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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. OK. So it’s a romantic thing?
  2. Must be because they’re all apparently white kefir slags who asked for it every time they walked past a kebab shop or taxi office on their way home from school. Their parents must be to blame. If they stopped complaining to the corrupt police every time their daughters were raped, their houses probably wouldn’t be petrol bombed so frequently.
  3. I don’t know what any of this means but I definitely agree with it.
  4. I’m not a big fan of her Eric but I’d draw the line at gobbing on her, even if I couldn’t understand her pious, self important ramblings (which would be easier to audibly tolerate actually).
  5. Reported for islamophobia. And factually incorrect anyway. The perv was 50.
  6. Hi ProfB. That’s exactly what I was thinking. Have you missed me?
  7. Annoying cunt syndrome. She’s in the final stage currently. It won’t be long now, but she’ll definitely have the last word, even if it kills her.
  8. I wouldn’t focus too much on the demographics of NI in 7 years time Panzyboy. The Republic will be so full of Ukranians, Somalians, Iraqis etc.etc. there won’t be room to grow enough spuds to make a packet of Tayto cheese n onion. And we know what happened the last time you ran out of potato’s. By the way, that incident up in Sligo a few weeks ago when three of Leo the charwallahs Nancy boy mob lost their heads in a heated debate with one of your recently arrived ‘new Irishmen’ didn’t get as much news coverage as I’d have thought it would. Your fake news RTE initially reporting 3 people had received ‘significant injuries’, instead of telling the truth, which they knew from the off, that 2 had been decapitated and all 3 had been debollocked by a totally peaceful asylum seeker who hadn’t been in Ireland long enough to adjust to the bender friendly wokeland that it’s recently become. Hugs and kisses Sweetie. Love you loads xxx
  9. The problem with cramming hundreds of spades into the oven Eric is being able to know when they’re properly cooked.
  10. It’s not just the BBC though Decs. The majority of TV and radio media all sing from the same leftwing woke hymn book. On any given day the same stories, with the same slanted and biased messages are pumped out by the fraudsters and the viewers digest it without even thinking that they might be being lied to .The Covid years in which no one has been allowed to question the ‘science’ or be labelled a nut job and the recent frenzy by governments all over the world to legislate against ‘disinformation and misinformation’ to protect peoples safety 😂 is such an obviously blatant attack on the previously taken for granted right to say whatever you want, whether it be right or wrong. And yet the sheep are now so accustomed to the TV telling them what to think and how to act that very few even see the dark hole they’re jumping into like fucking lemmings.
  11. I’d have given you a like if you’d added ‘of Belair’ but you didn’t.
  12. Panzyboy is probably so overcome with glee today, now that all the years of ‘freedom fighting’ for the Tipperary toy gun and armoured saxophone regiment have resulted in all his wet dreams coming to fruition, that he’s likely taken a day off from his anti Brexit ranting duties, gone out for a celebration drink, with some other unwashed toothless peasants, and will wake up tomorrow in the gutter with a Magnum sized Guinness bottle wedged so far up his arse his career as a rent boy may be over.
  13. The ‘Flog’wart Express is now leaving platform 6 stopping at Bristol, Liverpool and Jamaica.
  14. The BBC put out a piece today about a VE day parade attended by Putin in Moscow. The fucking dishonesty of these MSM paedo protecting, anti British Marxist cunts is so normal nowadays that they don’t even attempt to disguise it. The propaganda piece was giving the impression that it was a parade to celebrate the victory over Ukraine and not the historical WW2 event. ‘Putin is trying to lie to the Russian people and make them believe that the Ukraine Nazis (which they’re not) have all but been defeated (which they haven’t.’ Absolutely fucking disgusting fake news bullshit as usual. Cunts.
  15. Sinn Fein/IRA got exactly the same number of seats as they did in the last election. It’s difficult to cheer that as a win, even if you happen to think of yourself as a lifelong victim of sectarian oppression/educationally and socially deprived freedom fighter/indiscriminate bomber/recent convert to the idea of democracy as the method to achieve societal change. Whilst admittedly a poor result for the Unionist population, who are still the majority in NI, but shot themselves spectacularly in the foot by not uniting to fight the nationalist threat, it actually means very little. The fact that the left footers can now hold the position of First Minister at Stormont for the first time simply puts the DUP and the UUP in the position that they can and will block everything, and will probably not even need to as they can simply veto the assembly before it’s even convened. Sinn Fein did exactly this and held the province to ransom, without a functioning government for a couple of years recently. The Good Friday Agreement is and always was a cop out fudge to pretend that there was a bright future for two communities who hate each others guts. The British government now need to grow a pair of Thatcher size balls and stand up for the NI majority or do a Joe Biden Kabul type surrender and watch the Loyalists become the freedom fighters who’ve been betrayed by the cowardly clown currently occupying the former home of Churchill, Thatcher, Wellington etc. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  16. Justin Trudeau arrived in Kiev today, just in case there was anyone left who hadn’t topped themselves after the Bono visit.
  17. He’s cruising the Ukranian Riviera, along the Baltic 🤣 coast,on Zelenskys mega yacht with Bono and Rick Astley. Engelbert Humperdink couldn’t make it as he died suddenly after his fifth Bill Gates booster jab. He’d already had Covid 14 times. It’s rumoured that he swallowed his own mask.
  18. My point exactly Ed. A war crime far worse than anything Vlad could send their way.
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