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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I can’t see that changing, considering who the bride is. I’ve only agreed to be best man so that packet of anthrax confetti I’ve been saving for the right occasion gets used before it’s out of date. I hope I’m not the only guest wearing a gas mask, but I reckon most of the white people will be.
  2. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    I can’t believe it’s Monkeypox season already. I’ve still got my Ukraine decorations up.
  3. She’s still up for it with your best man after your big day though Ed? I’ve booked a sack, back and crack and paid half up front. I don’t want to end up like some sort of sad lonely thicko sobbing to himself at the end of the festivities.
  4. Easy for a big brain genius perhaps, but inept, clueless chumps can only aspire to achieve such consistency. Don’t give up on your dreams though. Anything’s possible nowadays, especially for someone who’s got to where you are today. Who’d have believed it? A moderator on Cunts Corner wow! And so humble too. 🤣
  5. Where you off to this time? Snorkelling down the Amazon, rollerblading up Everest, or cockle picking on Morecambe beach again? If you’re anywhere near Blackpool watch out for the Donkeypox.
  6. Ha ha. The picture appeared in the middle of her rant instead of underneath it. Probably because I was highlighting the text. Hardly a fucking hanging offence but thanks for having my back 🎯 That reminds me, there’s a film about to start which I’ve been looking forward to seeing. It’s about a bloke called Bertie Smalls. Lovely fella but fell out with all his associates all of a sudden.
  7. Ape. I don’t know if you’re aware of it but I’ve been coming under a sustained and totally unjustified attack from the Ginger Assassin recently. My back’s against the wall mate and I really need your help. Can I come round to yours and hide out under your bed for a couple of years. I’m unjabbed, haven’t sanitized my hands ever, allergic to masks and I’ve just tested positive for Monkeypox. I did once shout ‘Fuck off’ from an upstairs window at the saucepan bangers and paw clappers to show my support for the NHS though. I know it’s a lot to ask and you may say no, so I’ll be arriving in half an hour anyway. Fish and chips would be great if you’ve got time to pop down to the chippy a bit sharpish. Plenty of salt and vinegar please.
  8. This has all the signs of desperation on her part. She doesn’t have to interact with me but her enormous ego forces her to. She holds all the cards and could ban me anytime she feels like it. I fully expect her to go down that route eventually anyway. As she’s said before ‘consistency’ is what she’s renowned for. Consistency as far as misinterpreting the site rules and changing them whenever it suits her imo. I don’t really think entering into a challenge with the dice so obviously loaded would be the smartest move really, so the answer is no thanks.
  9. Can I take the lethal injection or electric chair option instead Eric? On second thoughts this could be a trick to jab me up with the Bill Gates vaccine or send my leccy bill through the roof, leading to bankruptcy, homelessness and destitution. Can I wear a mask at least?
  10. Madeleines whereabouts are still a mystery. There’s rumours that the police are following a good lead concerning a swarthy, Mediterranean looking, very slightly built bloke who wears XXXXSKINNY jeans and hangs around gay bars near the Barbican, mumbling ‘I’m the best on here’ to himself.
  11. Thanks for clearing that up Melinda. I can’t believe it’s Monkeypox season already. I still have my Ukraine decorations up.
  12. You’re a fucking idiot luv. Yes I watched the video. Your usual ‘Did you even watch it?’ response is wearing a bit thin by now. The amendments are being put forward by the US. Did you actually watch it, or was it a bit too difficult for you to understand? Wipe that egg off your ginger stubble, before you fuck off. There’s a good girl. Run along now. Those dishes won’t wash themselves.
  13. Just another coincidence 🤣 that our old friend Saint Billiam of Gates for the last month or so has been predicting an imminent outbreak of a ‘smallpox like virus’ and stressing the importance of a WHO pandemic plan to oversee the worldwide response which he says will need a billion dollars funding. Right on cue, along comes the Monkeypox outbreak which is gathering pace in the US, Canada and the U.K. The fake news ‘factcheckers’ have gone into overdrive already to make it clear that Bill Gates did not predict the outbreak of monkeypox, but a ‘smallpox like virus’. Mmmm? This evil cunt Gates has become the worlds leading expert on fucking everything from climate change 🤣 to pandemics to vaccines to obesity to what he says must be done by the world, just because this fucking goofball lizard cunt says so. He pops up about two weeks before anything happens and seems to have an incredible insight into just about every problem which invariably proceeds to occur shortly after he warns about it. This fucking verminous bag of shit should be locked up, along with his sidekicks, Fauci, Schwab, Tedros and Biden etc. and never see the light of day again.
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