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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You’ve spelled breakfast wrong Stubbs.
  2. I’m with you on this one Drew. The outcome of this case could have serious implications for you if it goes the wrong way. I mean Mrs Huggins 3 bungalows down would have free reign to sell defamatory stories to the Big Issue every time she has to phone the Council when she finds you sleeping it off in her hedge, or throwing up over her cat. Your good name and hard earned reputation would quickly be in tatters, and you could even find yourself being refused credit at the offie, not to mention the sick pleasure Ape would get from having his carer read these stories to him. Worrying times indeed.
  3. Just checking you were still on the wagon CBB. One day at a time as they say.
  4. He’s behind you! You won’t know he’s there till your arsehole explodes.
  5. Eddie might have something to say about that. Who’d be fastest with the knife would decide it.
  6. Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot etc. etc. all became much more loved and appreciated too, when it became apparent that they weren’t really tyrants, just cleverer, morally and genetically superior, undeniably better looking and totally selfless and consistent in everything they did for their ‘thicko’ subjects. She’s imo right up there with the great Hillary Clinton (who along with Bill might possibly have killed more people than all the aforementioned tyrants put together), not even including the sacrificed babies they’ve eaten, or the multiple daily adrenochrome shots needed just to keep the lizard people alive. Apart from that the Roopsfuhrer seems OK really. I’m on the fence.
  7. Of course not Eric. I may be a thicko (her words) but even I’m smart enough to see that the poor creature needs help, not hate. I’ve actually felt a bit of a stiffie more than once, imagining her in a strait jacket, bottomless and wearing a Covid face nappy with I❤️KB printed on it. I bet Eddie’s had very similar wet dreams. Apart from those rare occasions yes I can’t stand the obnoxious fucking hag.
  8. You’ve spelled ‘an irritating, smug, ridiculously self superior, long past its best by date, fucking cunt’ wrong.
  9. BMW M cars (including the imaginary ones) have never come with run flat tyres, as they’re fucking guaranteed to dislocate every joint in your skeleton before you reach the end of your street, and if you get a nail in one no one will repair it like a normal tyre. I imagine you knew this earlier today but it is Friday and some on here (not me obviously) wouldn’t expect you to be even talking coherently after the 9am ‘offie run’ or ‘pre weekend practice session’.
  10. Shut up and get your cock out.
  11. I’ve been dreaming about your hair ProfB. I bet it’s gorgeous. Love KB
  12. King Billy

    Micky G

    Never mind all these skint cunts Ed. Fuck em. More importantly, I’ve been up for 72 hours on the hooha and drinking Grey Goose by the gallon. I’ve finished my best man’s speech (two actually) and I have to be honest with you that unless my fucking brake pads turn up before the big day I’m going to have to use ‘Best man speech version 2.0’. Don’t make me do it Ed, but please believe that I will. I’ve planned my escape route and I’ll have back up imbedded all over the venue. Congratulations.
  13. Fucking spooky (no pun intended) or what? ’It looks like a James Bond movie’ she said. The cunt standing beside the car after the flames die down is a fucking ringer for the new Bond.
  14. I remember that Eric. There was quite an outcry when they were banned but they quickly got used to the old way of pulling over, chucking the spare tire over the perps shoulders and setting the Cunt ablaze, before wishing him a ‘Gid night ma frind’ and continuing merrily on their way.
  15. If he spots it on BBC fake news ‘live from Kiev’ he should stop panicking. It’ll turn up in a couple of episodes of Eastenders with hardman 😂 Phil Mitchell behind the wheel, pretending his legs are long enough to reach the pedals, and then he can buy it back, when the props department auction it off because the backseat is so full of spunkstains even Graham Norton wouldn’t get in for a quick bumride with Winston the head of security, and runner up for the new Bond role, down at Elstree studios.
  16. 2022 won’t be a Goodyear for 4x4 owners if this carries on.
  17. Of course I’m Jewish Judge. I’m also an ex copper who retired under a cloud of suspicion and nowadays ride around town on a mobility scooter stopping only to buy super strength lager and the occasional kebab. Surely my Orange Order back story and King Billy username haven’t fooled anyone on here? ‘Shalom’, Oh Shit, I meant ‘No Surrender!’
  18. Perhaps if you watched it you might be able to come up with a better reply. But I guess you don’t need to as the fake news MSM told you what to think and what not to believe immediately the cheat was done. 🐑😴
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