a purely veterinary ulcer drug for horses, as long as it’s done for the sole purpose of murdering an unborn baby? Isn’t science great?
  12. Brasso CBB. Next time you crack open a can, before necking it in one go just dab a couple of drops of spillage on your jumper and then rub furiously on an old rusty bottle opener, or something similar off the floor. You’ll never look back.
  13. Science. No one can explain it.
  14. I’ve decided to give it a wide berth RK. I’m going to become very sensible from now on and cut out all the silliness.
  15. There’s twelve of them in China now. They’re made of plastic and have flashing LED lights too.
  16. Proof if any was needed of Bozos total failure to deliver on his policies. Covid was supposed to get rid of all these old grannies. Cunt can’t get anything right, and his donkey faced missus probably can’t even take it up the arse properly either. Cunts.
  17. My new railings aren’t removable RK. They’re screwed in stronger than a screwed in strong thing. I could pull Geoff Capes 100 yards by his shirt tail, while he’s pulling a 40 ton lorry with his gnashers. I could also probably chew Dianne Abbots entire gargantuan body to mush like a piece of Wrigleys Juicy Fruit.
  18. When does the ‘projectile vomiting’ world championship start? Any tips for the title this year?
  19. Calm down dear. I know it must be a difficult time right now for you. That pesky Angela Raynors ‘ginger growler’ being discussed by every Tom, Dick and Harry must be making you feel a bit ‘What about my rusty old Brillo Pad?’ Don’t worry too much. Rent a gobs like her haven’t the unbearable longevity of you. Your mutant red panty squirrel will be remembered long after she’s dispatched back to whatever sink estate she crawled out of. 😘
  20. Chasing a scared goose around your garden wearing a beret and a string of onions is more likely to be true. Au revoir.
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