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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You tube ‘TrialSite News’ channel…. Video title ‘News / WHO IHR Proposal to Override Constitutionsl Laws of …… Just one of an ever growing number of videos on the subject. All conspiracy theorists?
  2. Can’t you read? you out of your depth bint. You think you can dismiss the whole thing as nonsense by latching onto the 22 May and making stupid demands of me? As I’ve said there are amendments being proposed which will give the WHO authority over sovereign governments using the IHR if adopted. Don’t make yourself look any more of a cunt than you already do please. It’s not a good look for someone of your years. Fuck off.
  3. You’d have to give yours as ‘sometime in the early Jurassic period’.
  4. Pickering Town Smegness Town Arsenal Bentford FC Spunk Staines Town
  5. Great Reset….Fact checked as disinformation. WHO Pandemic treaty….Fact checked as disinformation. Covid19 MRNA jabs ‘totally safe and totally effective’……Fact checked as disinformation. Questions being asked and serious concerns being raised by politicians across the world about the WHO Pandemic treaty……Fact checked as disinformation. King Billy ‘Tinfoil hat wearing thicko’……Fact checked as indisputable scientific fact by ‘fact-checker general’ Frau Roopsfuhrer. This matter is no longer permitted to be discussed.
  6. I’ve got no quarrel with The Judge Major. I’ve always found his posts quite funny and tbf I don’t really get why you all seem to hate him. But that’s up to you lot. I’m too busy with all my conspiracy theories and tinfoil hattery at the moment. It’s keeping me very busy currently, but I know I’m on the right track when whatever I say about anything, the Ginger Fuhrer without fail jumps in with her ‘fact checked, Google verified’ 🤣 debunk, within hours. As someone she constantly describes as a ‘thicko’ I feel privileged that she’s willing to spend so much of her intellectually superior and very valuable time on me. Im not worthy.
  7. The leaders of 194 countries are meeting to discuss amendments to the upcoming treaty. Amendments which if agreed will give the WHO powers to declare a pandemic (climate emergency bullshit maybe) without having to publish the data which they base the declaration on, and to mandate any measures which they deem necessary to all countries which are signatories to the treaty. It seems that us tinfoil hatters aren’t such a tiny number as you and your ‘normie’ sheep are quick to declare. More than 100,000 and rising have already signed a petition to halt this NWO power grab. Get ready to wipe that egg off your ginger stubble mate.
  8. Not me. Gobbler is the one you need to talk to about that sort of thing. He’s come out of the cupboard at last. Fucking queer cunt.
  9. You had my attention till I got to virgin bum hole, when I realised it was just another dollop of nonsense posted by a feeble minded twit.
  10. Everyone in Hollywood is a paedo. Fact. And they take adrenochrome or they’ll turn back into lizards, which will kill them cos they’re not Earth lizards and can’t survive here without their fake human skin which is made of silicon. Another 6 facts.
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