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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You really aren’t that bright are you? So you’ve searched 2000 Mules on Rumble and it’s not available unless you pay 30$? How strange that I was able to view it last week within seconds of trying? There’s dozens of uploads of it at any given time on the platform. Of course they have a limited shelf life before they’re taken down for copyright or whatever legal reasons, but as fast as they are removed more appear. I don’t think you’re actually this stupid so I’ll assume you haven’t given this post of yours your full attention. Try harder or fuck off.
  2. That would be ridiculous wouldn’t it? All those ‘democratic’ governments who’ve been trampling roughshod for two years over the rights and civil liberties of the poor saps who trudged out to the polling station in the rain to vote for them? And the totally honest and trustworthy WHO who’ve lied to the world and covered up for China from day one of the Wuhan Covid virus? Surely no political leader would cede their countries sovereign powers and authority to a bunch of Geneva based bureaucrats, would they? Well most of Europe, including us, did just that to a bunch of Brussels based Eurotwats, or is the EU just another of the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories I’ve fallen for previously? Being very familiar with your MO by now I won’t be holding my breath for an apology of any sort when once again I’m proved to have been correct on this matter. I’ll be quite content when you realise you were wrong and pick another conspiracy to debunk (till it becomes fact) as most do. Toodlepip. 😘
  3. The only abject nonsense I can see is your statement that I inferred that foetuses are grown to order. to sate a multi billion dollar organ harvesting industry. I don’t think even you will deny that the organs of millions of aborted babies are sold on to third parties in the US. And the abject nonsense you describe regarding fully formed children being aborted right up to the moment of birth is in fact abject fact. 5 cases of this have been discovered in California and more than one Democrat member of the US Congress has openly stated their support for it.
  4. I hope the cunt is discovered in a hedge, covered in radioactive slugs and tests positive for a new Covid variant which causes her fanny to explode, setting fire to the hospital she allegedly worked at, and where her morbidly obese whore of a mum was about to give birth to octuplets (all black and hideously deformed obviously) until she turned to dust before you could say Lenny Henry.
  5. I’d give Kate one up the wrongun though. Fucking slag.
  6. You’d fucking know you wrinkled old man beast.
  7. Wash your mouth out you misogynist piglet. Sexist abuse is very very bad.
  8. Getting back on topic, I posted way back in early 2020 about the strange and getting stranger every day story of Tiffany Dover, a nurse in her early thirties, who collapsed seconds after receiving the Pfizer jab live on TV in the US. Us tinfoil topped weirdos pointed out that her previously very busy social media accounts instantly became unused and people started asking the obvious question. ‘Is she dead?’ This was soon put to bed when she appeared in a brief video assuring all the antivax nut jobs that she was just fine, explaining that she collapsed into sudden unconsciousness very often. Exactly what you want in a frontline nurse, some said in between laughs at the time. The hospital she worked at released a video of their staff members thanking the public for their concerns about Tiffany’s health. Most of the staff could be seen waving and some spoke or cheered. The mask wearing Tiffany who had a different hairstyle and on closer inspection different ears than previously kept very still and the camera avoided her mostly. 16 months on and NBC have aired a 5 part documentary podcast (3 hours in total) entitled ‘Tiffany Dover is dead?’ This fakestream media garbage aired with the sole intention of ‘debunking’ the conspiracy theory that Tiffany is dead from the Pfizer ‘totally safe’ jab. Three hours later and despite her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts still inactive for 16 months, the NBC fakers admitting they’ve been unable to find her at work or at her home and a couple of family members saying that she’s fine but Pfizer have a NDA with her so she can’t speak to anyone, she is still missing in action. I can’t wait for NBCs next documentary podcast which is going to debunk the rightwing myths that aborted babies don’t all live a long and healthy life and President Joe Biden isn’t the least popular and least mentally cognitive President in history. Fuck off.
  9. A micro aggression Wolfie unless I’m very mistaken.
  10. I bet you can’t wait to get 18 holes in after such a long time?
  11. I’m a feminist ProfB and not afraid to say it.
  12. And I’d have saved all that CSA money and been able to invest it in coke and booze. Lol. We should debate more often RK. It’s great.
  13. It’s not the best argument RK is it? Kill as many babies as you feel like in case a foetus becomes President in the future. Anything later than 2 days would definitely be more capable than Joe Biden though.
  14. Exactly. It must have been difficult not getting too excited, trying not to wave your little Ukrainian flag too furiously, incase your mask flew off when you screamed ‘Fuck you Putin, you cunt!’ and next doors granny dropped her sherry and fell over dead from Covid instantly, slithering off the couch into a big pool of piss and shit.
  15. I’m still not sure about them. Still making my mind up.
  16. This is great RK. A proper debate like the old days when sensible people discussed the pros and cons of topical issues. I’m sure the US Supreme Court would seriously consider reinstating Roe v Wade and legalising baby murder again if you email them this new evidence about the wasp, and Mr Government forcibly invading your arsehole and refusing to leave for 18 years.
  17. Welcome back Punkers. How are the gerbils?
  18. Brilliant (as usual) You’re the best on here tonight ProfB.
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