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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I wouldn’t describe her as a small animal Eric. A humongous man beast maybe. And I wouldn’t let her anywhere near my mouth incase my implants rusted.
  2. I don’t know what raggling is exactly but I’m getting a semi thinking about her doing it to me. Is it another word for apologising?
  3. Spotto is top drawer but the other entity you mentioned is not one of us. Just so we’re singing from the same hymn book.
  4. Careful RK. I’m assuming you didn’t intentionally quote alter. That’s my job. I’ll take the rap if you know who’s lurking in the shadows, with her hairy fat sausage finger hovering over the cooler button.
  5. Right ye are then. So a will, So ye are, So a do. 🇬🇧No Surrender🇬🇧
  6. Me dad worked down the pit with him for forty years man. Always had a tab for any of the lads and the cunt could sink 20 bottles of Newky Brown, hoy one up the fattest lass in the club in the mens bogs and still drive home.
  7. Only Google knows as much as you do.
  8. Good evening ProfB. How are you?
  9. Very very shabby Baws. 36 of them were closely related to me, and 29 to my first wife. They may have been scousers but no one deserves this sort of vile abusive hate speech (36 of them definitely don’t)
  10. If only he’d owned them all at the same time this could have been the first time you’ve ever been even close to correct. Reported for not paying attention 😂
  11. So happy to see that you’re not at all obsessed with everything I post. 😂 I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before but I grew up in a coastal town and my old man had several fishing boats on which my brothers and I spent most of our free time catching mackerel, dogfish, skate, plaice, sole and occasionally conger eels. But I’ve never come across anything as easy as you to take the bait and wriggle as much in all my life. 😘
  12. Just ring the usual number. I believe the Mtembe twins are working tonight. Don’t miss out as it’s their last night. They’re both starting their McDonalds apprenticeships on Monday. Mr. Mtembe is so proud that they’re putting all that unpleasantness behind them. Hope your gerbils are well. Lol.
  13. Albert Bouria Pfizer CEO speaking to WEF audience about his company’s latest wonderdrug…..‘It’s basically a biological chip. It is in the tablet and once you take the tablet it dissolves into your stomach and sends a signal that you took the tablet. So imagine the applications of that….compliance, insurance companies knowing that the medicine you should take has been taken. It’s fascinating what’s happening in this field’. Just the latest and one of the most frequently mocked previously in a long list of ‘tinfoil hat conspiracy theories’, or I’m guessing you’ve got another explanation….Blah blah blah.
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