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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Panzyboy couldn’t track down the smell if a big runny shite was gushing out past the turnups of his charity shop bellbottom jeans and filling up his army surplus store boots. British Army obviously.
  2. It’s aluminium foil Eric. Tin is what beans come in and I’ve got 700 tins stacked up in my bunker, behind 12 pallets of Pot Noodles and 4x2 litre bottles of water. Y’all won’t be laughing when Bill Gates switches on the 5G and the whole world turns into zombies (except me).
  3. Pull your lizard tongue out her dirtbox and get up off your worn out knees. I’m sick of hearing your non stop apologetic whining. Apology accepted (provisionally) but under review . Be off with you now, you feeble minded twit. .
  4. ‘As a former foetus yourself Sir, can you tell the millions of former foetus’s watching live tonight, why you believe the 50 million foetus’s exterminated since 1972 in the US didn’t deserve the same right to life which you had?’ ’No’.
  5. As you clearly haven’t seen the film (which I have in its entirety) but seem to be willing to enter into your usual default ‘I know better than you. You’re a thicko’ mode. If and when you find the time in your very busy life to actually watch it, then your thoughts on it will carry a lot more weight imo. I assume you’ve based everything you’ve said about it on the totally predictable fact checks and fake news nonsense which Google presented you with to protect you from harm and misinformation Sweetheart. As for overturning the 2020 election, that’s not going to happen now but at least the more people who see that fraud did occur on a huge scale and how it was done, the better. Im still waiting for you to explain to me how Trump won 27 of the 28 ‘bellwether counties’ and yet apparently lost? LETS GO BRANDON
  6. I’d stock up on egg remover if I were you. One that’s suitable for use on your face. Don’t bother buying in lots of food though. You’ll be fit to burst when you’re done eating your words. Lol Fuck off etc.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure if I bump into someone fitting this description down at the Rotary Club, pheasant shoot or local hunt on a Sunday morning, not to get too friendly in case he gives in under extreme torture and blurts out my address to the Provies. I’m quite sure my missus could kick the living shit out of a whole battalion of micks in our front garden anyway.
  8. ‘Calm down’ DC. I noticed the E when the spellchecker thingy put it in Jurgens name but just couldn’t be arsed to sort it mate. As for the lifelong red thing which you’ve got your Calvin Kleins all twisted up about, every cunt who grows up in Norn Ireland as you and Panzyboy put it supports either Man U or Liverpool. ‘Twas always thus’ to quote your good self. I couldn’t really give a flying fuck tbh about football nowadays. In fact just last week I was pleasantly surprised to see that Everton were right up almost at the top of the Premier league, until my missus walked in and said to me ‘Why are you reading the paper upside down?’ LOL LOL Fuck off.
  9. Juergen Klopp replicas. While we’re on the subject DC, Is it true that the trophy room at Goodison has been leased to the NHS dentist next door to the stadium as an overflow waiting room, now that your trophy’s have been relocated to the museum of ancient, unverifiable artifacts? Just asking.
  10. Possibly, but tbh they’ve been very quiet in this part of Hertfordshire for quite a while now. I don’t think they even fielded a candidate in the recent local elections. I’ll take a stroll down to the town hall in the morning, let the dogs have a shit on the village green and ask a few discreet questions if I bump into the Mayor.
  11. Don’t start blaming Eric for enforcing a very strict door policy.
  12. Will I still be able to buy a kebab?
  13. I wouldn’t believe anything the BBC broadcast, except maybe a three hour, real time, never before filmed, journey around your Mount Everest sized cock.
  14. King Billy

    Micky G

    It seems that Frank has passed away again. I don’t think anyone even keeps count of how many times anymore. But I’m praying that it’s the last time the toupee topped, stick insectagram gay cunt ever washes up on these shores again.
  15. Sincere apologies DC. I got carried away I guess. It’s understandable mate, given the unexpected success of the boys in blue this year. And even as a lifelong Red DC Im not ashamed to tell you that Im delighted at what you’ve achieved this year. It’ll be next to impossible to come close to it next year probably.
  16. Will you be out cheering Everton’s open top bus parade at the weekend? It’s hard not to marvel at their success this year. Another season nearly done and still clinging tightly onto the premier leagues undercarriage like a Syrian refugee to the back axle of a 44 ton arctic. The pride of Stanley Park mate. The Toffees could be a real threat to Accrington Stanley in a few years if they carry on improving like this.
  17. Get them all done. Can’t go wrong.
  18. King Billy

    Micky G

    The Pooseta used to be the currency of choice in the gay bars of Spain, I’ve heard. I’ve got no evidence to back it up obviously.
  19. She probably looks quite pale compared to the locals when she goes shopping at Poundland in Leicester actually. She might just be worried about bumping into one of the towns many grooming gangs and being late home to make Jamie’s dinner.
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